On Divine Timing and When to Cast Spells

posted in: Astrology, Spellcrafting | 0

There’s an old Chinese proverb that goes “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”   When people ask me about timing and spellwork, this proverb always comes to mind.   In a very … Continued

To All of the Mercury Retrograde Rituals I’ve Loved Before

Unless you’ve been hiding with your head in the sand, you are likely aware that Mercury, our planet of communication, technology, and travel, goes retrograde at 10° Aquarius this Friday. I wrote about the specifics of this retrograde here and … Continued

How to create a simple spell to help manage the energy of the Venus retrograde

posted in: Astrology, Retroshade, Ritual | 0

Is it the most wonderful time of the year, or is Venus about to go retrograde?!? Here we are again, facing off with the prospect of yet another personal planet retrograde. Venus, our planet of love, money, and what feels … Continued

Demystifying the magic of working with eclipse energy

posted in: Astrology, Eclipses, Full Moon, New Moon, Ritual | 1

We are fast approaching eclipse season and I am already beginning to see the warnings show up across the witch universe. I assume that people who warn others against doing magic during the lunar and solar eclipses mean well but … Continued

Ways to Celebrate Midsummer For Solitary Witches and Small Covens

posted in: Fire, Solar Holidays | 0

I’m not much of a “wheel of the year” witch. But I am an astrologer and a witch and so I find both the Equinoxes and Solstice’s to be very meaningful moments in my life. Whether or not I do … Continued