DIY Egg Candle Molds For New Beginnings

I’ve been working on my candlemaking skills for a while now with mitigating success but these are the easiest candles I have ever made. I really like these for all kinds of spring spell work. They would work perfectly for … Continued

Green Witchcraft Living Ward Spell

Note: I called this a green witch spell because it calls for caring for a living plant. That means providing it with the correct levels of light and water for its care. You do not have to call yourself a … Continued

When Life Gives You Lemons: Clean it up with lemon-infused vinegar

Have you ever tried making your own cleaning vinegar? It is an easy way to add an extra step of intention to your cleansing magic with very minimal effort. Additionally, if you make it citrus-based, you can use all of … Continued

Celebrating the Autumnal Equinox, 2021

posted in: candle spells, Fire, Ritual, Solstice | 0

Happy Autumnal Equinox and Harvest Moon from my cottage to yours! Autumn is my favorite time of year and not even because it’s the Season of the Witch. I’m naturally quite enamored with times of change and there is nothing … Continued

In Search of the Mighty Monarch

posted in: Air, Garden, Green Witchcraft | 0

Some of my earliest fond memories from my childhood involve wading through chest-high milkweed in search of monarch caterpillars. I know it was in the house-by-the-lake so I was younger than nine. My mother was teaching an elementary school class … Continued

When Life Gives You Jewelweed, 1

As an intuitive witch, I strongly believe in working with the plants that are growing in your natural environment. It is a part of the covenant that I have made both with my spirits and the spirits of this land … Continued

House Magic and the Cancer New Moon

I’m getting excited about the new moon this coming Friday, July 9th at 09° Cancer. New Moon in Cancer is a moon homecoming, a peaceful pause after the intense energy of eclipse season. The energy is still high but what … Continued