Energy Update: November 2021

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November is a 7 Universal month [11 (November) + 5 (2021) =16 = 1+6 = 7] in a 5 universal year. The 7 energy supports inner wisdom, truth seekers, and all who wish to pursue the mysteries in life – … Continued

Energy Update: Scorpio Season

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Yesterday we entered Scorpio season – Happy birthday Scorpios who are some of my favorite people on this earth! Scorpio season always drags us down into the deep trenches of our psyche – as the fixed water sign, Scorpio can … Continued

Energy Update: Venus in Scorpio 2021

posted in: Astrology, Energy Update | 1

Tomorrow afternoon Venus enters Scorpio where she will remain until 10/07. Here we see the herald of this upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle and the deep nadir of retrograde season. Pack your scuba gear, shit is about to go deep. How … Continued

Energy Update: September 2021

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Happy September! Numerologically, September is a 5 universal month [9 (September) + 5 (2021) = 14 = 1+4 = 5] in a 5 universal year. In numerology, the number 5 represents the pivotal moment in the middle of it all. … Continued

Energy Update: August 2021

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Happy August! August is a 4 Universal month (8 (August) + 5 (2021) = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4) in a 5 universal year. With both Venus and Mars currently transiting Virgo, the energy is strong this month … Continued

Energy Update: July 2021

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July starts out with a bang as our ongoing t-square between Mars in Leo, Saturn in Aquarius, and Uranus in Taurus goes exact on 7/1 and 7/3. The Saturn-Uranus square is the energy we will have to deal with all … Continued

Energy Update: June 2021, eclipse season, and Saturn square Uranus.

June is a “2” month (6+5=11, 1+1=2) – if 1 is the individual, 2 is a couple. Expect relationships, partnerships, and coupledoms in the widest definitions to be in the spotlight all month. Though this can be nice (it might … Continued

Energy Update: Pluto retrograde, April 2021

posted in: Astrology, Energy Update, Solstice | 0

My favorite astrologer Stephen Arroyo uses the term “double whammy” for when you see a repeating pattern in astrology that further accentuates certain energy. That is what is going on this week – we are getting a pretty intense double … Continued