Astrology is, at its essence, the study of the cycles of life. Just as the planets moving predictably through the signs of the horoscope reflects the season shifts of the Northern Hemisphere, there are predictable ways that you can read the changing of the planets in relation to your own natal birth chart.
You will experience your solar return once a year. This will be around your birthday but may not be the exact same day due to our calendar not matching up perfectly with the astrological calendar (the astrological calendar is 360 days long rather than 365). Most people experience their solar return as a big-time power day – as it highlights our Sun which is our source of inner power in our charts.
You will experience a lunar return every single month. This is when the moon returns to the degree where it was when you were born. In some years, you will experience your lunar return on a full or new moon – these are extremely powerful days for anybody who aligns with lunar energy. You will likely feel energized on the day of your lunar return in a way that is reflective of the element of your moon sign: fire sign moon tends to get feisty, water signs moon more emo, etc.
You will experience a Mercury return about once a year. This will be within about a month of your birthday as Mercury always travels close to the Sun. Your Mercury return is a great time to think and make plans for the year ahead. It is a great time for pathfinding work if you are so inclined.
You will experience a Venus return about once a year. This will happen within about two months of your birthday as Venus travels near the Sun though not necessarily as close as Mercury. Venus returns are a good time to consider Venusian topics such as love, relationships, and money in the moveable/tangible sense. Your Venus return is a great time to perform a self-love ritual as your Venus shows you how you love.
You will experience a Mars return every 1.5 to 2 years. You will most often find your Mars return to be very energizing and may find yourself being more productive during this time. People prone to mania should stay aware of their Mars returns as it can heighten this state.
You will experience a Jupiter return every 12 years. Jupiter is expansive and makes big changes in your life. Expect big things when Jupiter comes back to the point where it was in residence when you were born.
You will experience a Saturn return once every 27-30 years. This is the big new return that most astrologers talk about as Saturn is the god of karma and constriction. When you experience your first Saturn return in your late 20s, you begin to leave the laissez-faire attitudes of early adulthood behind and may struggle to find your purpose in your greater adult life. The second Saturn return which happens somewhere between ages 50-60 is considered the creator of the Mid-Life Crisis. Saturn returns are hard but teach valuable lessons if you are willing to hear them.
You may experience a Uranus return, but only if you live past the age of 80. This is the “fuck it” phase of old age – if you have ever had an elder who lived this long, you may know what I mean. My Nana was a good girl her entire life until age 85 when she decided, in her words, to “Spend our Inheritance”.
Neptune and Pluto take so long to orbit that you will not see them return in your lifetime.
Now – how does one figure out how to calculate a planetary return? For this, you need your birth chart and a reliable astrological ephemeris. A return happens when the planet in question is at the same degree (number) as it was at the point that you were born.
For example: if you were born at 12 Aries, you can consult the ephemeris for April 2022 to see that 12 Aries will happen this year on April 2nd.