Energy Update: February 2025
February is a “2” Universal Month [2 (February) + 9 (2025) = 11 = 1+1 = 2] in a “9” Universal Year. Two is often a decision number; as we move down the path, we find a fork in the … Continued
February is a “2” Universal Month [2 (February) + 9 (2025) = 11 = 1+1 = 2] in a “9” Universal Year. Two is often a decision number; as we move down the path, we find a fork in the … Continued
Have you ever tried making your own cleaning vinegar? It is an easy way to add an extra step of intention to your cleansing magic with very minimal effort. Additionally, if you make it citrus-based, you can use all of … Continued
The more that I explore botanicals and how they relate to witchcraft, the more convinced I am in consuming my magic. Sure, a good candle spell will solve a lot of problems but candle magic takes time. A candle spell … Continued
Gray and I ran away to Cape Cod on Saturday to try and harvest some of the wild forageables that we had scoped out throughout the year and I thought that I could take you all along for the ride. … Continued
Upon request of some people over on my Tumblr, I’ve decided to write a series on incorporating winemaking into your Kitchen Witch/Cottage Witch practice. My intention with this first post is to cover the basics: what is winemaking and how … Continued
I’m getting excited about the new moon this coming Friday, July 9th at 09° Cancer. New Moon in Cancer is a moon homecoming, a peaceful pause after the intense energy of eclipse season. The energy is still high but what … Continued
Maybe it is simply because I’m a New Englander and grew up in the nostalgia of mariner culture but it seems, to me, like more people want to be a Sea Witch than most other subtypes. And I get it. … Continued
First off and up front: I am NOT advocating for growing Japanese Knotweed. It is an EXTREMELY invasive species in the American Northeast where I live. Also, this post is made with the permission of my coven-mate Dora who has … Continued
Did I just say the dreaded “eclipse” word? Yes, weary souls, it is that time of year again. With the Taurus new moon passed, we are well on our way to our two eclipses – next week we will see … Continued
I’m not a Celtic witch but I visit St. Brigid’s Cemetery on the regular and the sun shines there brighter than anywhere else in town. Even when the rest of my walk is beautifully gray and dreary, at St. Brigid’s … Continued