February is a “2” Universal Month [2 (February) + 9 (2025) = 11 = 1+1 = 2] in a “9” Universal Year. Two is often a decision number; as we move down the path, we find a fork in the road and face our first choices. This is consistent with the astrological transits of the month; our personal planets are marching ever closer to the divide between 29° Pisces and 00° Aries – THE degree of the year. What we do now matters, but we may not know why yet.
The Set Up
We begin the month with the Sun, Mercury, and Pluto in Aquarius; Venus, Saturn, Neptune, and the North Node in Pisces; retrograde Mars in Cancer; retrograde Jupiter in Gemini; and Uranus in Taurus. By month’s end, the Sun and Mercury will have moved into Pisces and Venus into Aries. Additionally, Mars and Jupiter will have stationed direct.
The Nitty Gritty
Aspect-wise, this is a pretty sparse month, but what we do see packs a pretty big punch. Mars is rounding out the end of his retrograde cycle (thank the gods), but both Mercury and Venus will retrograde in the months ahead. In fact, Venus is already in her pre-retrograde shadow as she moves through Pisces and Aries all month long. This month can be seen as a bit of a setup for what is to come in March, April, and May as each planet inches forward toward its inevitable conjunction to 00° Aries. I have written about this as the conjunction of the year here, so I won’t go into a lot of detail about it, but I will make reference to it.
Mars has been in the spotlight since he began his retrograde journey at 17° Cancer on 12/6. This month, he makes the last legs of his trip before stationing direct on 2/23. We are deep in the weeds of Mars in Cancer now, which is unfortunate because Mars is at his fall in the cardinal water sign. A planet is considered in its fall when it is the opposing sign to that of its exaltation (here, Capricorn); this is an indication that the sign’s natural aptitudes are in misalignment with the nature of the planet.
Cancer is the sign of the crab, and as a cardinal/moving sign, it moves like a crab – sideways, zigzagging toward its targets. This movement is highly inefficient; once Cancer grabs on, it holds on for dear life. Cancer types like the world to believe they are a moveable sign – they carry their homes on their backs, after all! – but often, they are so obsessed with what has already happened that they forget to look forward to the future. Cancer naturally rules the 4th house, the nadir of the horoscope wheel, the natural domain of the past – our childhoods and family setups. All Cancer types must watch out for false nostalgia or adherence to a perfect memory that doesn’t fit the world as it is now.
I want to be clear here that I am not trying to throw Cancer under the bus: every sign has positive and negative traits associated with it. It’s Cancer’s job to REMEMBER the past; it’s a challenging task, and someone has got to do it. The problem comes when Cancer gets STUCK in the past. This problem is because Mars moves backward in the sign most obsessed with the past.
I shouldn’t need to point out the obvious parallels between this astrological transit and what is going on with US politics right now. What I can do is allow a broad view: sometimes, we need to return to review the past because someone has not yet learned their lessons. This is always very triggering for those out ahead of the pack. Nobody wants to stop for the slowpoke, least of all Mars.
One of the things that the study of astrological transits teaches us is that we often need to take three steps forward and then two steps back. This is the nature of retrograde cycles; they allow us a broader viewpoint as we retrace the degrees of the horoscope where we have recently been. These should be seen as a cosmic lesson – for society and sometimes for our personal lives. This is true of all planetary retrogrades, but it holds doubly true when a planet retrogrades back through Cancer, the sign that remembers.
We are in the thick of it now, and this is often when retrogrades feel their very worst. It is obvious who has their eyes wide open and is paying attention and who has chosen to hide their heads in the sand to play pretend. Not everyone wants or cares to change. This can be one of the most challenging realities to face.
Because Cancer lives at least partially in the past, they can be among the last to change. Often, they hold on with their crabby hands as if their lives depend on it. When Mars is retrograde in the sign of the crab, everyone is a little bit more reticent to see their part of the problem. Because the crab is so often thwarted (in that others want change while they want to cling to what they know and the comfort that brings), they frequently resort to emotional manipulation.
Think of the myth of the good old days when things were “simpler.” Think of the parent that demands you obey because you owe them. Life isn’t tit for tat – some obligations cannot be repaid. We cannot go backward; the past is done. We must grapple with these things as we move through the last month of this rough retrograde cycle.
Mars only makes one significant aspect this month, a trine to Saturn in Pisces on 2/9. I expect the days around this to carry the weight of these retrograde burdens, as Mars and Saturn are traditionally considered malefic planets. Whatever needs to be shaken loose will undoubtedly fall apart during this time, but it won’t be pretty. Expect the worst, and hope for the best. Sometimes, things NEED to fall apart.
It’s a scant comfort when shit is hitting the fan, of course.
As Mars exits its retrograde at 17° Cancer on 2/23, Mercury in Pisces is in a watery trine to help sort out the pieces. Verbally, if possible. Talk things out in your personal life on or after the 23rd, and take real actionable steps to rectify any situations that have come up since December. Remember that it will be another two months before Mars is out of his post-retrograde shadow, so things will continue to arise for re-evaluation.
The Lights: The Sun and the Moon
As the Sun moves through Aquarius, it will conjunct Mercury at 20° on 2/9 and square Uranus on 2/11. (Mercury squares Uranus on 2/10 on the day in between). This is our big Ah-Ha moment for the month. If you’re into truth-seeking or truth-revealing, these are the days to work with. Anytime the Sun squares Uranus, the chances of sudden changes go up, and so long as Uranus is in Taurus, the chances of natural disasters also increase. Uranus is the lightning strike on the Tower card in the tarot; it is unexpected and generally unavoidable. Take that as you will.
Our full moon at 24° Leo on 2/12 forms a t-square to Uranus in Taurus; this will be a high-energy day. Expect the unexpected. Uranus tends to turn the energy up to 11, which will heighten the intensity of our full moon, which is already quite intense. If you’re sensitive, you may need to take steps to discharge the excess – whether through physical movement or grounding. Do what works for you, of course. It’s worth noting that Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius; this is a great day to do magic for activism or anything that affects the greater good of society as a whole, the domain of Aquarius.
Our Leo Full Moon is a 7/9 Full Moon.
5 (Leo Moon) + 11 (Aquarius Sun) = 16 = 1+6 = 7.
7 (Leo full Moon) + 2 (February 2025) = 9.
You can work with the number 7 to seek the best for everyone or the number 9 to represent endings and completions. Note here that 2025 is a “9” Universal year, so this number is further highlighted during this time. The combination of these two numbers makes it a great day to Hex the Patriarchy or do other magic to end the influence of the current administration.
As our Sun enters Pisces on 2/18, we enter the last astrological month of the year. There’s a lot of pressure to wrap things up before spring when the Sun crests 00° Aries and our hot-point degree of the year. Pisces carries a lot of dark moon energy naturally as it rules the 12th house of the unconscious, which goes doubly for this year. Pisces is also the new home of our North Node, which is already conjunct with Saturn and Neptune at the other end of the sign.
The lunar nodes indicate where our eclipses will occur, so we may begin to taste eclipse season on the horizon, but we need to get through our new moon at 09° Pisces on 2/27 first.
This solar-lunar conjunction makes a wide stellium with Saturn, whose sitting eleven degrees away at 21°, so fate may be hanging heavily in the air. This is triply dark moon energy: firstly from the natural lack of lunar light, secondly from the nature of the Pisces new moon/12th house, and thirdly because it is the last lunar event before our upcoming eclipse season. If you are in that hole, know you are right on time.
Our Pisces New Moon is a 6/8 New Moon.
12 (Pisces Moon) + 12 (Pisces Sun) = 24 = 2+4 = 6.
6 (Pisces New Moon) + 2 (February 2025) = 8.
With 8 energy in play, expect to experience the highest highs and the lowest lows, perhaps both almost at the same time as one another. Eight is the number of the ouroboros and the infinity sign; you can work with either of these symbols during this time to help move through the energy rather than getting stuck in it. This is the perfect lunar event for shadow work, divination, and anything you want to do unseen or in the dark.
The Lunar Nodes
It is worth noting the recent movement of our lunar nodes, who passed from the axis of Aries-Libra to the axis of Pisces-Virgo in January. The nodes are not physical bodies in our skies but mathematical points that indicate where the Sun, Moon, and Earth need to be in the skies to create our solar and lunar eclipses. They are always read as a pair: the North Node (traditionally the Head of the Dragon) is our point of forward-facing fate, the area of life society as a whole will need to focus on, and our South Node (traditionally the Tail of the Dragon) is the point of past-facing fate, the area of life we are moving away from as a collective.
Because we are entering Pisces season at the end of February, we can discern that our first eclipse season is on the horizon. This will be mixed-sign eclipses. As the lunar nodes are still on the cusp of the signs, we will experience a lunar eclipse in Virgo and a solar eclipse in Aries in March.
As we exit our new moon on 2/27, the energy leading up to our set of eclipses will rise. This tends to create much tension; this should be viewed as business as usual. I will speak more about our upcoming eclipses soon.
As Mercury moves through Aquarius, they trine retrograde Jupiter in Gemini on 2/3, a check-in on our luck. Mercury is the native ruler of Gemini, but Jupiter is quite unhappy there (both in its retrograde and fall). Jupiter has been out of commission for a while now, and it’s starting to show. When you can’t rely on Jupiter, you must make your own luck. Mercury is a trickster, after all. This is a concept worth exploring at the beginning of the month.
Mercury passes across the boundaries of the Sun on 2/9, a position often known as Mercury Cazimi or Mercury combust. Traditional astrologers believed that the Sun overpowered the nature of Mercury, and times of Mercury combustion created slow, unintelligent types. I will say that I was born with Mercury conjunct to the Sun within 1 degree, and it is obvious how wordy I am. Mercury cazimi is a reminder that we are coming up fast on our first Mercury retrograde of the year, which will go from 09° Aries to 25° Pisces in March. Stay tuned for that, as it will coincide with Venus’s retrograde over almost exactly the same degrees – this is the big meat of our spring season.
As Mercury crosses over the Sun, it also squares Uranus in Taurus – Uranus is often believed to be the higher octave of Mercury. Where Mercury is thought, Uranus is pure inspiration. Stay open to whatever channels are available to you during this time. This will be a great day for writers, inventors, artists, and diviners.
On 2/14, Mercury enters Pisces, the sign of Mercury’s fall, as it is the opposite sign of one Mercury rules (Virgo). We might need to watch out for how we speak about ourselves and others during this time. Are we being truthful? Are we being kind? Mercury is concerned with precision in Virgo, and Pisces – ruled by the amorphous Neptune- is anything but. Sometimes, it is good to blur the lines, but often, Mercury in Pisces goes too far. Note here that Mercury’s retrograde will include the end of Pisces, the sign of its fall, and Venus will be in her fall while she is in Aries – and Mars is in his fall while retrograding through Cancer.
This is a hint that none of us are at our best.
Maybe we need to judge less and accept ourselves for where we are.
As Mercury moves into Pisces, they square Jupiter on 2/20 – again, we may feel out of time (Mercury) and out of luck (Jupiter). There may be nothing that we can do about it (mutable square), but people may want to cry about it (Mercury in Pisces). Acceptance isn’t easy, but it can help make sense of our lives.
As we round out the month, Mercury in Pisces trines retrograde Mars on the day he stations direct and then conjuncts Saturn on 2/25. There are consequences here. We must admit what we have done so that we can move forward.
As mentioned above, Venus is the vanguard of all of our planets that will enter 00° Aries this year – she does so for the first time on 2/4. Circle that date in your calendar; it’s an important one. You may not note it as important this time around (on Venus’s first pass), but what is coming up now is going to come back around again at least two more times through Venus’s retrograde and possibly more as the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Neptune also cross this degree.
Happy spring a little bit early. Except it’s not yet spring, and nobody is particularly happy about anything. Venus is in her fall in the cardinal fire sign of Aries because Aries is the opposite sign of her dominion, Libra. Venus naturally desires to play nice, smooth things over, and generally get along, while Aries is the sign of forging ahead, whatever the cost. Unless modified by a lot of watery energy, Aries types don’t tend to give any shits about fitting in or playing nice. It is just their way. This costs Venus many of her best traits, and she loses her softer edges.
What if we aren’t supposed to have these soft edges during this time? What if we all need to be a bit tougher, if we need to lean into what we believe and STAND UP for it? That is what Venus in Aries does best – she is, by her nature, virtually fearless.
Keep in mind that we are already in Venus’s pre-retrograde shadow. This means that every degree she moves across this month will be retraced, in total, three times. She won’t move more than thirteen degrees from where she is on 2/1 until 4/16 when she exits her post-retrograde shadow. This means that through a wide enough lens, she will carry the stellium with Neptune and the North Node all the way through from 2/1 to 4/16 for 75 days. In this time, the Sun will move through this stellium, and Mercury and Saturn will join it for their own retrograde cycles.
By weight, number of days in these degrees, and number of passes, Saturn certainly is the heavyweight here, but Venus is no slouch. Remember that, along with Mars, she is one of the two planets that governs how we all get along. Things might start to heat up (metaphorically) as she enters Aries early in February, and then she retrogrades and brings this heat back into Pisces, which might bring things to a true and for-real boil.
I don’t say this to scare you, but we should all be prepared. From 12/6 to 4/12, all three of our personal planets will have retrogrades one after another. There is no getting along to be found or had. It won’t be pretty or fun.
Set your expectations low, understanding that we are in the lead-up to this all month long. Venus retrogrades on 3/1 (also the day Mercury enters their pre-retrograde shadow at 25° Pisces), so the closer we get to March, the more apparent it might become that things aren’t very copacetic. If you can’t make heads or tails of other people – even your very closest – know that you are right on time. Venus slows down to a near standstill at the month’s end, holding 10° Aries for an abnormally long time; this is going to feel like absolute shit – especially to anyone with a personal planet on or around 10° in any of the cardinal or fire signs.
There’s just not much we can do about this except bear it.
After a very uncomfortable retrograde in the sign of its fall, Jupiter stations direct at 11° Gemini on 2/4, the beginning of a better day. Jupiter will move out of Gemini (finally) and into Cancer later this year – look forward to that. Our luck will return, slowly.
Looking Ahead
March is going to be a shit show; there’s no way around it. Venus retrogrades on 3/1, and Mercury follows soon afterward – the two are retrograding in nearly identical ways – Venus from 10° Aries to 24° Pisces and Mercury from 09° Aries to 25° Pisces. It’s going to be a rough one/two punch. And that’s before we even consider eclipse season with a total lunar eclipse in Virgo and a partial solar eclipse in Aries that will form a stellium with the Sun, the Moon, and retrograde Mercury. retrograde Venus, Saturn, Neptune, and the North Node. Yep, it’s a lot. Stay tuned.
The Details
2/1 – Venus conjunct Neptune 27° Pisces
2/3 – Mercury in Aquarius trine retrograde Jupiter in Gemini, retrograde Mars in Cancer square Chiron in Aries, Venus conjunct North Node 29° Pisces
2/4 – Venus enters Aries, Jupiter stations direct 11° Gemini
2/7 – Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius, Neptune conjunct the North Node 28° Pisces
2/8 – Sun in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries, Mercury in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries
2/9 – Sun conjunct Mercury 20° Aquarius, retrograde Mars trine Saturn in Pisces
2/10 – Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus
2/11 – Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus
2/12 – Full Moon 24° Leo
2/14 – Mercury enters Pisces
2/18 – Sun enters Pisces
2/20 – Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini
2/23 – Mercury in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer, Mars stations direct 17° Cancer
2/25 – Mercury conjunct Saturn 20° Pisces
2/27 – New moon 09° Pisces