Energy Update: September 2024

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September is an “8” Universal Month [9 (September) + 8 (2024) = 17 = 1+7 = 8] in an “8” Universal Year. 8 months are represented by the infinity symbol and the ouroboros – they are everything, and nothing, all at once. Everything comes full circle in an 8 month, often represented by the highest highs and the lowest lows. What comes up must go down. But, alternatively, what goes does must come up. In this way, 8 months can be seen as a type of equalization. This is very in line with the astrology of the month, where we return, on an astrological level, to what has gone before – in more than one case, for the last time. This will be a month to revisit unfinished business.

The Set Up

We begin the month with the Sun in Virgo, Mercury moving through its post-retrograde shadow in Leo, Venus in Libra, Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, retrograde Saturn and retrograde Neptune in Pisces, Uranus in Taurus, and Pluto just barely in Aquarius. By month’s end, the Sun and Mercury will have entered Libra, Venus will have moved into Scorpio, Mars into Cancer, and Pluto backward into Capricorn.

The Nitty Gritty

Everything comes full circle this month as we enter our first “8” themed month in our “8” themed year. This may feel like a homecoming for some, but for others, it will be a roller coaster ride straight into unfinished business. If the feeling of the year has been “change before you have to,” this is your astrological reminder that we are approaching eclipse season, which always strongly emphasizes the HAVE To side of that equation. Not only will we be experiencing a lunar eclipse, but we will also see all of our personal planets change signs and Pluto transition back into Capricorn for the very last time. The world is shifting again, and we may need to find that solid ground will be difficult to come by in the weeks ahead.


This year has been colored by Pluto, our dwarf planet of death, change, and transformation, which has been slowly transitioning from the cardinal earth sign Capricorn (where it has been sitting for the last 15 years) into the fixed air sign of Aquarius. Our outer planets move very slowly and dictate the overarching feeling of the times; their transitions from one sign to another generally coincide with intense societal changes and times of turmoil and transformation. On the 1st, Pluto moves back into Capricorn for the very last time.

Pluto plays the long game. Like its namesake, it slowly degrades the area of life it touches. In Capricorn, Pluto has been breaking down our outdated systems of government and institutions. Pluto is a cosmic reminder that all things must die in their time so that something new can be born in its place. We are experiencing the final death throws of what was – but it won’t be pretty. Like all earth signs, Capricorn can get exceedingly stuck in its ways, and it often takes more than one quake to shake things loose.

Because this happens on the first, the energy of Pluto entering Capricorn from the back end will set the tone for the entire month. You may feel like you are regressing in some way in your life. A situation may arise that you thought was taken care of. This will be strongest felt by those with personal planets around 00° in the earth or cardinal signs. Where Aquarius rules innovation and the future, Capricorn rules the past and tradition; society may take a step or two back away from progressive measures or future-focused thinking.

The good news is that this Pluto in Capricorn retrograde won’t last long. Pluto will station direct in October and reenter Aquarius for the final time (for the next 248 years) on 11/19/24. The 80 days in between may be quite challenging, though. Something may need to change – inside your life and in the world. It’s decision time. The big flex throughout September (and into October and November) will be to let go of what needs to leave your life.

Our Lights: the Sun and the Moon

Our Sun will be in Virgo and Libra all month long, which means that this month marks the transition from Summer (Virgo) to Autumn (Libra) on 9/22. Also, because our lunar nodes will remain on the Aries-Libra axis through the new year, we are entering our second eclipse season. The Sun in Virgo will oppose retrograde Saturn in Pisces on Sunday, 9/8, which may show up in our lives as a check-in with our goals and what we must do to stay in alignment. Remember, we are in an “8” month in an “8” year, so things may feel all over the place at times – it’s okay, now come back to the center.

Virgo season tends to be about cleaning up, physically and metaphorically. The summer is drawing to a close, and it is time to prepare for the new season. As mentioned above, this whole year has been about endings and the hint of new beginnings (represented by Pluto’s planetary movements), and it may feel like we are down to the wire. This month’s big flex will be to take the new moon on 9/2 to clean up what you can and then let the lunar eclipse on 9/17 take you where it’s going to.

Our new moon on 9/2 is at 11° Virgo and is a 3/2 new moon.

6 (Virgo Moon) + 6 (Virgo Sun) = 12 = 1+2 = 3.
3 (Virgo New Moon) + 8 (September 2024) = 11 = 1+1 = 2.

The new moon is relatively unaspected, so we look back again to the numerology. Notably, the new moon carries “11” energy twice over; first, it falls in the 11th degree of Virgo, and, secondly, it is an 11/2 new moon. This is one of three Master Numbers in numerology – it heightens the energy of the final number (2). The number 2 is one of movement and connections – with the number 2, you are either adding (1+1=2) or subtracting (2-1=1). Through this, we can infer that this is a new moon that will get things moving.

Remember, Virgo is a sign of refinement. As the second of our two Mercury-ruled signs, Virgo lives in the mind, but rather than being the Idea Man (Gemini, nongendered), Mercury begins the work of perfecting and honing down in Virgo. This can feel like criticism (especially if you don’t have Virgo in your natal chart), so stay aware of touchiness in yourself and others around the new moon. Clean it up. Fix it up. Do what you’ve been putting off. Future-proof your life. Virgo’s new moon energy has a lot in common with the energy of Mercury retrograde, but it will pass far more quickly.

The Sun in Virgo will square off with Jupiter in Gemini around 9/12, which may feel unlucky but is, more likely than not, simply a bit challenging. Remember, Virgo is LOOKING to refine. That challenge is there so that you will better understand what you have to do.

Our lunar eclipse on Tuesday, 9/17, will be at 25° Pisces and is a 9/8 full moon.

12 (Pisces Moon) + 6 (Virgo Sun) = 18 = 1+8 = 9.
9 (Pisces full moon) + 8 (September 2024) = 17 = 1+7 = 8.

This is the real deal (even by Eclipse standards) due to a couple of major planetary aspects happening around the 17th, most notably Mars in Cancer forming a rough cardinal square with our lunar nodes in Aries and Libra.

But wait, Minx – how come the lunar nodes are in Aries and Libra, but the eclipsed moon is in Pisces? This is our first indication that our lunar nodes are reaching the end of their stay in their current signs. The lunar nodes are sitting at 06° and will move on to the Pisces-Virgo axis early in 2025. While this switch happens, we often see off-element eclipses that fall in the “wrong signs.” In this way, we can use this early Pisces lunar eclipse as a bit of an augury of what will come in the three years ahead when the lunar nodes transit Pisces and Virgo.

The eclipse won’t be close to the lunar nodes (11°), but Mars will be in a tight t-square, so expect tensions to be high. This is undoubtedly red-flag weather, so lie low and stay out of the arena if possible. When Mars is poorly aspected, the chance of violence goes up. We are also experiencing two strong oppositions on either side of the eclipse – Venus in Libra will oppose Chiron on Monday, 9/16, and Mercury in Virgo will oppose retrograde Saturn on Wednesday, 9/18. Note that all three of our personal planets are involved in the days around this eclipse – it will feel personal for most of us.

Standard eclipse advice applies here: Eclipses (like the sign of Virgo) tend to be a hit of instant alignment. The lunar nodes can be viewed as an arrow in the sky pointing from the South Node and towards the North. In our natal birth charts, the nodes show the natural flow of energy in our lives, and in the transits, they show the natural flow of energy happening at the time of the transit. Age-old astrological advice is to TRUST what happens on the days of the eclipses and, to a lesser degree, on the days between the set of eclipses, which dictates the “season.” Eclipses have a way of opening some doors and closing others. I’ll write more about the eclipse as we approach this lunar event.


Mercury has finally exited its retrograde at the end of August and will chug its way quickly through the last bit of Leo, through Virgo, and into Libra by the end of the month. Virgo is the sign of Mercury’s domicile, so 9/9 to 9/26 will be an excellent time for all Mercurial pursuits (writing/language/technology/travel).

Keep in mind that before we get there, Mercury still needs to retrace the last dregs of its post-retrograde shadow. This includes the third of its trines with Chiron in Aries on 9/2 (the day of the new moon) – this could bring up some touchy bits from our total lunar eclipse back in April, which included a conjunction with both Mercury and Chiron not far from the spot where Chiron still sits in Aries today. Chiron spots can feel very touchy if you aren’t used to them (see also: don’t have a strong Chiron element in your birth chart or haven’t undergone a serious Chiron transit). A good way of looking at it is that the pain is there to show us what isn’t working so we can fix it. Again, this will be a month of refinement.

Mercury exits its post-retrograde shadow at 04° Virgo on 9/11 and doesn’t make any other aspects until it opposes retrograde Saturn in Pisces on 9/18. This is our planetary check-in or check-up. As mentioned in the section about our Luminaries, this happens a day after our lunar eclipse, so it may serve as the cosmic right time to take stock of what has happened and what we can do about it. Mercury in Virgo is very proactive, and Saturn wants us to be our best selves – we CAN use this opposition to our advantage even if, on the outside, it doesn’t seem advantageous.

Mercury squares off with Jupiter in Gemini on 9/22, making for a tense day of many misunderstandings. You may wake up the next morning to realize those mountains were mere molehills. Don’t take things too seriously, and it will pass quickly.

As Mercury moves towards its ingress into Libra on 9/26, they will trine Uranus in Taurus, oppose Neptune in Pisces, and trine Pluto in Capricorn – this is business as usual and will probably pass unnoticed.

Once Mercury enters Libra, they will meet up with the Sun and the South Node in an early stellium, which may illuminate (the Sun) new ways of thinking (Mercury) about our past (South Node). We are deep in eclipse season and should meet the last days of September with our eyes wide open.


Venus will be in the sign of her domicile, Libra, until 9/22, when she enters Scorpio, the sign of her detriment. In Libra, Venus can be entirely consumed with the ideals of traditional relationship roles, and in Scorpio, she turns her eyes towards secrets and – in the worst-case scenario – revenge! The first half of the month strongly supports relationships (at least the easily codified and societally acceptable ones), but things are not always what they seem with Venus. Keep in mind that Venus in Libra can sometimes be a bit controlling – especially regarding how she wants her relationship to appear. As Venus enters Scorpio, she can quickly become the scorned lover – even if she hasn’t actually been scorned!

In Libra, Venus can become so obsessed with her ideal of a relationship that she refuses to look at reality. This may come to a head on 9/4 as she meets up in conjunction with the South Node at 06° Libra. Relationships of all kinds will be on the chopping block that week, but most significantly, those that aren’t built on mutual support and understanding. Our lunar nodes on the Aries-Libra axis have been forcing us all to confront our personal biases around Independence versus Togetherness, and this time may be especially fraught for couples with different needs on this spectrum.

On 9/15, Venus trines Jupiter in Gemini, which is a good day to have a good day. On 9/16, she opposes Chiron in Aries, which might be a wake-up call to where we live in excess or otherwise outside our means or comfort zones. We may have to pay for the overindulgences of the day prior. She will trine Pluto in Capricorn right before she enters Scorpio, a reminder that we can’t always carry our past into the future.

While she is in Scorpio, we have to remember to watch our tongues and keep a check on our revenge fantasies. If the person did you wrong, fine, but if your own expectations just hurt you, you may need to check yourself through the end of the month.


Mars spends most of the month in Cancer, the sign of its fall. That means from 9/22 to 9/30, both of our relationship planets will be in uncomfortable positions. It’s worth noting that Mars will be in the sign of its fall earlier in the month, while Venus will be in her domicile.

Relationships may be tense all month long. Mars in Cancer is naturally square to Venus in Libra. Though the two won’t meet up in exact aspect with one another here, it still shows that partners in any given relationship may not see eye to eye with one another (regardless of gender). Mars will be better aligned with Venus in Scorpio, but neither is a peaceful or kind placement for relationship continuity. Just be aware and stay aware all month long. People, in general, are likely to be moody and a touch emotionally manipulative.

This spark exists all month long, and when Mars in Cancer forms a cardinal t-square in the skies as we enter eclipse season, we add the fuel. The problem that Mars in Cancer has is that Cancer’s natural motis apprendi is to move in a sideways direction (like its namesake, the crab), which often appears to be subversive or manipulative to others. Aries is all forward motion and wants nothing to do with this sidestepping, and Libra can tolerate it, but it’s not quite their way, either. This is a battle of the Cardinal Giants, and of any of the modalities, cardinal signs are the ones that don’t back down.

Mars is our problem child of the month; emphasis on the term child here. Mars in Cancer can be at his most petulant – throwing a full-on “Don’t tell me what to do! Don’t tell me what to do! Don’t tell me what to do!” temper tantrum because he didn’t get his way. Whatever comes up for us during this upcoming eclipse season, Mars is not going to like it. Not one bit.

Mars never likes giving up control, that’s for sure. It’s worth noting that we are working our way towards a Mars retrograde in Leo in December. You could say that the pumps are getting primed for a very real meltdown yet to come.

At the end of the month, on 9/30, Mars trines retrograde Saturn in Pisces, which is yet another cosmic check-up on ourselves to round out the month. We end the month in the middle of an eclipse season that spans the line between Aries-Libra and Pisces-Virgo, which means that from a lunar nodal perspective, we are about to pass from sign 1 back into sign 12. This mimics the energy of Pluto reentering Capricorn for one last stay. As above, so below.

The month ends much as it begins. The double loop of the 8 always completes itself.

Looking Ahead

October is Libra and Scorpio season. We will have an eclipsed new moon in Libra and a full moon in Aries later in the month. Jupiter will station retrograde, and Neptune will station direct. Once eclipse season ends, we will have a bit of a reprieve until Mars enters Leo in November.

The Details

9/1 – Uranus retrogrades 27° Taurus, retrograde Pluto enters Capricorn (29°)
9/2 – New Moon 11° Virgo, Mercury in Leo trine Chiron in Aries
9/3 – Mars in Gemini square retrograde Neptune in Pisces
9/4 – Mars enters Cancer, Venus conjunct South Node in Libra/opposed North Node in Aries 06°
9/7 – Mercury in Aries square retrograde Uranus in Taurus
9/8 – Sun in Virgo opposed retrograde Saturn in Pisces
9/9 – Mercury enters Virgo
9/11 – Mercury exits its post-retrograde shadow 04° Virgo
9/12 – Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini
9/15 – Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini
9/16 – Venus in Libra opposed Chiron in Aries, Mars in Cancer square the lunar nodes in Aries/Libra
9/17 – Lunar Eclipse 25° Pisces
9/18 – Mercury in Virgo opposed retrograde Saturn in Pisces
9/19 – Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus
9/20 – Sun in Virgo opposed retrograde Neptune in Pisces
9/21 – Mercury in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini
9/22 – Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, Sun enters Libra, Venus in Libra square retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, Venus enters Scorpio
9/24 – Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus
9/25 – Mercury in Virgo opposed retrograde Neptune in Pisces
9/26 – Mercury in Virgo square retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, Mercury enters Libra
9/28 – Sun in Libra conjunct South Node/opposed North Node in Aries 06°
9/29 – Mercury in Libra conjunct South Node/opposed North Node in Aries 06°
9/30 – Sun conjunct Mercury 08° Libra, Mars in Cancer trine retrograde Saturn in Pisces

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