Are you the kind of person who wants to make a real change in the world? Are you the kind of person who thinks BIG? Who is disappointed in the status quo? Do you want to see a better world for all people?
Then this is the spell for you.
And no, this isn’t exactly a spell tutorial. Let’s call it a spell invitation. A cosmic chance to supercharge your magic.
Why now?
This month (January 2024) has two days that strongly highlight Aquarius and Uranus energy. For those in the know, the sign of Aquarius and Uranus, its planetary ruler, are the rebels, the rulebreakers, the big thinkers, and the revolutionists of the astrological zodiac.
I want to list for you a couple of famous Aquariuses throughout history for a moment so might get an idea of what I mean here: Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Ferdinand Magellan, Fredrick Douglas, Charles Darwin, Galileo Galilei, Yoko One, Charles Lindbergh, Aaron Burr, Bob Marley, Kim Jong-Il, Rosa Parks, and Grigori Rasputin.
One thing that can be said for the Aquarius spirit is that it rarely leads to a milk toast personality. From great revolutionaries to despots to peace activists, Aquarius is THE sign of political change, the kind of change that ripples through history.
Circle these two days on your calendar:
On Saturday, 1/20, the Sun and Pluto meet up in conjunction and move in lockstep with one another into the sign of Aquarius.
One week later, on 1/27, Uranus stations direct.
These are the kind of days when change happens. But we witches don’t just let change happen, we MAKE change happen. This is the best-aligned chance to enact real and lasting change – the kind of change that the above-listed Aquariuses made – for quite some time.
We just need to use it.
As stated above, I am not going to outline an exact ritual or spell for you here because this spell needs to come from you. It should, in some way, reflect the change that YOU want to see in the world.
But I will give you some places to start.
A General Spell Framework
There are three major players in these powerhouse days. 1/20 involves the Sun, Uranus, and Pluto and 1/27 involves Uranus. As outer planets, Uranus and Pluto are considered beyond human influence and most astrologers believe that they cannot be petitioned in the same way that the seven planetary powers can. The Sun, on the other hand, can be. Create an altar to the Sun. Moreover, create an altar to the Sun in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is our fixed air sign so elements of air can be added to your altar. Additionally, you could include photos of famous Aquarius changemakers that you particularly admire or even non-Aquarius changemakers who worked with the particular cause you are championing. The Sun supports life itself, Uranus and Pluto are our planets of change, and Aquarius supports community of all kinds. Intentions around the world as one community will be highly effective during this time. If you are struggling for an intention, something like “Everybody deserves more love, not less” is a reasonable place to start.
Think big. The sky is the limit here. This isn’t a day for magic to fix your own life – this is a day for magic to fix the world. Do you want to stop climate instability? End homelessness? Redress great injustices?
The symbols for the Sun, Uranus, Pluto, and Aquarius may prove useful in your spellwork. You can carve them onto candles or petition papers.

If you work with tarot in your spellwork, there are a few cards that can be worked with to enact great changes. The one that comes to mind immediately is the Death Card because what greater change exists than to exit this life for the next? The death cards can be directed to remove anything from a situation through a metaphorical “killing” of it. And then, of course, we have the Tower – the OG card connected to the energy of Uranus. The Tower is associated with dramatic and unthinkable change (as the card depicts) but it has a deeper esoteric association with the changing of belief systems, like the sign of Aquarius! And then we have Judgment which can serve the purpose of bringing about consequences to those that need to face their actions.
Alternatively, if you work with runes, both the Dagaz and the Tiwaz runes can be used to enact change (Dagaz, as a brand new day and a brand new chance) and Tiwaz (to enact divine justice). The rune Halagaz can also be used similarly to the Tower card to bring down systems and enact the change of inevitability. Though I find the energy of Hagalaz to be similar to that of the Tower, I favor the rune in this case as it implies the inevitable rebirth at the end of the change: when the ice melts, new things will grow again.
That said, as always, your magic needs to work for you.