Forsythia Experiments

For the past couple of weeks, my town and the surrounding area have been glowing with the bold yellow of the forsythia bush. As a lifelong New Englander, I grew up with forsythia as one of the first real signs … Continued

On The Spring Crocus (Crocus vernus)

posted in: Garden, Green Witchcraft | 0

A few words on the humble crocus. First of the flowers (at least around here in my neck of the woods). Though diminutive, crocus pack a big punch because they bring with them the first hints of the colors of … Continued

Wild Crafting: DIY Violet Syrup for Cocktails (and so much more!)

I suspect that I’m not the only Green Witch that had an aha moment at some point in my life that I could have been eating flowers THIS WHOLE TIME. I’ve experimented a lot with edible flowers in many forms … Continued

The Magic of the Snowdrop and a Free Book of Shadows Page

posted in: Garden, Green Witchcraft | 0

I’m not sure if I should be surprised that the tiny snowdrop – so seemingly unassuming – would have such a vast and interesting history. As well as being harnessed by modern medicine, the snow drop plant has been written … Continued