Energy Update: September 2022

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September is a “6” Universal Month [9 (September) + 6 (2022) = 15 = 1+5=6] in a “6” universal year. The number 6 is all about striving for balance and harmony and you will see this general energy reflected throughout … Continued

Energy Update: Mercury Retrograde 08° Libra – 24° Virgo

posted in: Astrology, Energy Update | 0

We are quickly approaching our third (complete) Mercury retrograde cycle of the year. If you’ve been following my astrology writing for a while, you should recognize by now that I’m not into “blaming” your life on the stars or anything … Continued

Surviving Mercury in Retrograde: September 2021

posted in: Astrology, Retroshade | 0

Early on Monday morning (at least here where I live on the East coast), Mercury stations retrograde at 25° Libra. Other than the seasonal shifts and full moons, this is the part of astrology that most often leeks into the … Continued

Energy Update: September 2021

posted in: Astrology, Energy Update | 0

Happy September! Numerologically, September is a 5 universal month [9 (September) + 5 (2021) = 14 = 1+4 = 5] in a 5 universal year. In numerology, the number 5 represents the pivotal moment in the middle of it all. … Continued