June is a “5” Universal Month [6 (June) + 8 (2024) = 14 = 1+5 =6] in an “8” Universal Year. 5 months tend to shake things up and carry some level of tension. Some adjustments may be in order. This aligns with the astrology of the month as we have a major shift of focus as the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter all leave the fixed sign of Taurus for mutable Gemini.
The Set Up
We begin the month with the Sun Venus and Jupiter in Gemini, Mercury and Uranus in Taurus, Mars in Aries, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and retrograde Pluto in Aquarius. By month’s end, all our personal planets will change signs (Mars into Taurus and Mercury and Venus into Cancer), the Sun will enter Cancer, and Saturn will retrograde in Pisces.
The Nitty Gritty
We continue our month-long astrological lineup with a sequence of all planets stretching from Aquarius to Gemini. We are finally starting to move into new ground, symbolized by our personal planets finally transitioning out of the last quadrant of the horoscope wheel (notice those pesky outer planets still hanging out there), but something is holding us back. It’s worth noting that while the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter will all chug away as trailblazers through Gemini this month, Pluto is working toward moving backward into Capricorn one last time.
If you’re looking ahead, circle 9/1 on your calendar (the day Pluto enters Capricorn – it’s gonna be a whopper) but for now, we just have to live in this in-between zone. With so many planets in Gemini, that shouldn’t be particularly difficult as Gemini is nothing if not adaptable. (at times, perhaps, even pathologically so)
In a year made of ups and downs (8 years are the rollercoasters – they contain the whole gambet), we will find ourselves floating neither at the top nor the bottom of the ride. Maybe coasting is a better word. This isn’t a bad thing – a lot has been going on and the aftermath of it demands some serious introspective and hopefully adjustments. The natural inquisitiveness of Gemini will likely keep things from being boring. But after some big bangers, June looks pretty…terrestrial?
That’s a weird word to apply to a month ruled by mutable air and then cardinal water, but, here we are.
That’s sort of it. We’ve been getting whopped by some major astrological conjunctions between the Big Hitters and our personal planets for the last two months. This can be seen as the hands of fate – or whatever you personally feel like calling the thing that is beyond us that seems to impact our lives – reaching down and having a good fuck around with our personal lives. It was a lot. If you can read these words, you’ve made it through – maybe some of you even got to beat the bad guys.
Take a moment to Breathe. June is not going to be like that, folks. If that shit is hitting the fan right now, it’s strictly your own shit. That can feel worrying or freeing depending on your perspective. There’s no judgment here, just note how that makes you feel. It’s information about yourself and you can never have too much of that.
There are no non-lunar aspects on 6/1 (and honestly not even any interesting lunar ones, I checked) – that is just confirmation that this is a bit of a month off. Sure, there are some power days and a few days we should at least stay aware of. But if anything, we have a chance to get a bit jovial (Jupiter is in Gemini all month, let’s talk big and worry about the consequences later) and enjoy life a bit.
Right now, our planets transiting Gemini will be in general alignment with Pluto by sextile and Chiron and the North Node by trine, but misaligned (square) to Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. The few days to watch out for are those Saturnian squares – those will always be the days to look out for. Gemini doesn’t exactly ENJOY the consequences that Saturn brings to the table and is known for trying to lie their way out of a tough situation – that’s the big thing to look out for this month.
Enjoy yourself but try not to shirk too much responsibility. By sign, Jupiter and Saturn will be square with one another all month and that always indicates some level of tension between our sense of enjoyment and our sense of responsibility. Saturn is preparing to retrograde as well.
Our Saturnian dates for the month are as follows: 6/8 Venus square Saturn, 6/9 Sun square Saturn, 6/12 Mercury square Saturn, 6/26 Mercury trine Saturn, 6/29 Saturn retrogrades
We note the pattern here: Venus (emotion), Sun (self), and then Mercury (thought) twice over as our planet of Communication catches up with the Sun and Venus, and moves ahead of the pack. Whereas the hits from the last two months were from the otherworldly energies of Uranus, Chiron, and the Lunar Nodes – Saturn means business. Earthy business (Saturn rules the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn, after all). You may need to attend to the practical things in your life that got tossed aside as the world got so scrambled.
Gemini isn’t known for their staying power. They would rather flit about doing this and that than commit to a single path. Remember to schedule free time to explore this month, but Saturn will certainly demand that you stop now and again to regroup, if not actually hold down a home base. This is going to be markedly easier for earth signs, fixed signs, and anybody with a strongly Saturnian chart.
The big flex of the month is being able to tell which days are for exploring versus which days need focus and attention and fluctuating between the two. Mutable signs or people with highly Mercurial charts will have an easier time with this half of things. Magic done to gain higher levels of discernment about which paths to choose may aid in this effort substantially – Mercury will be a good guide here.
The good days look really good (for perspective here: my Venus is in Gemini so I may be a bit biased). Gemini/Mercury days are always going to be good for adventure, information gathering, and communication of all kinds. Have a little fun with your life, play around a little. Be less serious and more inquisitive. Actively explore the other side of an issue, just for fun. The world is Gemini’s oyster because Gemini knows that now is the only guaranteed moment. If you’ve wanted to become better acquainted with Mercury, Gemini’s planetary ruler, this will be a very good time.
Gemini/Mercury days: 6/3 – Mercury enters Gemini (the absolute perfect day for a road opener, amiright?), 6/4 – Sun conjunct Venus 14° Gemini (playful love/playful emotions), and Mercury conjunct Jupiter (the best day for writers/speakers to do magic for inspiration for quite some time), 6/5 – New Moon 16° Gemini, 6/14 – Sun conjunct Mercury 24° Gemini (I think, therefore, I am)
Our new moon on 6/6 is at 16° Gemini and pulls in the energy of Venus through conjunction and Saturn by square. Its numerology is 3/6 [3 (Gemini moon) + 3 (Gemini Sun) = 6. and 6 (Geminin new moon) + 5 (June 2024) = 11 = 1+1 = 2.]. Both 3 and 6 are creative numbers which is echoed by Venus’s involvement in this particular new moon – this will be a powerful day for creatives of all time to take positive actions (Saturn) towards their craft. Do some concrete magic and then put it into action.
Our full moon on 6/21 is one of the big power days of the entire year. As I have mentioned in past posts, 2024 is most auspicious money-wise in that it has two Capricorn New moons (one in January and one in December) and two Capricorn full moons (one in June and a second astrological blue moon in July). If you have money magic to do, this is the day to do so. This falls on a Friday so don’t forget to include Venus in your planning if you’re inclined towards planetary magic.
The numerology for this full moon is 4/9 [0 (Capricorn Moon) + 3 (Gemini Sun) = 13 = 1+3 = 4. And 4 (Capricorn full moon) + 5 (June 2024) = 9.] which supports structure and completion. This is a Capricornian moon, after all, it’s about getting money into the bank where it can make more money. Don’t think fast cash, think big results. This is the kind of energy that requires follow through, do with that what you will.
The energy shifts a lot as the Sun, Mercury, and Venus all enter Cancer. Welcome to the Summer season – we recognize the switchover from willy-nilly mutable Gemini to focused cardinal Cancer as the seasons shift. Now we’ve had our fun and it’s time to get a bit more back into the grind. Our planets in Cancer will get along better with Saturn and Neptune than they did in Gemini (by trine) but will run into some crunchiness as they square off with the Lunar Nodes and Chiron.
Cancer is the midpoint of the axis between Aries and Libra where our lunar nodes still sit for a little bit longer. This is going to be a bit of a hit back to eclipse season and whatever has been coming up in your life around Independence/Togetherness. Mercury squares the nodes on 6/23, this may feel especially intense because Mercury was strongly involved in our total eclipse stellium during April while they were in retrograde. Try not to get too emotional (Mercury in Cancer) about what has already happened. Venus in Cancer follows suit on 6/26 – this last week of the month just may feel overly personal.
Sometimes (most times probably) we all take things more personally than they actually are. Cancer does this especially because they seem to carry their whole very emotional world around with them like a little snail house. Cry it out if you have to, but then put on your emotionally mature glasses and acknowledge what has nothing to do with you. Sometimes life sucks, sometimes bad things happen. Some things just aren’t avoidable – no matter how much you worry, plan, or cast magic against them.
That’s the big lesson of lunar node aspects: some things happen. All you can do is change how you react to them.
If it feels like a lot, know that you are right on time. Saturn is deep in its pre-shadow retrograde all month and the energy is likely to deepen as we move through the last dregs of June towards their retrograde on 6/29. There’s likely going to be a heaviness to the air, possibly a sense of oppression. Saturn stations twice a year, this is business as usual, but it can feel hard to get through in the moment. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and it will be July before you know it.
The Details
6/2 – Sun in Gemini sextile North Node in Aries/trine South Node in Libra, Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces, Jupiter in Gemini trine retrograde Pluto in Aquarius
6/3 – Mercury enters Gemini, Venus in Gemini sextile North Node in Aries/trine South Node in Libra
6/4 – Sun conjunct Venus 14° Gemini, Mercury conjunct Jupiter 02° Gemini, Mercury in Gemini trine retrograde Pluto in Aquarius
6/6 – New Moon 16° Gemini
6/8 – Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces
6/9 – Mars enters Taurus, Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces
6/11 – Venus in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries, Mars in Taurus square retrograde Pluto in Aquarius
6/12 – Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces
6/13 – Sun in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries, Mercury in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries
6/14 – Sun conjunct Mercury 24° Gemini
6/16 – Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces
6/17 – Mercury enters Cancer, Venus enters Cancer, Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces, Mercury conjunct Venus 00° Cancer
6/20 – Sun enters Cancer, Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces
6/21 – Full moon 01° Capricorn, Mercury in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus
6/22 – Mercury in Cancer square the lunar nodes
6/26 – Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces, Venus in Cancer square the lunar nodes
6/28 – Mercury in Cancer square Chiron in Aries
6/29 – Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus, Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus, Saturn retrogrades 19° Pisces