Green Witchcraft Living Ward Spell

Note: I called this a green witch spell because it calls for caring for a living plant. That means providing it with the correct levels of light and water for its care. You do not have to call yourself a … Continued

My Witchy Journey: A Snapshot of my Week – February 2022

All best-laid plans come tumbling down sometimes and I need to learn to be okay with that. I had a lot of ideas for my weekly blog update but none of them are quite gelling together at the moment. This … Continued

Simple Yule Magic and a Year in Review

With the dawning of December, this blog turned 1. One year of magic, learning to write about it and sharing it with a greater audience. This is something that my guides demanded of me, but also something that I knew … Continued

Bayberry Candles – American Folk Magic

If you’ve been around for a while, you may have picked up that I have been looking to localize my craft. I have found that a lot of modern magic is very Eurocentric which doesn’t make a whole lot of … Continued

How to create a simple spell to help manage the energy of the Venus retrograde

posted in: Astrology, Retroshade, Ritual | 0

Is it the most wonderful time of the year, or is Venus about to go retrograde?!? Here we are again, facing off with the prospect of yet another personal planet retrograde. Venus, our planet of love, money, and what feels … Continued

Simple Candle Magic for Eclipse Season 2021

posted in: Astrology, candle spells, Eclipses, Fire, Ritual | 0

Last week, I wrote about how to properly decipher the energies of an eclipsed moon so that you can work with it magically. This week, I want to continue this discussion by sharing with you a simple, bare-bones candle ritual … Continued

Taking back Friday the 13th with a simple luck spell

posted in: candle spells, Fire, Ritual | 0

Magic, at its core, lies in its simplicity firstly, and then, and only then, in its complexity. As a group, we ascribe things with meaning and it is so. We do not believe any differently because we do not know … Continued

The Cut & Clear: A Birthday Candle Ritual

posted in: Fire, Green Witchcraft, Ritual | 0

I’m a big fan of new beginnings. Every day can be a new start if you are ready for it to be though it always helps to include power days: a new moon, the first day of the season, or … Continued

A Solitary Yule Kitchen Witch Ritual in a Solitary Year

Future me and future you might forget the isolation of this year, but as it stands, in December of 2020, I haven’t gotten together with the entirety of my tiny coven since February. Last weekend, 3/5 of us got together … Continued