Kitchen Witchcraft: Orange Bitters for Health, Happiness, and Abundance

Here we are in dreary January (again). The days are short and there is nothing left but monochrome colors. All life seems to have been skimmed off of the world – or at least all of the serotonin. I’m SAD … Continued

How I Celebrate the Harvest: Tomato Season, Part 2

At the end of August last year, I shared a post about the varying ways that I use the overabundance of tomatoes that inevitably flood into my life at the end of summer here in the Northeast. My partner and … Continued

Violet Experiments, 2022

May has been a long and winding month. As always happens when everything blooms at once, I ran out of time to do all of the things and, moreover, to write about all of the things. I’m feeling very behind … Continued

Celebrating Fat Tuesday with Fassionola Syrup and Hurricanes

posted in: Cocktails, Kitchen Magic | 1

As a kitchen witch, I love a good food holiday. There’s nothing quite like taking the time to spend a full day cooking for the people that you love – lovingly crafting a set of dishes from start to finish. … Continued

Winemaking in Witchcraft – 2021 Strawberry Wine

Last night, my coven mate Dora and I bottled the strawberry wine that we started as part of our Midsummer celebrations last June. Winemaking is a long-standing part of our personal practice – there is something so inherently magical (dare … Continued

Wildcrafting: Japanese Knotweed Cocktails

posted in: Green Witchcraft, Water, Wildcrafting | 0

First off and up front: I am NOT advocating for growing Japanese Knotweed.  It is an EXTREMELY invasive species in the American Northeast where I live.   Also, this post is made with the permission of my coven-mate Dora who has … Continued

Wild Crafting: DIY Violet Syrup for Cocktails (and so much more!)

I suspect that I’m not the only Green Witch that had an aha moment at some point in my life that I could have been eating flowers THIS WHOLE TIME. I’ve experimented a lot with edible flowers in many forms … Continued