Violet Experiments, 2022

May has been a long and winding month. As always happens when everything blooms at once, I ran out of time to do all of the things and, moreover, to write about all of the things. I’m feeling very behind … Continued

Celebrating Fat Tuesday with Fassionola Syrup and Hurricanes

posted in: Cocktails, Kitchen Magic | 1

As a kitchen witch, I love a good food holiday. There’s nothing quite like taking the time to spend a full day cooking for the people that you love – lovingly crafting a set of dishes from start to finish. … Continued

Wildcrafting: Japanese Knotweed Cocktails

posted in: Green Witchcraft, Water, Wildcrafting | 0

First off and up front: I am NOT advocating for growing Japanese Knotweed.  It is an EXTREMELY invasive species in the American Northeast where I live.   Also, this post is made with the permission of my coven-mate Dora who has … Continued

Citrus Magic for Kitchen Witchery

posted in: Green Witchcraft, Kitchen Magic | 0

Last night I was reading about the phenomena that is the shower orange. It is (somewhat surprisingly) exactly what you might imagine it to be – you bring an orange with you when you go to take a shower. For … Continued

I Made a Winter Syrup to Beat the January Blahs

Every January, my partner and I scurry-scurry off to the grocery store to buy pounds upon pounds of citrus fruits. We make nightly citrus-forward cocktails – Lemondrop martinis and whiskey sours – all the while joking that we must have … Continued