When Life Gives You Jewelweed, 1

As an intuitive witch, I strongly believe in working with the plants that are growing in your natural environment. It is a part of the covenant that I have made both with my spirits and the spirits of this land … Continued

The Cut & Clear: A Birthday Candle Ritual

posted in: Fire, Green Witchcraft, Ritual | 0

I’m a big fan of new beginnings. Every day can be a new start if you are ready for it to be though it always helps to include power days: a new moon, the first day of the season, or … Continued

Winemaking in Witchcraft – Part 1

Upon request of some people over on my Tumblr, I’ve decided to write a series on incorporating winemaking into your Kitchen Witch/Cottage Witch practice. My intention with this first post is to cover the basics: what is winemaking and how … Continued

House Magic and the Cancer New Moon

I’m getting excited about the new moon this coming Friday, July 9th at 09° Cancer. New Moon in Cancer is a moon homecoming, a peaceful pause after the intense energy of eclipse season. The energy is still high but what … Continued

Ways to Celebrate Midsummer For Solitary Witches and Small Covens

posted in: Fire, Solar Holidays | 0

I’m not much of a “wheel of the year” witch. But I am an astrologer and a witch and so I find both the Equinoxes and Solstice’s to be very meaningful moments in my life. Whether or not I do … Continued

Sea Magic: Connecting with and bringing home the ocean to use in your magic

posted in: Air, Sea Witchery, Water | 0

Maybe it is simply because I’m a New Englander and grew up in the nostalgia of mariner culture but it seems, to me, like more people want to be a Sea Witch than most other subtypes. And I get it. … Continued

Wildcrafting: Japanese Knotweed Cocktails

posted in: Green Witchcraft, Water, Wildcrafting | 0

First off and up front: I am NOT advocating for growing Japanese Knotweed.  It is an EXTREMELY invasive species in the American Northeast where I live.   Also, this post is made with the permission of my coven-mate Dora who has … Continued

On Deciphering Eclipse Magic & A Simple Ritual for the Blood Moon

posted in: Astrology, Fire, Full Moon, Ritual, Water | 0

Did I just say the dreaded “eclipse” word? Yes, weary souls, it is that time of year again. With the Taurus new moon passed, we are well on our way to our two eclipses – next week we will see … Continued

Wild Crafting: DIY Violet Syrup for Cocktails (and so much more!)

I suspect that I’m not the only Green Witch that had an aha moment at some point in my life that I could have been eating flowers THIS WHOLE TIME. I’ve experimented a lot with edible flowers in many forms … Continued

Evergreen Experiments: Making Eastern White Pine Vodka

In an effort to green my craft, I have been on the search for local and sustainable plant sources with properties related to spells that I already use. Enter Eastern White Pine. Not only is Eastern White Pine a powerhouse … Continued