July is a 13/4 (7 (July) + 6 (2022) = 13 = 1+3 = 4) Universal Month in a 6 Universal Year. Numerologically 4 is a number of solidification and order – in general, 4 months lend themselves towards processes, organization, and tidiness. This year has been a mess (as was 2020 and 2021) and we may find ourselves having to spend a lot of time during the month of July picking up the pieces of our shattered lives. If you are in this energy, know that you are right on time.
The Set-Up
We begin the month with our Sun in Cancer, Mercury and Venus in Gemini, Mars and Jupiter in Aries, retrograde Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus, retrograde Neptune in Pisces, and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. By month’s end, the Sun will have moved on into Leo, Mercury and Venus into Cancer (and beyond that, Mercury into Leo), and Mars into Taurus. Additionally, both Jupiter and Chiron will retrograde.
Here we can see a pattern emerging – what happens during the month of July will likely be personal or at least felt on a personal level as most of our movement involves the personal plants. Additionally, there are relatively few major planetary transits that will activate this month which shows that the movement of the moon and its continued aspects with the planets as it traverses the horoscope wheel will be of more importance than average. This comes into alignment with July being ruled primarily by Cancer (our Sun sign for 3/4 of the month) which is, in turn, ruled by the moon. Things are likely to be moody and water-laden. Emotions may change quickly. Old pains and traumas may lie close to the surface.
The biggest lunar aspects to watch out for all month will be the continued application by conjunction, square, and opposition of the moon (in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) to Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. As Saturn retrogrades further back into Aquarius over the coming months, it will begin to apply a deepening square to Uranus in Taurus. This is a repeat of the energy of 2021 where Saturn and Uranus made three exact squares to one another over the course of the year – what I termed the Irresistible Force Paradox. Here Saturn acts as the Immovable Force and Uranus the Unstoppable Object. This energy is on the rise and will culminate from 10/3-10/6 when the planets just barely avoid exactitude on a fourth hard square. That which has been fixed for too long is on the chopping blocks – the motto right now is Change Before You Have To.
The Nitty Gritty
We begin July on 7/1 with a hard cardinal square between Mars in Aries and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. This will draw our attention back to October of 2020 and our last Mars retrograde where Mars crossed paths with Pluto three times, and to the beginning of this year when Mars met up with Pluto in Capricorn during his ill-fated journey with newly direct Venus on the warpath. Something about how we express our desires and perhaps what we are aiming at entirely has to change – and that change is somewhat overdue. Pluto says let that shit die but some of us just aren’t ready yet. This is a sign of what’s to come – in October, Mars will retrograde in the sign of Gemini and we will be forced to revisit these choices or lack of choices more carefully. Aspects that happen on the first of the month always have significance as they tend to color the feeling or energy of the month as a whole. Additionally of note, this is a cardinal sign aspect in a cardinal sign month – individuals with personal planets in the late degrees of the cardinal signs are most likely to be feeling the impact of this now and all month.
Tumultuous is the only word for the following weekend. With Mars and our death bearer still square to one another, we will experience the first of our hits to Saturn and Uranus via the moon in Leo. Late Saturday night, the moon will square off with Uranus in Taurus, and early on Sunday morning, it will oppose Saturn in Aquarius. The Leo moon always thinks it knows what is (and that’s often that it is the best of all) but Saturn and Uranus aren’t having any of that nonsense. This fixed t-square is an indication to lie low and avoid that argument – especially those arguments that center around telling close friends or family what to do or how to be. Mars is looking for a fight and retrograde Pluto is set up to end things, this weather has Three of Swords energy and breakups written all over it.
It is personal and it is in our relationships that we’ll be feeling this energy early in the month. Monday won’t let off the heat any as the Moon, now in Virgo, will square off with Venus in Gemini. Nitty picking and rule-breaking may be coming up during this time. Step back and ask yourself if the rules that you are setting for your Others are valid or if they are just for your own comfort. We are in a growth cycle, if you are too comfortable right now – you are not paying close enough attention. This is also July 4th and likely to be a tumultuous American birthday – at best – our country is grappling with the very same rule-making and rule-breaking situation as you may be finding inside your own homes. Stay away from fireworks – with Mars and Pluto still square, playing with explosives is highly ill-advised.
We get a more significant shakeup on Tuesday as we have two inner planetary shifts. Mercury, our planet of communication will enter Cancer, and Mars, our planet of War and Consequences, enters Taurus. Mercury isn’t very at home in the water sea of Cancer so emotions may end up drowning out our words – try to step back and gain some perspective before you speak (or write) while Mercury transits our cardinal water sign. Normally, Mars in Taurus would be a welcome break from the stress of the warrior energy of Mars in Aries but with both the North Node and Uranus also occupying the sign of the bull; we are likely to see more red flags than placid cows.
Mars won’t conjunct Uranus until 8/07 and until then, we might feel like we’re in a bit of the hot seat. Remember the phrase “Don’t cross the pasture in 9 seconds because the bull can do it in 10”. Aka – stay out of the pasture if you’re not looking to get gored.

The rest of the week is just moon aspects but we’ve had enough to deal with that it may just be time to feel it and process this energy. As the weekend approaches, things are on the chopping block again as Saturday 7/09 brings us our second activation of Saturn and Uranus – this time by our moon in Scorpio. Additionally, Mercury in Cancer is squaring off with Jupiter in Aries so communication may be over-the-top and exaggerated. Again, find your center if you can and avoid that fight. Don’t say anything that you won’t be able to take back because there’s not a lot of forgiveness to go around right now. On Sunday, our Sun in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus which is iffy at best – things may be revealed. Expect the unexpected.
On Wednesday, we will experience a full moon at 21° Capricorn and things may be all about getting down to business. Capricorn is earthy and steadfast – often wanting concrete details and finalized agreements. These are hard to come by currently and they have been for years now as Pluto has slowly traversed the sign of the Seagoat. Indeed, this full moon is going to make a conjunction with retrograde Pluto so what needs to end so that things CAN be solidified may come to a head under these energies. Let it go to let it crow.
Venus in Gemini squares off with retrograde Neptune in Pisces the next day on 7/14 and we can see that decisions, even decisions that need to be made, aren’t easy to make at the moment. Pisces, especially, doesn’t like to let go of the fantasy, but this Capricorn moon is asking us to acknowledge the reality rather than miring ourselves in the mud of could’ve beens. We’re getting another hit the next day to Saturn and Uranus, this time via the moon in Aquarius who is going to conjunct Saturn. Something really fucking big has got to go. Chart the steps to releasing it even if you can’t take the actions yet.
The third weekend in July will be a bit lighter than the first two: we have a quick Sun-Mercury conjunction on Saturday 7/16 and our Sun in Cancer will trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces on Sunday 7/17. Additionally, Venus will enter the sign of Cancer which may, finally, pave some space for empathy and compassion. Just remember, you need to show empathy and compassion – it’s not okay to just claim you have the right to be on the receiving end of things.
Both our Sun and Mercury in Cancer will oppose retrograde Pluto in Capricorn on 7/19 and 7/18 respectively while still in tight conjunction with one another – this is an indication that some level of death of the ego is in order during this time. Again, the energy of the month as a whole should be taken into account here – perhaps you are demanding that your Others live up to some egoic standards or do something to support you without you giving back support in return. The first Mercury retrograde of the year played heavily with Pluto in Capricorn so what happened during that retrograde cycle may be at the forefront during these events. If you are trying to control your Others for your own personal gain, your actions may be revealed during this time.
As Mercury enters Leo on Tuesday 7/19, it’s unlikely that the message has gotten through. Mercury in Leo is the quintessential narcissistic persona: what I think is the ultimate truth. Remember to see others as they really are and not as you want them to be during this time. People are seeking massive freedom and will not take kindly to your projections. Additionally, Chiron also retrogrades at 16° Aries on this day – this is likely to be a painful lesson for those that need to learn it.
Indeed, we see that things are coming to a head (again). On Wednesday 7/20, the Moon makes a cardinal t-square with the Sun in Cancer, Mercury in Leo, and Pluto in Capricorn. This is a month to stay extra aware of your actions and how you are using your others especially if you have personal planets in the last degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn). I know that warning will fall flat because you’re likely running too fast to stop and listen, but warn I must all the same. There is a wall that you are not seeing.
Our Sun enters Leo on 7/22 which is notably the same day as we experience yet another tough aspect between the Moon (now in Taurus) and Saturn-Uranus. This is going to be an extra-egoic Leo season – yes, even more than normal. Beware the stories that you tell yourself just to make yourself look good. Honest assessment is going to get much farther than aggrandizement right now.
The weekend of 7/23-7/24 is uneventful astrologically which will likely be a huge relief.
By Monday we’re back at it (if at it is “the fight”) as Venus in Cancer squares off with Jupiter in Aries on 7/25 and Mercury in Leo squares off with Mars in Taurus on 7/26. Things feel personal and we are all likely to be triggered AF – where can you create space to avoid conflict during this time. Remember, step out of the way if this isn’t your battle so you don’t get bloodied by somebody else’s sword.
Jupiter retrogrades at 08° Aries on 7/28 at the same time as Mercury in Leo makes a square to Uranus in Taurus under the light of our new moon at 05° Leo. What once looked big and promising might look very small at the moment – give yourself the gift of perspective. If you’re feeling pessimistic, know that you are right on time. What goes up must come down – it is one of the laws of the world that we live in. The more that we accept gravity, the easier it is to live with.
The month ends, as it began, with a bang. The Moon in Leo will square off with Uranus in Taurus on Friday 7/29 and oppose Saturn in Aquarius on 7/30. Additionally, Uranus in Taurus meets up with our North Node at 18° Taurus on 7/31. What is happening now is fate in some way and solidly beyond our control. You really have no choice except to accept it.
The Details
7/1 – Mars in Aries square retrograde Pluto in Capricorn
7/2 – Mercury in Gemini trine retrograde Saturn in Aquarius, Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus
7/3 – Moon in Leo opposed retrograde Saturn in Aquarius, Moon trine Mars in Aries
7/4 – Moon in Virgo square Venus in Gemini, Moon trine Uranus
7/5 – Mercury enters Cancer, Mars enters Taurus, Moon in Virgo opposed Neptune in Pisces, Moon trine retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, Moon in Libra square Mercury in Cancer
7/6 – Moon in Libra opposed Jupiter in Aries
7/7 – Moon in Libra trine Venus in Gemini, Moon trine retrograde Saturn in Aquarius (grand trine), Moon square retrograde Pluto in Capricorn
7/8 – Moon in Scorpio opposed Mars in Taurus, Moon trine Venus in Cancer
7/9 – Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries, Moon in Scorpio opposed Uranus in Taurus, Moon in Scorpio square retrograde Saturn in Aquarius
7/10 – Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus
7/11 – Moon in Sagittarius opposed Venus in Gemini, Moon square Neptune
7/12 – Moon in Capricorn trine Mars in Taurus
7/13 – Full moon 21° Capricorn, Venus in Gemini trine Saturn retrograde in Aquarius, Moon in Capricorn opposed Mercury in Cancer
7/14 – Venus in Gemini square retrograde Neptune in Pisces, Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn,
7/15 – Moon conjunct retrograde Saturn in Aquarius, square Uranus in Taurus
7/16 – Sun conjunct Mercury 24° Cancer
7/17 – Venus enters Cancer, Sun in Cancer trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces, Moon conjunct Neptune
7/18 – Mercury in Cancer opposed retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, Moon conjunct Jupiter in Aries
7/19 – Sun in Cancer opposed retrograde Pluto in Capricorn 27°, Mercury enters Leo, Chiron goes retrograde at 16° Aries
7/20 – Moon in Aries square retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, Moon in Taurus square Mercury in Leo
7/21 – Moon conjunct Mars in Taurus
7/22 – Sun enters Leo, Moon conjunct Uranus and square Saturn
7/23 – Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries
7/25 – Venus in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries
7/26 – Mercury in Leo square Mars in Taurus, Moon conjunct Venus in Cancer
7/28 – New moon 04° Leo, Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus, Jupiter retrogrades 08° Aries
7/29 – Moon in Leo square Mars and Uranus in Taurus, Moon conjunct Mercury in Leo
7/30 – Moon in Leo opposes retrograde Saturn in Aquarius
7/31 – Sun in Leo trine retrograde Jupiter in Aries, Mercury in Aries opposed retrograde Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus conjunct North Node 18° Taurus