Kitchen Magic: Chive Infused Vinegar

Chives are a wonderful but underused ally to the witch who works in the garden and in the kitchen. They are an easy herb to grow – far easier to manage than its other allium cousins, onion or garlic, and … Continued

Violet Experiments, 2022

May has been a long and winding month. As always happens when everything blooms at once, I ran out of time to do all of the things and, moreover, to write about all of the things. I’m feeling very behind … Continued

On The Spring Crocus (Crocus vernus)

posted in: Garden, Green Witchcraft | 0

A few words on the humble crocus. First of the flowers (at least around here in my neck of the woods). Though diminutive, crocus pack a big punch because they bring with them the first hints of the colors of … Continued

My Witch Garden (2021)

posted in: Garden, Green Witchcraft | 0

Yesterday we experienced a Christmas ice storm. After the worst of it ended, I stepped outside with my camera to capture the effects of it in my tiny corner garden. To my absolute delight, all of my plants and trees … Continued

In Search of the Mighty Monarch

posted in: Air, Garden, Green Witchcraft | 0

Some of my earliest fond memories from my childhood involve wading through chest-high milkweed in search of monarch caterpillars. I know it was in the house-by-the-lake so I was younger than nine. My mother was teaching an elementary school class … Continued

When Life Gives You Jewelweed, 1

As an intuitive witch, I strongly believe in working with the plants that are growing in your natural environment. It is a part of the covenant that I have made both with my spirits and the spirits of this land … Continued

Wild Crafting: DIY Violet Syrup for Cocktails (and so much more!)

I suspect that I’m not the only Green Witch that had an aha moment at some point in my life that I could have been eating flowers THIS WHOLE TIME. I’ve experimented a lot with edible flowers in many forms … Continued