When Life Gives You Lemons: Clean it up with lemon-infused vinegar

Have you ever tried making your own cleaning vinegar? It is an easy way to add an extra step of intention to your cleansing magic with very minimal effort. Additionally, if you make it citrus-based, you can use all of … Continued

Sea Magic: Connecting with and bringing home the ocean to use in your magic

posted in: Air, Sea Witchery, Water | 0

Maybe it is simply because I’m a New Englander and grew up in the nostalgia of mariner culture but it seems, to me, like more people want to be a Sea Witch than most other subtypes. And I get it. … Continued

On Deciphering Eclipse Magic & A Simple Ritual for the Blood Moon

posted in: Astrology, Fire, Full Moon, Ritual, Water | 0

Did I just say the dreaded “eclipse” word? Yes, weary souls, it is that time of year again. With the Taurus new moon passed, we are well on our way to our two eclipses – next week we will see … Continued