Green Witchcraft Living Ward Spell

Note: I called this a green witch spell because it calls for caring for a living plant. That means providing it with the correct levels of light and water for its care. You do not have to call yourself a … Continued

When Life Gives You Lemons: Clean it up with lemon-infused vinegar

Have you ever tried making your own cleaning vinegar? It is an easy way to add an extra step of intention to your cleansing magic with very minimal effort. Additionally, if you make it citrus-based, you can use all of … Continued

Celebrating the Autumnal Equinox, 2021

posted in: candle spells, Fire, Ritual, Solstice | 0

Happy Autumnal Equinox and Harvest Moon from my cottage to yours! Autumn is my favorite time of year and not even because it’s the Season of the Witch. I’m naturally quite enamored with times of change and there is nothing … Continued

A Solitary Yule Kitchen Witch Ritual in a Solitary Year

Future me and future you might forget the isolation of this year, but as it stands, in December of 2020, I haven’t gotten together with the entirety of my tiny coven since February. Last weekend, 3/5 of us got together … Continued