Spell Energetics: How to Apply the concept of Herbal Energetics to your spell work

The four elements and the concepts of Energetics run consistently through the framework of much of the Western magic systems but it’s something that is often overlooked. Suppose rather than relegating the elements to something that we call upon ritualistically … Continued

Energy Update: October 2022

posted in: Astrology, Eclipses, Energy Update | 0

October is a “7” Universal Month [10 (October) +6 (2022) = 16 = 1+6 =7] in a “6” Universal Year. This will give us a preview of 2023 which will be a “7” universal year. The number “7” is the … Continued

Energy Update: September 2022

posted in: Astrology, Energy Update | 0

September is a “6” Universal Month [9 (September) + 6 (2022) = 15 = 1+5=6] in a “6” universal year. The number 6 is all about striving for balance and harmony and you will see this general energy reflected throughout … Continued

How I Celebrate the Harvest: Tomato Season, Part 2

At the end of August last year, I shared a post about the varying ways that I use the overabundance of tomatoes that inevitably flood into my life at the end of summer here in the Northeast. My partner and … Continued

Energy Update: Mercury Retrograde 08° Libra – 24° Virgo

posted in: Astrology, Energy Update | 0

We are quickly approaching our third (complete) Mercury retrograde cycle of the year. If you’ve been following my astrology writing for a while, you should recognize by now that I’m not into “blaming” your life on the stars or anything … Continued

Energy Update: August 2022

posted in: Astrology, Energy Update | 0

August is a “5” Universal Month [8 (August) + 6 (2022) = 14 = 1 +4 =5] in a “6” Universal Year.  In numerology, 5 is the number of changes and transformations, and we will see this play out astrologically … Continued

When Life Gives You Sour Cherries, 1: Cherry Jam

posted in: Harvest Recipes, Kitchen Magic | 0

The summer harvest is in full swing here in Southern New England. It was the very day that I pulled out my books on canning and preserving that my partner surprised me with two quarts of sour cherries that he … Continued