Kitchen Witchcraft: Orange Bitters for Health, Happiness, and Abundance

Here we are in dreary January (again). The days are short and there is nothing left but monochrome colors. All life seems to have been skimmed off of the world – or at least all of the serotonin. I’m SAD … Continued

When Life Gives You Sour Cherries, 1: Cherry Jam

posted in: Harvest Recipes, Kitchen Magic | 0

The summer harvest is in full swing here in Southern New England. It was the very day that I pulled out my books on canning and preserving that my partner surprised me with two quarts of sour cherries that he … Continued

Kitchen Magic: Chive Infused Vinegar

Chives are a wonderful but underused ally to the witch who works in the garden and in the kitchen. They are an easy herb to grow – far easier to manage than its other allium cousins, onion or garlic, and … Continued

Calendula Experiments: Calendula Tea

It’s Calendula season here in Southern New England and I’ve been eager to get to know this beautiful flower better. I first met Calendula in the fields of my CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm share. I was immediately enchanted by … Continued

Walk With Me: Old North Cemetery – Truro, MA

posted in: Momento Mori | 0

I have fallen in love with a cemetery (again). There were a bunch of cemeteries on route 6 heading out onto the outer Cape but Old North caught my immediate attention due to the overabundance of sakura trees. We headed … Continued

Violet Experiments, 2022

May has been a long and winding month. As always happens when everything blooms at once, I ran out of time to do all of the things and, moreover, to write about all of the things. I’m feeling very behind … Continued

Forsythia Experiments

For the past couple of weeks, my town and the surrounding area have been glowing with the bold yellow of the forsythia bush. As a lifelong New Englander, I grew up with forsythia as one of the first real signs … Continued