Note: All dates are in EST/EDT
2025 is a “9” Universal Year. [2+0+2+5=9] Nine is the number of completions and the ending of cycles. 9 is significant because all the other numbers, when added to 9, become themselves again. [1+9 = 10 = 1+0 = 1 and so forth]. This is the mystery of numerology; after 9, the cycle begins anew. Depending on where you fall in your life, you may experience 9 years as intense endings or new beginnings. They are one and the same, though we often cleave so strongly to one that we forget to recognize the other.
The yearly transits support this, as we see many major planetary transitions. This big deal of the year is the switchover of our lunar nodes in late January from the Aries-Libra axis to Pisces-Virgo and Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all changing signs. Because all five of our outermost planets changed signs recently (Pluto in late November), these planets will hold strong aspects to one another, starting during the summer and stretching through the rest of 2025.
This puts a lot of pressure on the cusps between signs. As our personal planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) move across our skies, they will periodically meet these pressure points. Things will change fast all year long, and it will be our job to flow with these changes as well as we can.
Note: I’ve included major planetary aspects, lunar events, and planetary ingresses for the first time this year. This is meant to be a list of astrological events that are useful for magical purposes. Unusual or compelling events are bolded for emphasis. For example: our Sun, Mercury, and Venus move quickly through the signs, so their movement is not considered unusual but is always useful magically. Conversely, an eclipse or outer planet ingress are significant events that hold special significance. I only included conjuncts, oppositions, squares, and grand trines in this list. It is not a list of all astrological aspects for the year and should not be considered as such.
January is a “1” Universal Month. [1 (January) + 9 (2025) = 10 = 1+0 = 1]. 1 is the number of beginnings. Because January carries natural 1 energy, this is highly auspicious for setting intentions and finding a new path forward. It’s worth remembering as we enter the new year that Mars is still retrograde, working its way backward through the fixed fire sign of Leo towards our cardinal water sign, Cancer. Sometimes, in order to go forward, you need to trace your steps backward to find a new path. We ARE moving forward, but it’s motion in a year of endings. You might not be where you want to be, and it might be time to make peace with the path you are actually on (rather than the one you were told to walk or dreamed you would walk). It’s much harder to step off a path you aren’t acknowledging.
This month, we must pay attention to Mars and our lunar nodes. Retrograde Mars re-enters the sign of Cancer on 1/6, a significant trigger point for this entire Mars retrograde cycle. Our full moon at 24° Cancer on 1/13 will also be tightly conjunct to retrograde Mars. In a month concerned with putting in the work to realign, our Moon and Mars in Cancer will be emotional and uncooperative. You may need to take a few days off to simply experience your emotions over the vast changes happening around you. Cry it out if you need to.
And then, at the end of the month, our lunar nodes will switch to Pisces (North Node) and Virgo (South Node). The North Node is a compass point to where we all collectively need to work towards in the year ahead, emphasis on collectively as the North Node enters the mutable water sign of Pisces. As the last of the astrological signs, Pisces is the cosmic everything. Gone are the days of acknowledging our personal and often intense private inner lives (North Node in Aries); now we start to understand that we are – in fact – in this all together. It will only be working through it together that we’ll all make it through. The North Node in Pisces reminds us to be more introspective AND empathetic of others.
Our Cancer Full Moon is a 5/6 Full Moon.
10 (Capricorn Sun) + 4 (Cancer Moon) = 14 = 1+4 =5.
5 (Capricorn Full Moon) + 1 (January 2025) = 6.
Our Aquarius New Moon is a 4/5 New Moon.
11 (Aquarius Moon) + 11 (Aquarius Sun) = 22 = 2+2 = 4.
4 (Aquarius New Moon) + 1 (January 2025) = 5.
Important January Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Transits:
1/2 – Venus enters Pisces
1/6 – retrograde Mars enters Cancer
1/8 – Mercury enters Capricorn
1/13 – Full moon 24° Cancer
1/15 – Sun in Capricorn opposed Mars in Cancer
1/18 – Venus conjunct Saturn 16° Pisces
1/19 – Sun enters Aquarius
1/21 – Sun conjunct Pluto 01° Aquarius
1/23 – Mercury in Capricorn opposed retrograde Mars in Cancer
1/27 – Mercury enters Aquarius
1/28 – Venus enters its pre-retrograde shadow 24° Pisces, the lunar nodes switch to Pisces/Virgo
1/29 – New moon 09° Aquarius, Mercury conjunct Pluto 01° Aquarius
1/30 – Uranus stations direct 23° Taurus
February is a “2” Universal Month [2 (February) + 9 (2025) = 11 = 1+1=2]. 2 months tend to involve choice and balance. We have taken the first steps necessary towards our new lives as the significant astrology continues to unfold (notable the switch of the lunar nodes at the end of January) – now we both find the first sense of stasis and stability in this new beginning and our face with our first choices of how to proceed further. Venus’s meeting with the North Node early in the month will be an early glimpse into our new normal and Mars stations directly at the end of the month.
Our Leo Full Moon is a 7/9 Full Moon.
5 (Leo Moon) + 11 (Aquarius Sun) = 16 = 1+6 = 7.
7 (Leo full Moon) + 2 (February 2025) = 9.
Our Pisces New Moon is a 6/8 New Moon.
12 (Pisces Moon) + 12 (Pisces Sun) = 24 = 2+4 = 6.
6 (Pisces New Moon) + 2 (February 2025) = 8.
Important February Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Transits:
2/2 – Venus conjunct Neptune 27° Pisces
2/3 – Venus conjunct North Node 29° Pisces
2/4 – Venus enters Aries, Jupiter stations direct 11° Gemini
2/9 – Sun conjunct Mercury 10° Aquarius
2/11 – Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus
2/12 – Full moon 24° Leo
2/14 – Mercury enters Pisces
2/18 – Sun enters Pisces
2/23 – Mars stations direct 17° Cancer
2/25 – Mercury conjunct Saturn 20° Pisces
2/27 – New moon 09° Pisces
March is a “3” Universal Month [3 (March) + 9 (2025) = 12 = 1+2=3]. Depending on the situation, 3 months tend to build on what happened in the 1 and 2 months before. Something is happening now, and it’s gaining momentum. There are a lot of astrological happenings in March. We’ve entered eclipse season with mixed eclipses: a lunar eclipse on 3/14 in Virgo and a solar eclipse on 3/29 in Aries. Although the lunar nodes have moved to Pisces-Virgo, something about the Aries-Libra story isn’t over yet. The month may take on a tinge of unfinished business.
This is in line with the astrological transits as both Mercury and Venus retrograde from the cardinal fire sign of Aries back into the mutable water sign of Pisces (mimicking the lunar Nodal movement, which is always backward). We may think we are ready for something new (Aries is sign #1), but we need to go back to the drawing board and think about it more (or perhaps even dream about it more – Pisces rules the unconscious). Both retrograde Mercury and Venus will crossover the conjunction between Neptune and the North Node thrice throughout their retrograde cycle, signaling a need to Dream Big as we move through these challenging aspects.
Our eclipsed Virgo Full Moon is a 9/3 Full Moon.
6 (Virgo Moon) + 12 (Pisces Sun) = 18 = 1+8 = 9.
9 (Virgo Full Moon) + 3 (March 2025) = 12 = 1+2 = 3.
Our eclipsed Aries New Moon is a 2/5 New Moon.
1 (Aries Moon) + 1 (Aries Sun) = 2.
2 (Aries new moon) + 3 (March 2025) = 5.
Important March Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events:
3/1 – Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow 26° Pisces, Venus retrogrades 10° Aries
3/2 – Sun in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini, stellium: Mercury conjunct Neptune and the North Node 28° Pisces
3/3 – Mercury enters Aries
3/11 – Mercury conjunct retrograde Venus 08° Aries
3/12 – Sun conjunct Saturn 22° Pisces
3/14 – Total Lunar Eclipse 23° Virgo
3/15 – Mercury retrogrades 09° Aries
3/17 – Sun conjunct North Node 27° Pisces
3/19 – Sun conjunct Neptune 29° Pisces
3/20 – Sun enters Aries (Spring Equinox)
3/24 – Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury 04° Aries
3/27 – Retrograde Venus enters Pisces, retrograde Venus conjunct Neptune 29° Pisces
3/29 – partial solar eclipse 09° Aries, retrograde Mercury enters Pisces
3/30 – Neptune enters Aries
April is a “4” Universal Month. [4 (April) + 9 (2024) = 13 = 1+3 = 4]. 4 Months are when we start to create stability and try to put down roots. As we enter the month of March, Mercury and Venus will both be moving hand and hand in conjunction back through Pisces – over the North Node and Neptune – until they form a stellium with each other, Saturn, Neptune, and the North Node in and around 4/7 when Mercury stations direct one single degree from exact conjunction to Saturn.
What happens at the beginning of April matters, and we will be held fully accountable for it. Think big, but put down roots. This follows through to 4/12 and our Libra full moon, where Venus also stations direct at 24° Pisces which is still only one degree from Saturn. And then, on 4/14, Saturn conjuncts the North Node. This is a major stellium between Venus, Saturn, and the North Node; major work must be done here around who we are and how we each individually fit into the bigger picture. We’re in the wake of the eclipses here as this is the first uneclipsed lunar event, and it shows.
The month is quite Saturnian overall as Venus conjuncts Saturn exactly for the third time in her retrograde cycle on 4/24.
Our Libra full moon is an 8/3 full moon.
7 (Libra moon) + 1 (Aries Sun) = 8.
8 (Libra Full Moon) + 4 (April 2025) = 12 = 1+2 =3.
Our Taurus new moon is a 4/8 new moon.
2 (Taurus moon) + 2 (Taurus Sun) = 4.
4 (Taurus new moon) + 4 (April 2025) = 8.
Important April ingresses, retrogrades, and lunar events:
4/2 – Retrograde Venus conjunct the North Node 26° Pisces
4/7 – Mercury stations direct 26° Pisces, retrograde Venus conjunct Saturn 25° Pisces
4/12 – Full moon 23° Libra, Venus stations direct 24° Pisces
4/14 – Saturn conjunct North Node 26° Pisces
4/16 – Mercury enters Aries
4/17 – Mercury conjunct Neptune 00° Aries
4/18 – Mars enters Leo, Neptune enters
4/19 – Sun enters Taurus
4/20 – Sun in Taurus square Mars in Leo (fixed t-square)
4/23 – Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (fixed t-square)
4/24 – Venus conjunct Saturn 25° Pisces
4/26 – Mercury exits its post-retrograde shadow 09° Aries, Mars in Leo opposed Pluto in Aquarius
4/27 – New moon 07° Taurus
4/30 – Venus enters Aries
May is a “5” Universal Month [5 (May) + 9 (2025) = 14 = 1+4=5]. Although 5 can be a bit of a conflict number as it disrupts the balance of the four, May looks quiet compared to the aftermath of the eclipse season or the summer months ahead. The only significant astrology here involves Saturn entering Aries on 5/24. In Aries, Saturn slows us down even more than usual as it dampens the fiery me-first energy of the sign of the ram. This isn’t a time to get ahead; this is a time to buckle down and do what needs to be done right. As Saturn enters Aries, it joins up at 00° with Neptune for a conjunction of very strange bedmates. Saturn and Neptune are inherently incompatible – Saturn creates structure, and Neptune dissolves structure.
Our Scorpio Full Moon is an 8/5 Full Moon.
8 (Scorpio moon) + 2 (Taurus Sun) = 10 = 1+0 = 1.
1 (Scorpio full moon) + 4 (April 2025) =5.
Our Gemini New Moon is a 6/2 new moon.
3 (Gemini moon) + 3 (Gemini Sun) = 6.
6 (Gemini new moon) + 5 (May 2025) = 11 = 1+1 = 2.
Important May ingresses, retrogrades, and lunar events:
5/2 – Mars exits its post retrograde shadow 06° Leo, Venus conjunct Neptune 01° Aries
5/4 – Pluto retrogrades 03° Aquarius
5/10 – Mercury enters Taurus
5/12 – Full moon 22° Scorpio
5/16 – Venus exits its post-retrograde shadow 10° Aries
5/20 – Sun enters Gemini
5/22 – Venus in Aries trine Mars in Leo
5/24 – Saturn enters Aries, Mercury conjunct Uranus 27° Taurus
5/25 – Mercury enters Gemini
5/26 – New moon 06° Gemini
5/30 – Sun conjunct Mercury 09° Gemini
June is a “6” Universal Month [6 (June) + 9 (2025) = 15 = 1+5=6]. We’re still in the respite of the year, in the in-between, but the planets are starting to set into place for the bigger story that will unfold for the rest of the year. As Jupiter enters the sign of Cancer, it forms an immediate square with Saturn and Neptune, who are both conjunct to one another at 00° Aries. Jupiter and Saturn square off exactly on 6/15, the big astrological day of the month. These two planets are in many ways incompatible with one another as one creates space (Jupiter) and the other constricts (Saturn). If you feel stuck in a vice during June, know that you are right on time. Every personal planet will square this odd conjunction with Saturn and Neptune as they pass through the beginning of Cancer and then meet up for a much more auspicious conjunction with Jupiter sometime later. Hard work before profit is the name of the game all month long.
Our Sagittarius Full Moon is a 3/9 Full Moon.
9 (Sagittarius moon) + 3 (Gemini Sun) = 12 = 1+2 = 3.
3 (Sagittarius full moon) + 6 (June 2025) = 9.
Our Cancer New Moon is an 8/5 new moon.
4 (Cancer Moon) + 4 (Cancer Sun) = 8.
8 (Cancer new moon) + 6 (June 2025) = 14 = 1+4=5.
Important June ingresses, retrogrades, and lunar events:
6/5 – Mercury in Gemini square the lunar nodes
6/6 – Venus enters Taurus
6/8 – Mercury conjunct Jupiter 29° Gemini, Mercury enters Cancer
6/9 – Jupiter enters Cancer, Venus in Taurus square retrograde Pluto in Aquarius
6/10 – Mercury in Cancer square Neptune in Aries
6/11 – Full Moon 20° Sagittarius
6/13 – Sun in Gemini square the lunar nodes
6/15 – Jupiter in Cancer square Saturn in Aries, Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus
6/17 – Mars enters Virgo
6/19 – Jupiter in Cancer square Neptune in Aries
6/20 – Sun enters Cancer (Summer Solstice)
6/22 – Sun in Cancer square Saturn in Aries, Sun square Neptune in Aries
6/24 – Sun conjunct Jupiter 03° Cancer
6/25 – New moon 04° Cancer
6/26 – Mercury enters Leo
6/29 – Mercury in Leo opposed retrograde Pluto in Aquarius
6/30 – Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow 04° Leo
July is a “7” Universal Month [7 (July) + 9 (2025) = 16 = 1+6=7]. The month deals mostly with outer planet movement and adjustments. Uranus enters Gemini on 7/7, where it immediately trines Pluto in Aquarius and sextiles that uncomfortable conjunction between Saturn and Neptune in Aries. From here until the end of the year, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto will hold these aspects with one another – coming closer to exactitude and moving away from each other as they take turns retrograding and moving in forward motion. When our entire outer planetary brigade changes, everything in our life changes, too. This will happen slowly, though – both Uranus and Neptune will move back into Taurus and Pisces, respectively, before they fully adjust to their new homes.
Our Capricorn full moon is a 5/3 full moon.
10 (Capricorn Moon) + 4 (Cancer Sun) = 14 = 1+4 = 5.
5 (Capricorn full moon) + 7 (July 2025) = 12 = 1+2 + 3.
Our Leo new moon is a 1/8 new moon,
5 (Leo moon) + 5 (Leo Sun) = 10 = 1+0 = 1.
1 (Leo new moon) + 7 (July 2025) = 8.
Important July ingresses, retrogrades, and lunar events:
7/4 – Venus conjunct Uranus 29° Taurus, Venus enters Gemini, Neptune retrogrades 02° Aries
7/7 – Uranus enters Gemini
7/10 – Full moon 18° Capricorn
7/13 – Saturn retrogrades 01° Aries
7/18 – Mercury retrogrades 15° Leo
7/22 – Sun enters Leo, Mars conjunct South Node 20° Virgo
7/23 – Venus in Gemini square Mars in Virgo, Venus square lunar nodes
7/24 – New moon 02° Leo
7/25 – Sun in Leo opposed retrograde Pluto in Aquarius
7/30 – Venus enters Cancer
7/31 – Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury 09° Leo
August is an “8” Month [8 (August) + 9 (2025) = 17 = 1+7 = 8]. Eight is the number of the ouroboros; 8 months are almost always a roller coaster of ups and downs, good and bad. Here, we start to see the effect of our outer planets sitting so close together (by degree). As both Venus and Mars change signs in August, they interact with multiples of our outer planets simultaneously. Venus in Cancer squares both Saturn and Neptune. Mars in Libra trines both Uranus and Pluto and then opposes Saturn and Neptune. There’s big work going on behind the scenes (in society ruled by those heavy hitter outer planets), but it’s starting to trickle into our personal lives, too. Mercury also retrogrades this month, which is a path forward if you are willing to let it be.
Our Aquarius full moon is a 1/9 full moon.
11 (Aquarius Moon) + 8 (Leo Sun) = 19 = 1+9 = 10 = 1+0 =1.
1 (Aquarius full Moon) + 8 (August 2025) = 9.
Our Virgo New Moon is a 3/2 full moon.
6 (Virgo Moon) + 6 (Virgo Sun) = 12 = 1+2 = 3.
3 (Virgo new moon) + 8 (August 2025) = 11 = 1+1 = 2.
Important August ingresses, retrogrades, and lunar events:
8/1 – Venus in Cancer square Saturn in Aries, Venus in Cancer square Neptune in Aries
8/6 – Mars enters Libra
8/8 – Mars in Libra trine Uranus in Gemini (air grand trine)
8/9 – Full moon 17° Aquarius, Mars in Libra opposed retrograde Saturn in Aries, Mars in Libra opposed retrograde Neptune in Aries
8/10 – Mars in Libra trine retrograde Pluto in Aquarius (air grand trine)
8/11 – Mercury stations direct 04° Leo
8/13 – Venus conjunct Jupiter 14° Cancer
8/22 – Sun enters Virgo
8/23 – New moon 00° Virgo
8/24 – Sun in Virgo square Uranus in Gemini
8/25 – Venus enters Leo, Mercury exists its post-retrograde shadow 15° Leo
8/27 – Venus in Leo opposed retrograde Pluto in Aquarius
September is a “9” Universal Month [9 (September) + 9 (2025) = 18 = 1+8 = 9]. It is a “9” month in a “9” year, which makes it highly auspicious. It is also eclipse season, with a total lunar eclipse in Pisces and a supercharged solar eclipse that is also an astrological blue moon in Virgo. This is where the work gets done with a double new moon emphasis on the sign of work, Virgo, in August AND September. Note that our personal planets will square off with Uranus in Gemini as they enter Virgo and create an airy grand trine with Uranus and Pluto as they enter Virgo. We must work to integrate the new normal into our daily lives, but the planets ARE supporting us here.
Because we are in eclipse season, our personal planets will all cross over the South Node of past-facing fate: this is the cosmic right time to give up what was in favor of what is. Be pragmatic here (one of Virgo’s most valuable traits). It’s worth noting the progression with which our personal planets encounter the South Node this year: first Mars on 7/22, then the Sun and Mercury on 9/10 and 9/11 in conjunction with one another, and finally Venus on 10/3. We may be holding on to emotions about the past during September, but we will likely see a big release as we move into October.
Our Eclipsed Pisces Full Moon is a 9/9 full moon.
12 (Pisces Moon) + 6 (Virgo Sun) = 18 = 1+8 = 9.
9 (Pisces Full Moon) + 9 (September 2025) = 18 = 1+8 = 9.
Our Eclipsed Virgo New Moon is a 3/3 new moon.
6 (Virgo Moon) + 6 (Virgo Sun) = 12 = 1+2 = 3.
3 (Virgo New Moon) + 9 (Septmber 2025) = 12 = 1+2 =3.
Important September ingresses, retrogrades, and lunar events:
9/1 –Retrograde Saturn enters Pisces
9/2 – Mercury enters Virgo
9/3 – Mercury in Virgo square Uranus in Gemini
9/4 – Mars in Libra square Jupiter in Cancer
9/6 – Uranus retrogrades 01° Gemini
9/7 – total lunar eclipse 15° Pisces
9/10 – Sun conjunct South Node 18° Virgo
9/11 – Mercury conjunct South Node 18° Virgo
8/13 – Sun conjunct Mercury 20° Virgo
8/17 – Mercury in Virgo opposed retrograde Saturn in Pisces
9/18 – Mercury enters Libra
9/19 – Air grand trine: Mercury in Libra trine to retrograde Uranus in Gemini and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, Venus enters Virgo
9/20 – Venus in Virgo square retrograde Uranus in Gemini
9/21 – partial solar eclipse 29° Virgo (astrological blue moon), Sun in Virgo opposed retrograde Saturn in Pisces
9/22 – Sun enters Libra (Autumnal Equinox), Mars enters Scorpio
9/23 – Sun in Libra trine retrograde Uranus in Gemini (air grand trine)
9/24 – Mars in Scorpio square retrograde Pluto in Aquarius, Sun in Libra trine retrograde Pluto in Aquarius (air grand trine)
October is a “1” Universal Month [10 (October) + 9 (2025) = 19 = 1+9 =10 = 1+0 =1]. As we enter October, our outer planets have started to pull away from exactitude with one another but still are making close aspects. Jupiter and Saturn are now in a near exact trine with one another, and our Sun and Mercury, moving through Scorpio, complete the trine in the skies. This is a “1” month – our second of 2025 – and we need to pick up the pieces of what has ended and start anew. Eclipse season has brought its revelations, and now we need to sift through the rubble and see what we can salvage.
Our Aries full moon is an 8/9 full moon.
1 (Aries Moon) + 7 (Libra Sun) = 8.
8 (Aries full moon) + 1 (October 2025) = 9.
Our Libra new moon is a 5/6 new moon.
7 (Libra moon) + 7 (Libra Sun) = 14 – 1+4 = 5.
5 (Libra new moon) + 1 (October 2025) = 6.
Important October ingresses, retrogrades, and lunar events:
10/01 – Mercury in Libra square Jupiter in Cancer
10/03 – Venus conjunct South Node 16° Virgo
10/06 – Full moon 14° Aries, Mercury enters Scorpio
10/07 – Mercury in Scorpio square retrograde Pluto in Aquarius
10/11 – Venus in Virgo opposed retrograde Saturn in Pisces
10/13 – Venus enters Libra, Plutio stations direct 01° Aquarius, Venus in Libra opposed retrograde Neptune in Aries
10/14 – Air grand trine: Venus in Libra trine to retrograde Uranus in Gemini and retrograde Pluto in Aquarius
10/17 – Sun in Libra square Jupiter in Cancer
10/20 – Mercury conjunct Mars 19° Scorpio
10/21 – New moon 28° Libra, Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow 20° Scorpio
10/22 – Sun enters Scorpio, retrograde Neptune enters Pisces
10/24 – Sun in Scorpio square Pluto in Aquarius, Mercury in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Cancer (water grand trine)
10/25 – Mercury in Scorpio trine retrograde Saturn in Pisces (water grand trine)
10/28 – Mars in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Cancer (water grand trine)
10/29 – Mercury enters Sagittarius, Mercury in Sagittarius opposed retrograde Uranus in Gemini, Mars in Cancer trine retrograde Saturn in Pisces (water grand trine)
November is a “2” Universal Month [11 (November) + 9 (2025) – 20 = 2+0 = 2]. This is our second “2” month of 2025, and it’s a second chance to balance out and make the needed choices in our lives. As is often the case, we are being heavily guided through these changes by a Mercury retrograde, which will create a grand water trine with Jupiter and Saturn thrice but also conjunct our Sun, Venus, and Mars during its retrograde cycle. Most often, the biggest hindrances to change lie in our own minds, and this retrograde cycle may force us to rethink how we approach some of the problems in our lives. This looks to be an eye-opening month, so long as you stay open to where the retrograde will bring you.
Our Full Moon in Taurus is a 1/3 full moon.
2 (Taurus moon) + 8 (Scorpio Sun) = 10 = 1+0 = 1.
1 (Taurus Full Moon) + 2 (November 2025) = 3.
Our Scorpio new moon is a 7/9 new moon.
8 (Scorpio moon) + 8 (Scorpio Sun) = 16 = 1+6 = 7.
7 (Scorpio new moon) + 2 (November 2025) = 9.
Important November ingresses, retrogrades, and lunar events:
11/2 – Venus in Libra square Jupiter in Cancer
11/4 – Mars enters Sagittarius, Mars in Sagittarius opposed retrograde Uranus in Gemini
11/5 – Full moon 13° Taurus
11/6 – Venus enters Scorpio
11/7 – retrograde Uranus enters Taurus, Venus in Scorpio square retrograde Pluto in Aquarius
11/9 – Mercury retrogrades 06° Sagittarius
11/11 – Jupiter retrogrades 25° Cancer
11/12 – retrograde Mercury conjunct Mars 06° Sagittarius
11/17 – Water grand trine: Sun in Scorpio trine retrograde Jupiter in Cancer and retrograde Saturn in Pisces
11/18 – retrograde Mercury enters Scorpio
11/19 – retrograde Mercury in Scorpio opposed retrograde Uranus in Taurus
11/20 – New moon 28° Scorpio, Sun conjunct retrograde retrograde Mercury 28° Scorpio
11/21 – Sun enters Sagittarius, Sun in Scorpio opposed retrograde Uranus in Taurus
11/22 – water grand trine: retrograde Mercury in Scorpio trine to retrograde Jupiter in Cancer and retrograde Saturn in Pisces
11/23 – Mars in Sagittarius square the lunar nodes
11/24 – retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus 22° Scorpio
11/26 – water grand trine: Venus in Scorpio trine to retrograde Jupiter in Cancer and retrograde Saturn in Pisces
11/27 – Saturn stations direct 25° Pisces
11/29 – Mercury stations direct 20° Scorpio, Venus in Scorpio opposed retrograde Uranus in Taurus
11/30 – Venus enters Sagittarius
December is a “3” Universal Month [ 12 (December) + 9 (2025) = 21 = 2-1=3]. The last month of 2025 will be one of reflection and action. All of our personal planets have met up with one another and are moving together through the horoscope: Mars is a bit ahead of the pack and moving into Capricorn. In contrast, The Sun, Mercury, and Venus are closely packed together in Sagittarius for most of the month. Each of these personal planets will square the lunar nodes, returning to the lessons these early eclipses on the Pisces-Virgo axis have brought to our attention. 2025 was a year of change and endings. How have we faired? What have we learned? How can we adapt to the now and make space for good things to come in the years ahead?
Our Gemini full moon is a 3/6 full moon.
3 (Gemini moon) + 9 (Sagittarius Sun) = 12 = 1+2 = 3.
3 (Gemini full moon) plus 3 (December 2025) = 6.
Our Sagittarius new moon is a 9/3 new moon.
9 (Sagittarius moon) + 9 (Sagittarius Sun) = 18 = 1+8 = 9.
9 (Sagittarius new moon) + 3 (December 2025) = 12 = 1+2 =3.
Important December ingresses, retrogrades, and lunar events:
12/4 – Full moon 13° Gemini
12/5 – Sun in Sagittarius square the lunar nodes
12/6 – water grand trine: Mercury in Scorpio trine retrograde Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces
12/8 – Mars in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces
12/10 – Neptune stations direct 29° Pisces, Mercury in Scorpio opposed retrograde Uranus in Taurus
12/11 – Mercury enters Sagittarius, Venus in Sagittarius square the lunar nodes
12/14 – Mars in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces
12/15 – Mars enters Capricorn
12/16 – Mercury exits its post-retrograde shadow 06° Sagittarius, Sun in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces
12/19 – New moon 28° Sagittarius
12/21 – Sun enters Capricorn (Winter Solstice), Mercury in Sagittarius square the lunar nodes, Venus in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces,
12/24 – Vensu enters Capricorn
12/30 – Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces