Energy Update: May 2022

Numerologically, May is a 11/2 universal month [5 (May) + 6 (2022) = 11 = 1+1=2] in 6 universal year. Eleven is considered one of the master numbers – the repeating ones are a signal of heightened probability – something … Continued

Demystifying the magic of working with eclipse energy

posted in: Astrology, Eclipses, Full Moon, New Moon, Ritual | 1

We are fast approaching eclipse season and I am already beginning to see the warnings show up across the witch universe. I assume that people who warn others against doing magic during the lunar and solar eclipses mean well but … Continued

Energy Update: June 2021, eclipse season, and Saturn square Uranus.

June is a “2” month (6+5=11, 1+1=2) – if 1 is the individual, 2 is a couple. Expect relationships, partnerships, and coupledoms in the widest definitions to be in the spotlight all month. Though this can be nice (it might … Continued

On Deciphering Eclipse Magic & A Simple Ritual for the Blood Moon

posted in: Astrology, Fire, Full Moon, Ritual, Water | 0

Did I just say the dreaded “eclipse” word? Yes, weary souls, it is that time of year again. With the Taurus new moon passed, we are well on our way to our two eclipses – next week we will see … Continued