Energy Update January 2022

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January is an “8” Universal Month [1 (January) + 7 (2023) = 8] in a “7” Universal Year.   8 is an upright infinity symbol, also known as the ouroboros; it represents that path that we travel in our lives and the cycles that we must endure – both the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.   An 8-month represents the “whole package” – when the numerological energy of 8 is in the air, things tend to come full circle.   This is in alignment with the astrological energy of January where we end three retrograde cycles (Mercury, Mars, and Uranus). It is worth noting that the energy of January (and more specifically the energy of January 1st) sets the tone for the year ahead.   Our 7-year will likely be introspective and for many quite spiritual and our 8-month will allow us to bring all of these intense energies into perspective.   What goes up, must come down.   But what goes down will also, eventually, come back up. The Details

We begin January with the Sun, retrograde Mercury, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn, retrograde Mars in Gemini, Jupiter and Chiron in Aries, Saturn in Aquarius, retrograde Uranus in Taurus, and Neptune in Pisces.   By month’s end, each of the three retrograde planets will have stationed direct ending retrograde season for the moment.   Additionally, the Sun will have entered Aquarius and Venus will have moved all the way through Aquarius and into Pisces.

We may all feel a bit like we are Merlin or other famous time distortionists. Most of the strong aspects fall at the beginning of the month while both Mercury and Mars remain retrograde. Then, as we exit the retrogrades, things get less frantic. A lot of getting done is going to come due all at once but none of it will need doing. That isn’t supposed to make sense.

The Nitty Gritty

To a greater or lesser degree, the energies of the first day of the year affect the entire year ahead.   So, as far as our time construct year of “2023” goes, it is worth taking a moment to carefully look at the transits specifically for 1/1/2023.   As mentioned above, we have a strong stellium between retrograde Mercury, Venus, and Pluto in play, and the exact conjunction between Venus and Pluto falls on the first.   Additionally, Mercury Mars, and Pluto are in retrograde motion.

I think that there is wisdom in reading the energies of Venus and Mars as a pair – even if you’re not personally into their roles as the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, they still should be read as the “pull vs push” energies that affect us at all points in time.   Mars is currently very poorly placed while retrograde in Gemini – there is no push.   And Venus is being augmented by the deep chthonic energies of Pluto, the planet of death and resurrection.   This will give the entire year a bit of a dark feminine feel to it – this is the energy of the death goddess who is the earth herself, the feral energy of the “me too” movement, this is the energy of the howling fury on a cold and frigid night.   Here I predict that 2023 may not be the faint of heart but, as we live in “interesting times”, this should be expected.

With Pluto so strongly aspected on the first day of the year, one should expect that death will be a part of our lives throughout 2023; but I do not say that to scare you.   Pluto is more often the Death card in the tarot than a Grim Reaper figure.   Things change, whether you want them to or not.   It is when we can sit in observance of the change that we do not get so caught in its web.

As the first week of January (and the new year) progresses, things may just feel a bit strange. On Monday, retrograde Mercury makes a quick sextile with Neptune in Pisces: this is your high fog warning. Don’t trust the sounds that you hear in the night, and so forth. Insert your favorite superstitions here as is appropriate to your culture. Venus enters Aquarius on Tuesday and immediately makes a sextile to Jupiter in Aries which will spice things up. We have a full moon in Cancer on Friday which lights up the sky with the Sun and Mercury in trine to Uranus in Taurus. The energy will be high, as is chance of all kinds.

Proceed with caution or enjoy it as fits your personality.

We’re all pretty in it right about now. Capricorn feels a bit touchy about Uranus’s recent squares with Saturn. There is a feeling of consequences in the air. We all have to pay up sooner or later.

Be aware of what you are saying this week. The Sun and Mercury have been moving towards each other since this Mercury retrograde began and they complete this conjunction on Saturday. That day is poorly aspected to do anything that involves mercurial pursuits of all kinds. Everybody is talking too much and not listening enough. People are out there looking to take offense. The energy will carry all the way through the weekend as Mercury makes an exact trine with Uranus on Sunday 1/8. Venus in Aquarius makes a trine to retrograde Mars in Gemini on Monday 1/9 which sounds like it should be nice, but I smell an argument. Mars in Gemini is furious about being forced to retrace his steps and Venus in Aquarius isn’t holding back any harsh words. If yelling it out is helpful to you and yours, this day could be really cathartic. Watch out for those arguments between you and your closest. Yeah, that argument. You know the one.

If Mars actually shows up that Monday, it could be a really good day. It’s a good day to get together with your favorite friends who like to play Scrabble, sing karaoke, or go to strange museums and learn something together. This is an air trine no matter whether Venus and Mars can get along so Monday 1/9 is a very auspicious day for air magic of all kinds. I just think that, in general, Mars in Gemini doesn’t remember to show up in the best of times and Mars retrograde is not even on the same plane of existence, so how COULD they show up? It’s not really Mars’s fault here. On Thursday, Mars stations direct at 08° Gemini so by Monday he’s already basically standing still. Whatever change you’re feeling, it may need to wait a bit. Remember that Mars still has to retrace his way through his post retrograde shadow. Again, I get that feeling of consequence – this is a time to make right with whomever you owe things to. The Sun will be sextile to Neptune adding to the haze of it all.

The second weekend of January will also be quite Uranian as Venus in Aquarius squares off with Uranus in Taurus. This may feel like the one final personalization of the lessons brought up by all of those Saturn-Uranus squares from 2021-2022. This energy will be quite liminal, use it if you know how. On Wednesday, 1/18 The Sun meets up in conjunction with Pluto at the end of Capricorn and Mercury stations direct at 08° Capricorn. Pay attention to what happens in and around that date. It’s also worth noting that Mercury is in trine to the North Node during this as well. Check in with the messengers in your life – what do the people around you have to say?

On Friday 1/20, the Sun enters Aquarius and we have a new moon at 01° Aquarius on Saturday while Venus and Saturn also meet up at 22° Aquarius. It will be a very Aquarian weekend. Is that different from a very Uranian weekend? Time will tell. Venus may be harsh while she is conjunct to Saturn so hold your tongue if you can. Sometimes the nicest thing that you can do is not say anything at all.

Uranus stations direct on Sunday 1/22 at 15° Taurus. Uranus isn’t quite square to either Saturn and Uranus of that early new moon but it will be felt all the same. That whole week is a week to play it safe – no more games of chance, please. The fourth week of January will be quieter. On Wednesday, 1/25, the Sun in Aquarius makes a sextile with Jupiter in Aries which is highly auspicious. It is a good day to have a good day. Enjoy yourself.

Venus enters Pisces on 1/27 which will shift the mood from a lot of air to something a bit…wetter. We will probably be dehydrated AF so it may be a nice change. This is when you might finally see the waterworks that the explosions early in the month should have created. As I said, this whole month feels like walking backward.

If your experiences seem to happen out of time (and there’s not a mental health reason that you are experiencing this, see also any other needed disclaimer here), know that you are right on time.

It’s okay to take your time. This energy is dense and most people won’t be able to see more than 5 ft of their own faces.

The big flex all month is going to be to look up and see that there are still other people around you. The big flex this month is going to be to stay in your heart as Venus in Aquarius whips up her wind storms. The big flex this month is going to be to stay present and in your body. Also, drink some water. So much air dries out the soul.

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