The Magic of Purple Deadnettle

posted in: Garden, Green Witchcraft | 0

Last Spring, I fell in love with the unassuming (and yet strikingly beautiful) Lamium Purpureum, otherwise known as Purple (or occasionally Red) Deadnettle. This wild forageable is considered a “weed” in many a yard and garden and yet has great … Continued

The Magic of the Snowdrop and a Free Book of Shadows Page

posted in: Garden, Green Witchcraft | 0

I’m not sure if I should be surprised that the tiny snowdrop – so seemingly unassuming – would have such a vast and interesting history. As well as being harnessed by modern medicine, the snow drop plant has been written … Continued

Thoughts on a Witch’s Garden in Early Spring

posted in: Garden, Green Witchcraft | 0

I am still deep in the watery depths of Pisces season and haven’t come up for air much over the past couple of weeks. Each day, even when cold (we’re still seeing occasional 30° days here in Southern New England), … Continued