Winemaking in Witchcraft – 2021 Strawberry Wine

Last night, my coven mate Dora and I bottled the strawberry wine that we started as part of our Midsummer celebrations last June. Winemaking is a long-standing part of our personal practice – there is something so inherently magical (dare … Continued

My Witchy Journey: A Snapshot of my Week – February 2022

All best-laid plans come tumbling down sometimes and I need to learn to be okay with that. I had a lot of ideas for my weekly blog update but none of them are quite gelling together at the moment. This … Continued

Simple Yule Magic and a Year in Review

With the dawning of December, this blog turned 1. One year of magic, learning to write about it and sharing it with a greater audience. This is something that my guides demanded of me, but also something that I knew … Continued

Ways to Celebrate Midsummer For Solitary Witches and Small Covens

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I’m not much of a “wheel of the year” witch. But I am an astrologer and a witch and so I find both the Equinoxes and Solstice’s to be very meaningful moments in my life. Whether or not I do … Continued

A Solar Ritual for the Leo full moon & Brigid’s Day

I’m not a Celtic witch but I visit St. Brigid’s Cemetery on the regular and the sun shines there brighter than anywhere else in town.   Even when the rest of my walk is beautifully gray and dreary, at St. Brigid’s … Continued