December is a “1” Universal Month [12 (December) + 7 (2023) = 19 = 1+9 = 10 = 1+ 0 =1] in a “7” Universal Year. Things have come full circle and we are back at the beginning all over again. “1” months always represents a beginning of some kind but this one will be bookmarked by “9” months on BOTH sides of it because 2024 is an “8” Universal Year which will make January a “9” Universal Month [1 (January) + 8 (2024) = 9]. This coincides well with December’s dubious honor as holding our fourth and final Mercury retrograde of the year which will transition Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune out of retrogrades, effectively ending our retrograde season on 1/1/24. We are almost there. But, not yet.
The Set Up
We begin the month of December with the Sun and Mars in Sagittarius, Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn, Venus in Libra, retrograde Jupiter and retrograde Uranus in Taurus, and Saturn and retrograde Neptune in Pisces. Over the course of the month, the Sun will enter Capricorn, Venus will enter Scorpio and then Sagittarius, and Mercury will cross back and forth over the Sagittarius/Capricorn border three times. Additionally, three of our planets will station (change directions) – Mercury will station retrograde, Neptune will station direct, and Jupiter will station direct. We are exiting a sixth-month-long retrograde cycle, as of 1/2/24, only one single planet will remain in retrograde motion (Uranus).
The Nitty Gritty
December is a month that traditionally begins with a lot of warmth and joy (Sagittarius/Jupiter) but can often end in more solemnity than people like to admit to (Capricorn/Saturn). Where Sags sometimes seem to fly in the face of consequence, Capricorn stews in it. I say this because this switch-off between these two signs this year may be especially contentious for many and, for the most Mercurial of us, it will happen more than thrice. Mercury alone is going to make this journey three times (twice in December) but the Sun, Venus, and Mars are all soon to follow. That’s…a lot. If things are getting a bit serious and NOT festive this month, know that you are right one time.
Not only does Mercury enter Capricorn on 12/1 (an augury of the month ahead as a whole), but our planet of communication, technology, and travel immediately comes into a heavy sextile with Mr. Consequences himself, Saturn. Saturn doesn’t sit easily in the sign of Pisces because well, Pisces (and the 12th house it rules) is ephemeral and sometimes not even conscious. If you’re not living consciously and in this world, you’re not going to do well with Train of Consequences because you might not even notice that you’ve wandered onto the tracks. That’s going to be a theme of the month, for sure. Keep in mind that Mercury is already in its pre-retrograde phase here, this is pass #1 of this aspect which repeats again on 12/21 while Mercury is retrograde and again on 1/18/24 when direct. Is there a lesson you’ve been intentionally (you might say “not intentionally” but we’re being real here) avoiding? You might want to look at it sooner rather than later this month.
That first weekend in December is looking kind of rough. Not only do we have Mercury sextile to Saturn (remember here that even though sextile is a “supportive” aspect Saturn is rough no matter how you spin it), but we also have Venus in Libra squaring off with Pluto in Capricorn. That’s some pretty intense breakup weather if you catch my drift. Not if you are in a good relationship, mind. Breakup weather isn’t meant to scare you. But we all know – WE KNOW – that couple. The one that exists for red flags and long nights. That seems to manage to exist as a couple based entirely on what, we all assume, must be the best makeup sex ever. Venus in Libra will stay together no matter what, Libras is just codependent like that. On the other hand, Pluto in Capricorn is on the tail end of its 26-year tirade to end contractional obligations that just don’t work. (sidenote: not that I’m endorsing it, but this a good weekend to work magic to “help” along the desolvation of relationships that shouldn’t continue)
On Monday 12/4, Venus enters Scorpio and makes an immediate trine with Saturn which only accentuates this sense that we need to be in the right place, with the right people, or else. I’m a bit of a relationship anarchist so take what I am about to say with that in mind but: this is not the time to commit yourself to something that isn’t right for you or something that you don’t believe in. That’s a message for somebody. Venus in Scorpio can be quite the vindictive bitch (affectionate), so let people down as nicely as possible. Keep in mind that there’s about a 1/5 chance that Venus is in Scorpio during Sagittarius season (she is always within 2 signs of the Sun) and I promise you, this is the worst combination for the holiday crazies. We are all going to have to pack our patience and our very best regulation skills to get through this month as smoothly as possible.
Neptune stations direct on 12/6 but it’s likely we won’t notice it as much more than a bit of added muddle to the madness. Neptune is pretty effusive in the best of times and in its native sign of Pisces its energy is just mist. You may notice that time passes slowly during the mid-week as most planetary stations tend to create some time distortion.
On Thursday 12/7, our Sun makes a trine to Chiron in Aries. This is undoubtedly a pain point in our month which makes some sense given the holiday season and our aforementioned breakup weather. It is what it is. It might be hard to separate yourself from your triggers during this time – especially familial triggers. For those called to work with Chironian energy, this is a powerful moment to stand tall and own your own pain. (You know who you are)
On Friday, 12/8, Mercury makes its first trine of three with retrograde Jupiter in Taurus. You can expect some big ideas or plans during this time, but not a lot of follow-through. Mercury will trine Jupiter for a second time during their retrograde cycle on 12/18 and a third time in direct motion on 1/19. It’s worth noting here that Jupiter rules this weekend as Venus in Scorpio opposed Jupiter the next day. Things could go very well or very poorly during this time. A lot will have to do with how you are showing up and how stuck you and your others are in your own shit. There’s no great day to do abundance or money work this month, but Saturday will be the best one we’ll see until Mercury and Jupiter have left their post-retrograde shadows come January.
By Monday 12/11, things will be getting a bit dicey. Mercury will retrograde on Wednesday which means that it has already slowed to a near standstill in our skies as it prepares to switch directions. This tends to make all realms ruled by Mercury especially murky and untenable – watch out for all communication throughout this week. There will be misunderstandings. Catch them early if you can. We will also be experiencing a Mercury-Venus sextile on Monday and a new moon at 20° Sagittarius. This new moon is going to be closely trine to both the North Node and Chiron in Aries, so tensions will be high and pain may feel quite close to the surface.
This new moon has some very interesting numerology. Firstly, it’s on 12/12 which we should all recognize as 3/3 energy – three is a powerful number for creation and manifestations of all times. Additionally, this particular moon carries the energy of “9” of every Sagittarius new moon [Sun in Sagittarius (9) + Moon in Sagittarius (9) = 18 = 1+8 =9] and “1” [9 (Sag moon) + 1 (December 20230 = 10 = 1]. Nine is the number of endings and 1 is the number of beginnings which reflects the overall energy of our month wherein we go from 9 (November) to (1) December and back to (9) January again. This new moon will likely be a turning point in the month, either a major pivot or a significant Ahah moment. Using the numbers 1, 3, and 9 in any new moon spellwork that you do can help amplify your magic during this time.
On the next day, the Sun will trine the North Node and Mercury will officially enter its retrograde at 08° Capricorn. I have already written about this particular retrograde cycle here which you can reference for specifics. The gist is that Mercury will remain in retrograde until it reaches 22° Sagittarius on 1/1/24 which will be a major power day. Until then, we will need to sit tight and try to ride with the tides that come to us.
By Friday, Mars in Sagittarius will be trine to Chiron in Aries and the Sun will be squaring off with Neptune in Pisces so we enter a weekend that may be painful and confusing. There’s a lot going on here and not everybody will be on the same page. I’d stake a lot on the fact that someone involved in all of this is lying. Or at least intentionally obscuring the truth. Try to step away from your ego as you can. Be the bigger person. Or don’t. I can’t tell you what to do.
On Monday 12/18, retrograde Mercury meets up with retrograde Jupiter for their second trine. This is the lying times. It has Boy Who Cried Wolf energy. Whatever the story is right now, it’s still heavily obscured so don’t make rash decisions that you’ll regret later.
By the end of the week, we are back deep into the consequences and Saturnian energy. On Thursday, the Sun enters Capricorn and winter begins, retrograde Mercury meets up in a sextile with Saturn for the second time, and Venus opposed retrograde Uranus in Taurus. Not only do actions have consequences, but they may have dangerous consequences during this time. The Sun and Mercury enter full conjunction (cazimi) on Friday which means that all reasoning has been blocked out by the light of the ego. It’s not going to be pretty. We’re in the big holiday weekend, too.
I’d say stay home if you can this weekend, but I know it’s not an option for most people. It’s going to be a tough time to be around family. Retrograde Mercury enters Sagittarius on Saturday which means that everybody is going to be a know-it-all. Mars will be directly trine to the North Node so the words said are going to pack a punch. And the Sun in Capricorn is now directly sextile with Saturn, so the consequences are consequencing. Pack your very best self-care and ninja boundaries if you can. Maybe try to remember that most people are fighting with themselves and not with you.
By 12/25, Venus in Scorpio will be trine with Neptune in Pisces so we all might be a bit weepy over the things that were said and done in the days before. The full moon is on the horizon, too – peaking on Tuesday evening (EST) at 04° Cancer. We have a bunch of planets sitting between 24°-05° along that that are all tangled up in a nasty knot. The Sun is still conjunct to retrograde Mercury and Mars (their conjunction is exact the next day) and sextile to Saturn while the moon is closely conjunct with retrograde Jupiter. Both Mercury and Mars are bringing in Neptune in Pisces energy through a mutable square.
Nobody really knows what’s going on right now, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t up in their egos about it. Give everybody a break during this time, most especially yourself. Pick that fight on a different day – maybe even in another life where you are both cats.
The numerology of this Cancer full moon brings with it the energy of “5” [10 (Capricorn Sun) + 4 (Cancer Moon) = 14 = 1+4 = 5] that is found within all Cancer full moon and the energy of “6” [5 (Cancer full moon) + 1 (December 2023) =6] that is specific to THIS full moon. So what I am saying is that there IS a chance. 5 is a bit of a conflict number, but 6 plays an important role as the number that follows it – 6 can FIX the problems of number 5. This is the best auspicious thing about the entire month, we should all attempt to use it. You can bring the number six into your life by using six in any way that feels good to you during the 48 hours surrounding the peak of the full moon. (From around 7:30pm (EST) on 11/24 to 7:30pm on 11/27) This makes this time the cosmic right time to right a wrong, bring your big kid apology pants to this party. But also maybe remember to not take credit for things other people did.
We’re in the homestretch to our new year and Jupiter and Mercury both stationing direct, but the hits keep coming in. On Wednesday 12/27, retrograde Mercury and Mars meet up for a fiery conjunction (that could be good but watch your mouth – are you telling the truth or spinning a yarn?) while also squaring off with Neptune in Pisces. Remember that Mercury is really close to stationing direct and that means the mouse trap is close at hand. Is the immediate reward worth those consequences? Only you can answer that question. The Sun in Capricorn is trine to retrograde Jupiter in Taurus, so luck could swing either way.
On Friday 12/29, Venus in Scorpio sextiles Pluto for a hot minute (echoing that breakup energy from earlier in the month but with a lighter touch…dare I say it could be makeup energy but I hope not given who I think might break up) before entering into Sagittarius. Venus in Sag is a firecracker but she’ll be heavily tempered by the intensity of the Capricorn/Saturn energy we’re experiencing. Can you keep your dreams alive in the face of opposition? How do you hold space for the fire and inspiration in your life?
Finally, on New Year’s Eve, Jupiter stations direct at 05° Taurus which is an amazingly auspicious transit to ring in the new year with a bit of luck that all of us will certainly need. That may lead to excessive partying, so just beware. And finally, on 1/1/24, Mercury stations direct as well.
I find it absurd that we begin our calendar on an odd day in the middle of Capricorn season, but here we are. 1/1 is not just the first day of the month but also the first day of a year! This is a way to superpower the 1 energy of starting new projects (the magic behind New Year’s resolutions). This is very in alignment with Mercury and Jupiter stationing direct at virtually the same time. I personally will not be out partying because I want to be at my best to take advantage of this energy to start our new year.
As mentioned above, 2024 is an “8” year, the number of the Ouroboros. What has gone around will come around again because life never ends. That said, January is a “9” month, and hence, an ending. Contradictions are and I am really looking forward to this one.
The Details
12/1 – Mercury enters Capricorn
12/2 – Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (1)
12/3 – Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn
12/4 – Venus enters Scorpio
12/5 – Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces
12/6 – Neptune stations direct 24° Pisces
12/7 – Sun in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries
12/8 – Mercury in Capricorn trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (1)
12/9 – Venus in Scorpio opposed retrograde Jupiter in Taurus
12/11 – Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Scorpio
12/12 – New moon 20° Sagittarius
12/13 – Mercury retrogrades 08° Capricorn, Sun in Sagittarius trine the North Node in Aries and sextile the South Node in Libra
12/15 – Mars in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries
12/16 – Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces
12/18 – retrograde Mercury in Capricorn sextile retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (2)
12/21 – Sun enters Capricorn (Happy Winter!), retrograde Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (2), Venus in Scorpio opposed retrograde Uranus in Taurus
12/22 – Sun conjunct Mercury (Mercury cazimi) 00° Capricorn
12/23 – retrograde Mercury enters Sagittarius (29°), Mars in Sagittarius trine North Node in Aries and sextile South Node in Libra
12/24 – Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces
12/25 – Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces
12/26 – Full moon 04° Cancer
12/27 – Sun in Capricorn trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus. retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (2)
12/29 – Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn, Venus enters Sagittarius
12/31 – Jupiter stations direct 05° Taurus
1/1/24 – Mercury stations direct 22° Sagittarius