Making Evergreen Salve – forest bathing in a jar

Here in Southern New England, it’s easy to take the mighty evergreens for granted. The forest is, it exists on a very visceral level as a part of my green path, and the evergreens are the natural backbones of our … Continued

The Magic of Purple Deadnettle

posted in: Garden, Green Witchcraft | 0

Last Spring, I fell in love with the unassuming (and yet strikingly beautiful) Lamium Purpureum, otherwise known as Purple (or occasionally Red) Deadnettle. This wild forageable is considered a “weed” in many a yard and garden and yet has great … Continued

Thoughts on a Witch’s Garden in Early Spring

posted in: Garden, Green Witchcraft | 0

I am still deep in the watery depths of Pisces season and haven’t come up for air much over the past couple of weeks. Each day, even when cold (we’re still seeing occasional 30° days here in Southern New England), … Continued

On Change & Frozen Things: A Winter Walk in the New England Woods

posted in: Green Witchcraft, In the Woods | 0

What even is time?  I have spent this week deep in contemplation.  I have laughed and I have cried.  I have raged against what seems like the futility of it all.  Or maybe it is just January?  The ennui is … Continued

A Solitary Yule Kitchen Witch Ritual in a Solitary Year

Future me and future you might forget the isolation of this year, but as it stands, in December of 2020, I haven’t gotten together with the entirety of my tiny coven since February. Last weekend, 3/5 of us got together … Continued