Energy Update: August 2022
August is a “5” Universal Month [8 (August) + 6 (2022) = 14 = 1 +4 =5] in a “6” Universal Year. In numerology, 5 is the number of changes and transformations, and we will see this play out astrologically … Continued
When Life Gives You Sour Cherries, 1: Cherry Jam
The summer harvest is in full swing here in Southern New England. It was the very day that I pulled out my books on canning and preserving that my partner surprised me with two quarts of sour cherries that he … Continued
Kitchen Magic: Chive Infused Vinegar
Chives are a wonderful but underused ally to the witch who works in the garden and in the kitchen. They are an easy herb to grow – far easier to manage than its other allium cousins, onion or garlic, and … Continued
Energy Update: July 2022
July is a 13/4 (7 (July) + 6 (2022) = 13 = 1+3 = 4) Universal Month in a 6 Universal Year. Numerologically 4 is a number of solidification and order – in general, 4 months lend themselves towards processes, … Continued
How I (didn’t) Midsummer This Year and a fun banishing cocktail with black pepper syrup
Midsummer came a week early this year because my bestie is going to be on an airplane for most of the day today. We did “our” thing – meeting up at ten in the morning to wander over to a … Continued
Calendula Experiments: Calendula Tea
It’s Calendula season here in Southern New England and I’ve been eager to get to know this beautiful flower better. I first met Calendula in the fields of my CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm share. I was immediately enchanted by … Continued
Walk With Me: Old North Cemetery – Truro, MA
I have fallen in love with a cemetery (again). There were a bunch of cemeteries on route 6 heading out onto the outer Cape but Old North caught my immediate attention due to the overabundance of sakura trees. We headed … Continued
Energy Update: June 2022
June is a 12/3 (6 (June) + 6 (2022) = 12 = 1+2 =3) Universal Month in a 6 Universal Year. In numerology, 3 is the number of creation and togetherness; three is a number that brings to mind all … Continued
Violet Experiments, 2022
May has been a long and winding month. As always happens when everything blooms at once, I ran out of time to do all of the things and, moreover, to write about all of the things. I’m feeling very behind … Continued
Forsythia Experiments
For the past couple of weeks, my town and the surrounding area have been glowing with the bold yellow of the forsythia bush. As a lifelong New Englander, I grew up with forsythia as one of the first real signs … Continued