DIY Egg Candle Molds For New Beginnings

I’ve been working on my candlemaking skills for a while now with mitigating success but these are the easiest candles I have ever made. I really like these for all kinds of spring spell work. They would work perfectly for … Continued

Green Witchcraft Living Ward Spell

Note: I called this a green witch spell because it calls for caring for a living plant. That means providing it with the correct levels of light and water for its care. You do not have to call yourself a … Continued

Kitchen Witchcraft: Orange Bitters for Health, Happiness, and Abundance

Here we are in dreary January (again). The days are short and there is nothing left but monochrome colors. All life seems to have been skimmed off of the world – or at least all of the serotonin. I’m SAD … Continued

Spell Energetics: How to Apply the concept of Herbal Energetics to your spell work

The four elements and the concepts of Energetics run consistently through the framework of much of the Western magic systems but it’s something that is often overlooked. Suppose rather than relegating the elements to something that we call upon ritualistically … Continued

When Life Gives You Sour Cherries, 1: Cherry Jam

posted in: Harvest Recipes, Kitchen Magic | 0

The summer harvest is in full swing here in Southern New England. It was the very day that I pulled out my books on canning and preserving that my partner surprised me with two quarts of sour cherries that he … Continued

Kitchen Magic: Chive Infused Vinegar

Chives are a wonderful but underused ally to the witch who works in the garden and in the kitchen. They are an easy herb to grow – far easier to manage than its other allium cousins, onion or garlic, and … Continued