March is a “1” Universal Month [3 (March) + 7 (2023) = 10 = 1+0 = 1] in a “7” Universal Year. 1 is the number of beginnings but this is a 10/1 – this is the type of beginning that only comes after great trials and hardships. Rejoice (in a way) – you made it to the other side. Maybe you even beat the bad guy. This is also signified through the astrology of the month as Saturn, our planet of responsibility transits from the fixed air sign of Aquarius into the mutable water sign of Pisces. This is a big gong crash that demarcates time as we experience it. Something is over. The Set Up
We begin the month with the Sun and Neptune in Pisces, Mercury and Saturn in Aquarius, Venus Jupiter and Chiron in Aries, Mars in Gemini, Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, and Pluto in Capricorn. All of our planets will travel in forward motion all month long – it is go time. We will experience a number of planetary ingresses this month, the most notable of which is the aforementioned switcharoo of Saturn from a sign that it traditionally ruled (Aquarius) to the utter wilds of Pisces. Saturn entered Aquarius on March 21, 2020 and has been a major player in the last three years of our life. Saturn is a planet that is already quite hidebound and it can become deeply locked into place when transiting a fixed sign. That so many of us were stuck at home for months as Saturn entered Aquarius was no coincidence. This transit is going to be a huge release of energy – circle 3/7/2023 on your calender.
Additionally, we experience the expected personal planetary movements. Our sun will enter Aries as the astrological year is reborn at the spring equinox on 3/20 and Venus enters her home sign of Taurus on 3/15. Mercury is moving fast and enters Aquarius on 3/2 and moves on to Pisces on 3/19. Additionally, after a full retrograde cycle, Mars enters Cancer on 3/25.
The Nitty Gritty
This is definitely a new beginning but it may happen in stages as the planets all step into place to play their parts. The lunar nodes are in play as those close-moving personal planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus) move along – the South node will be activated in trine as they transit Pisces and the North Node in conjunction as they continue on to transit Taurus during the spring. Some of us may be held back by the things that we haven’t offloaded, if that’s you – do the work and let that shit go.
Our big days are: 3/2, 3/6, 3/7, 3/20. 3/21, 3/25
Any one of these days are huge power days that can be harnessed for many types of magic. Do the work on yourself and the energy will be doubled. This is the planetary “right time” to make a change in your life (whatever that means for you). If you work with this energy and use it to your advantage, there is less chance that you will be at the mercy of it.
This is a month that sort of demands that you put one foot in front of the other, always moving forward, to do the work. But we may have less incentive as Saturn transits into Pisces.
Pisces is just so damn dreamy. And no, I don’t mean it in a “He’s a dreamboat” /hystericalscreaming sort of way. I mean in the chronically avoids reality by creating intricate fantasy worlds sort of way. That’s all well and good if you’re an author of any kind but if you’re just a human and you are locking your Others in your stories, well, we know that can become problematic, right? Right?!? Saturn is a dose of realism that even a Pisces can’t hide from. This could be a good thing. We all have seen the rise in “misinformation” (let’s just through that whole thing into one big blob, I’m not even going to try and define it more – all mutable mush here) that Neptune has inspired through its Piscean travels these past years. But the people whose bubbles are about to get burst aren’t going to be super happy about it. In Pisces season, it’s really easy to get stuck in the mud. We can all get a little bit dysregulated when forced to confront the things that we are hiding from, so maybe cut the Others a bit of slack and we are all going to have to endure these transits. We are all travelers on this planet together even when we don’t want to admit to it.
Venus, who is leading the way ahead of the Sun and Mercury at the moment, will start the month conjunct to Jupiter and Chiron in Aries and end the month conjunct with Uranus in Taurus. There is pain close to the surface but this time around it looks like it may be there to compel change. In between these, she meets up in conjunction with the North Node and we get a brief glimpse into eclipse season and her future retrograde cycle in July.
The Virgo full moon on 3/7 will bring in the energy of Uranus in Taurus and happen on the same day that Saturn enters Pisces. This is the perfect day to set intentions around making changes (Uranus) that will improve your life (moon in Virgo). Leave an offering to sky-daddy Saturn to add some extra oomph.
Stay aware of your actions around 3/12-3/14. People may be betting beyond their capacity (Jupiter conjunct Chiron) or a past indulgence may come back to bite you in the ass. Mars in Gemini is also square to Neptune in Pisces for the third and final time as part of his retrograde cycle. Have you learned to just own up to it and tell the truth yet? Nah, I didn’t think so…
Mars in Gemini shirks his lessons, that’s for sure. He seems to get away with it though, so?
The Sun and Mercury are involved, too. They may shine enough light on the situation to illuminate it despite Gemini and Pisces’s best attempts at looking in the other direction. Beware the Ides of March? I’ve mostly just wanted to be able to say that but its also not wrong.
A story is coming unraveled. I hope that it’s not one of yours. I’d watch the media around the middle of the month – there could be a big reveal (or two).
At the same time, Venus slips into Taurus which would normally come as a relief but the beginning of Taurus is pretty weighty at the moment. She immediately falls into a sextile with Saturn which is quite constraining and then meets up in conjunction with our North Node of fate. Normally the party begins when Venus enters Taurus but this transit may be quite austere in the beginning. You may what to keep an eye on expenses during this time – especially if you’re prone to excessiveness in that regard.
Venus conjuncts the North Node on the new moon on the first full day of the astrological new year – this is highly auspicious, again, for intention setting on new beginnings. Harness the energy of the spring towards your new projects. Work with Sun magic or seed magic for enhanced effectiveness during this time.
A few days later, on 3/25, Mars ends his long stay in Gemini by entering Cancer. If you haven’t managed it before now (I get it…no judgment, starting things can be hard) this is another chance to start again and set new intentions. It’s spring – time to go and time to grow.
The Details
3/2 – Mercury conjunct Satun 29° Aquarius, Mercury enters Aquarius, Venus conjunct Jupiter 12° Aries
3/3 – Venus conjunct Chiron 13° Aries
3/6 – Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus. Mercury in Pisces trine South Node in Scorpio
3/7 – Full Moon 16° Virgo, Saturn enters Pisces
3/11 – Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus, Venus in Aries sextile Mars in Gemini
3/12 – Jupiter conjunct Chiron 14° Aries
3/14 – Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces
3/15 – Sun conjunct Mercury 25° Pisces, Sun in Pisces square Mars in Gemini, Mercury conjunct Neptune 25° Pisces, Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn, Venus enters Taurus
3/17 – Venus in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces
3/18 – Mercury in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn
3/19 – Sun in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn, Mercury enters Aries
3/20 – Sun enters Aries, Spring Equinox
3/21 – New moon 00° Aries, Venus conjunct North Node 05° Taurus
3/25 – Mars enters Cancer
3/26 – Mercury conjunct Chiron 15° Aries
3/30 – Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces, Venus conjunct Uranus 16° Taurus