Energy Update: May 2022

Numerologically, May is a 11/2 universal month [5 (May) + 6 (2022) = 11 = 1+1=2] in 6 universal year. Eleven is considered one of the master numbers – the repeating ones are a signal of heightened probability – something … Continued

Energy Update: December 2021

posted in: Astrology, Energy Update | 0

December is an “8” Universal month [12 (December) + 5 (2021) – 17 = 1+7 = 8] in a “5” Universal year (2+0+2+1=5).   We have come to the last month of the year with our frenetic fast-paced 5 energy … Continued

Simple Candle Magic for Eclipse Season 2021

posted in: Astrology, candle spells, Eclipses, Fire, Ritual | 0

Last week, I wrote about how to properly decipher the energies of an eclipsed moon so that you can work with it magically. This week, I want to continue this discussion by sharing with you a simple, bare-bones candle ritual … Continued

Demystifying the magic of working with eclipse energy

posted in: Astrology, Eclipses, Full Moon, New Moon, Ritual | 1

We are fast approaching eclipse season and I am already beginning to see the warnings show up across the witch universe. I assume that people who warn others against doing magic during the lunar and solar eclipses mean well but … Continued

Energy Update: June 2021, eclipse season, and Saturn square Uranus.

June is a “2” month (6+5=11, 1+1=2) – if 1 is the individual, 2 is a couple. Expect relationships, partnerships, and coupledoms in the widest definitions to be in the spotlight all month. Though this can be nice (it might … Continued

A Simple Banishment Ritual for the Dark Moon in Sagittarius

posted in: Air, Astrology, Dark Moon, Fire, Ritual | 0

As I sit here writing, it is Friday the 11th and we are sitting in the energy of the last waning moon of 2020. We are also a week away from the Great Conjunction (between Jupiter and Capricorn at 00° … Continued