March is a “2” Universal Month [3 (March) + 8 (2024) = 11 = 1+1 =2] in an “8” Universal Year. 2-months are associated with building connections and the beginning of a path forward. They are often also associated with breakthroughs – this is very in line with the astrology of March which is highlighted by an intense once-in-a-decade conjunction between Chiron and the North Node, and the beginning of Eclipse Season.
The Set Up
We begin the month with the Sun and Mercury in Pisces, Venus Mars and Pluto in Aquarius, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, and Neptune in Pisces. Note here the cluster of planets from the sign of Aquarius to the sign of Taurus (with Chiron and the North Node in the otherwise unoccupied sign of Aries in the middle of this cluster). This shows that we have a lot of work, individually and as a society, to do in the areas represented by the last two (Aquarius/Pisces) and first two (Aries/Taurus) signs in the zodiac. The times are changing (Pluto just shifted signs back at the end of January) and there may be some adjustments that need to be made.
By month’s end, the Sun and Mercury will have moved on into Aries, and Venus and Mars will have moved into Pisces. Note here that both Venus and Mars are lagging behind the Sun which puts relationships somewhat in the rearview mirror.
The Nitty Gritty
All eyes are on the lunar nodes which will finish off their transit of Aries and Libra at the end of this year.
For those that need a primer, the North and South Nodes of the Moon are not physical objects in the sky but rather mathematical points in which the Sun, Moon, and Earth have the potential to line up with one another to create the solar and lunar eclipses. Both of these two points carry a certain weight to them and are best likened linguistically to the idea of “fate”. The North Node is considered to be forward-facing fate, that which is yet to come, and the South Node is considered to control the fate of what has already happened. They always occur as a pair with one another, each occupying one-half of opposing signs in the horoscope wheel. As our North Node (forward-facing fate) is in Aries and our South Node (past fate) is in Libra, we are all being encouraged to think more independently (Aries) and to move away from group think and other forms of codependency (Libra).
This cycle is going to be highlighted all month long and beyond as all of our personal planets enter the sign of Aries and work toward their inevitable conjunction with our North Node. This month Mercury and Chiron will conjunct the North Node, in April the Sun and Venus will conjunct the North Node, and, in May, Mars will conjunct the North Node. This is it – the time to decide. We may be forced in the months ahead to make choices to better our own lives BEFORE the choices are made for us. If you want to be in control of your own fate, the time to act and set intentions is early in March BEFORE eclipse season. Once eclipse season has arrived, all bets are off.
As I have stated many times, the first of the month tends to set the stage for the energy of the month ahead as a whole and 3/1 does not disappoint with our Sun in Pisces sextile with Jupiter in Taurus (good vibes all around there) and Venus in Aquarius sextile to both the North Node and Chiron in Aries. Note here: the North Node and Chiron will be conjunct to one another within a degree for THE ENTIRE MONTH OF MARCH – this shows that although there is a way forward, it might be a painful one. This is pretty in line with some of the relationship ick we might have left from a very poorly aligned month in February and the general feeling that Pluto, newly in Aquarius, is bringing to the table.
If Change Before You Have To is the name of the game, we’ve passed into the Have To part of the playoffs.
There is definitely a way forward during this time, but you absolutely will not be able to bring all of your baggage with you.
Put that shit down, if you can.
The first weekend of March may prove volatile as both Mercury and Venus play with Uranus in Taurus through a supportive sextile for the former and a tougher square for the latter. Uranian energy can feel fairly similar to lunar nodal/eclipse energy as it tends to feel larger than life and unavoidable. It carries much of the same energy as the Tower card in the tarot or the Hagalaz rune. Keep your eyes wide open and try to practice radical acceptance of what is coming up for you in your life. Keep an eye on this energy as it is going to show up big in Taurus season two months from now.
On Monday, 3/5, we experience our exact conjunction between our Asteroid Chiron and the North Node at 16° Aries. Chiron, often known as the wounded healer, tends to represent the pain point of an old wound. In Sign #1 Aries, this wound is centered around how we have all been forced to abandon our uniqueness and individuality to fit in with the pack. The North Node is highlighting the need to be who YOU really are – not who society has told you to be, not who your parents have told you to be, not who your partner would like you to be. If you have trauma around conforming – either wanting to and not being able to or being forced to when it wasn’t in your nature, this is the transit to watch out for this month. The combination of North Node and Chiron energy can be extremely healing but it’s going to take some work and dedication to see through the muck to the other side. It is worth the reminder here that the secret to Chiron moments in life is to lean INTO the pain rather than away from it.
The next day, Mars in Aquarius sextiles both of these two major stress points in the skies. I think that this may open up some avenues of reconciliation between couples that may be on the outs after a rough February (romance-wise). This is a cosmic reminder to let your partner be who they really are, or leave. (Quite frankly.) With such a heavy influence on the individual over the couple (Aries North Node), there’s going to be a lot of impetus to just go it alone. And that’s not a bad decision right now if we’re being honest.
Better alone than with somebody who keeps you small, that’s a lesson of the North Node in Aries FOR SURE.
The second weekend in March is even more volatile and Uranian than the first with our Sun in Pisces sextile to Uranus in Taurus and Mars in Aquarius in direct square. This is RED FLAGS weather. Any Mars-Uranus transits are and the square is by far the worst of them. Lie low, stay out of the fire, and avoid explosives of all kinds if you can. Fate is heavily in play still and Uranus never holds its punches. It’s the dark of the moon, as well, which tends to make the energy deep and murky.
Our new moon is on Sunday 3/10 at 20° Pisces and carries with it the energy of 6 and 7. It is also still sitting in the Uranian energy of the day beforehand. The unpredictability of Uranian energy and the darkness of the unconscious 12th house may be on full display here so expect some immature/shadow behaviors to rise to the surface. Check yourself before you wreck yourself. In its mature form, Piscean energy can be the most selfless of the entire horoscope – tap into that if you can. Watch out for selfishness and avoidant behavior of all kinds. Though it is a wide conjunction, this will bring some of the energy of Neptune in late Pisces into play. Great for a game of role-play, but not so great for honest discussions or accountability.
This energy supports divination, dream work, and spirit communication, but little else.
This is also the last major lunar event before our eclipses so the most sensitive among us will already be feeling it.
The energy will shift a bit as Mercury enters Aries and Venus enters Pisces but we’ll still have the same general energies in play, so it may go unnoticed amongst the angst. We’re drawing close to the Spring Equinox and the start of Aries season which will include two eclipses so the energy may seem to build every day leading up to the 19th. If you are feeling the anxiety of “something about to happen”, know that you are right on time.
It’s going to happen in a flash. On 3/18, Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow at 15° Aries. On 3/19, the Sun enters Aries, and Mercury conjuncts the North Node. On 3/20, Mercury conjuncts Chiron.
Though Chiron and the North Node no longer share the same degree, they are still in close conjunction with each other and Mercury is like the cherry on top of this powerhouse stellium. If you have a relationship that you want to save – this is the time to talk it out. But – AS STATED ABOVE – you gotta be willing to let the other person be who they need to be. And vice versa. That is the bare minimum right now.
For the rest of us, words may hurt during this time, but they might also be quite cathartic. This is a hard “Go” for all of your writers out there. What comes up now isn’t going anywhere, we will have to experience these degrees of Aries multiple times during Mercury’s retrograde cycle as Mercury moves back and forth between 15-27° Aries thrice. This can be a boon or a bane and some of that will likely be up to your perception (Mercury) of these events.
This is wildcard energy and as we enter Aries season, the lunar nodes are ready to go.
Aries is our first sign of the zodiac and it is a moving/cardinal sign ruled by Mars, the planet of action. Expect the pace to pick up faster by the day the Sun sextiles Pluto and Venus conjuncts Saturn on 3/21, and Mars enters Pisces on 3/22. Our lunar eclipse on 3/25 at 05° Libra is a neon billboard already shining in the sky. We’re in the event horizon.
To understand eclipses you must accept that you will never understand eclipses. They exist in a space that appears to exist a bit out of time and create a feeling of heightened liminality to the world. This is why many astrologers explain the energy of an eclipse as opening and closing the doors of fate. Some opportunities seem to materialize out of nowhere with eclipse energy whereas other things in your life might drift permanently away. The general rule of thumb is to trust eclipse energy as the Nodes of the Moon, in the natal chart, are supposed to show us our destiny/path.
I have found that not all eclipses create drastic change in my life, but eclipses that strongly aspect my natal chart are far more likely to. I will write more about this specific eclipse energy in its own post but it is THE transit of the month, for obvious reasons.
Note here that this is a full moon (lunar) eclipse so our moon in Libra is conjunct to the South Node in Libra and opposed to the Sun and North Node in Aries. This is a release/release eclipse energy that will highly augment any magic or rituals done to let go of things and move the fuck on.
It is time. Spring has sprung. The world is reborn anew for another growing year.
April will be a “3” month. “3” is the number of creation. Let’s get ready.
The Details
3/1 – Sun in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus, Venus in Aquarius sextile North Node in Aries/trine South Node in Libra, Venus in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries
3/3 – Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus
3/4 – Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus
3/5 – Chiron conjunct North Node in Aries/opposed South Node in Libra 16 Aries
3/6 – Mars in Aquarius sextile North Node in Aries/trine South Node in Libra, Mars in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries
3/8 – Mercury conjunct Neptune 27° Pisces
3/9 – Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus, Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus
3/10 – New moon 20° Pisces, Mercury enters Aries
3/11 – Venus enters Pisces
3/17 – Sun conjunct Neptune 27° Pisces
3/18 – Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow 15° Aries
3/19 – Sun enters Aries, Mercury conjunct South Node in Aries/opposed South Node in Libra
3/20 – Mercury conjunct Chiron 19° Aries
3/21 – Sun in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius, Venus conjunct Saturn 12° Pisces
3/22 – Mars enters Pisces
3/24 – Venus in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus
3/25 – Eclipsed Full Moon 05° Libra
3/28 – Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus