My Spring Garden: A beginning
To be a green witch is to exist deep in the cycle of life that has existed since the beginning of time – a cycle of life, of death, and of eventual rebirth. No two rebirths will ever be the … Continued
To be a green witch is to exist deep in the cycle of life that has existed since the beginning of time – a cycle of life, of death, and of eventual rebirth. No two rebirths will ever be the … Continued
Last night I was reading about the phenomena that is the shower orange. It is (somewhat surprisingly) exactly what you might imagine it to be – you bring an orange with you when you go to take a shower. For … Continued
Winter pesto is just what the doctor ordered!
Every January, my partner and I scurry-scurry off to the grocery store to buy pounds upon pounds of citrus fruits. We make nightly citrus-forward cocktails – Lemondrop martinis and whiskey sours – all the while joking that we must have … Continued
I’m not a Celtic witch but I visit St. Brigid’s Cemetery on the regular and the sun shines there brighter than anywhere else in town. Even when the rest of my walk is beautifully gray and dreary, at St. Brigid’s … Continued
Minx wanders into the woods looks for evergreens and finds more than she bargained for.
Future me and future you might forget the isolation of this year, but as it stands, in December of 2020, I haven’t gotten together with the entirety of my tiny coven since February. Last weekend, 3/5 of us got together … Continued