Energy Update: February 2022

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February is an “8” universal month [2 (February) + 6 (2022) = 8] in a “6” universal year. We are rounding out the ends of our Mercury and Venus retrograde cycles that set the tone for the year, and Saturn and Uranus are finally beginning to separate from their long-term sequence of squares that we experienced all throughout 2021. “8” energy is associated with the infinity symbol and the Ouroboros – it has neither beginnings nor endings but is in a constant state of movement. We can expect to see some of the highest highs and lowest lows as we begin the process of navigating these new changes that have been wrought during 2020 and 2021.

In comparison to all of 2020-2021 (and even January of 2022), the transits of February are relatively uneventful. Of note: Venus and Mars will be conjunct for an exceptionally long time at about 16° Capricorn and we will see Jupiter in Pisces sextile to Uranus in Taurus for the majority of the month as well. Expect February to be deep and meaningful. It will be a great time to stop and take an account of where you have been, what has changed, and where you want to be heading. It may even offer some sweetness if you and you Others have managed to connect through the hard transits of 2021 rather than clash.

Depending on your personal astrology and numerology, as well as where you are in your life, you may love or hate “8” energy. Truth be told, 8 energy leaves little room for the in-betweens. This is a month to watch out for all-or-nothing thinking and ultimatums – something that will be encouraged during the beginning of the month under the light of our fixed Aquarius Sun and become more diffuse as the Sun turns to the mutable water sign of Pisces.

The Setup

Finally a month without a ton of major action! We could really use a breather. We begin the month with the Sun in Aquarius, Mercury Venus Mars and Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, Saturn in Aquarius, and Neptune in Pisces. It is worth noting that all of our planets except for Uranus are still in the last quadrant of the horoscope – a sign that in our own lives, and likely in society at large, a large amount of focus will be placed on groupthink and society rather than a more individual outlook. This is supported by our 8 energy which has been around and around and seen it all before – now is the time to make a difference and really enact lasting change that won’t just impact us on an individual level but will help humanity as a whole.

By month’s end, the Sun will have moved into Pisces and Mercury will have moved into Aquarius but otherwise the rest of the planets will have held their positions. This is an indication that although we may desire and be ready for change, change will still be slow to arrive. Through most of the month, we will still be in the post-shadows of both of our personal planet retrogrades and there are, inevitably, lessons to still need to be learned.

The Nitty Gritty

The month will begin with a bit of a bang as we experience a new moon at 12° Aquarius (in EST, if you live West it will happen on 1/31) that is closely conjunct to Saturn and square to Uranus in Taurus. If you’ve been doing your work, this might be a potent day for a new start or, if you’re still a little bit mired in it, this may bring up the conflicts brought to a head by last year’s three squares between Saturn and Uranus. Whatever side you fall on, this is going to be intense and emotional: honor the moment. Try to see how far you’ve come rather than where you feel like you haven’t gone far enough. Saturn is a heavy influence – especially in the fixed sign of Aquarius.

If you feel like you are moving through pudding or some other viscous substance during the first week of February, know that you are right on time. This is because Mercury has stalled to a near standstill in anticipation of their station direct on 2/03. Everything (but most especially the areas of life ruled by Mercury: communication, travel, technology, and boundaries) will be a bit murky – it may be hard to see the forest, or even the trees right in front of your face. This is further accentuated on Friday 2/04 when Mars sextile Jupiter tells us to speed up and get ‘er done but the Sun’s exact conjunction to Saturn in Aquarius says: Wait. Weight even. Saturn is heavy this month – make sure that you are not carrying anything that shouldn’t belong to you.

The weekend of 2/05-2/06 may be a pain point as the moon in Aries makes a cardinal square to Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto in Capricorn – this will hark back to the hard square between Mars in Aries and our everything in Capricorn in 2020. Additionally, Mars in Capricorn is going to square off with Chiron in Aries – so this will be a rough battle of the wills between the Ram and the Goat no matter how you look at it. Expect to butt heads and be prepared to give ground, or else. Don’t play king of the junkpile unless you are in it to win it because nobody will have a cool head this weekend, least of all our Aries and Capricorn friends.

Uranus in Taurus is accentuated early in the second week as the moon makes a conjunction with it on Monday 2/7 and Mars in Capricorn trines it on Tuesday 2/8. Expect the unexpected (and maybe even some information coming to light) but also watch out for hot heads. The moon in Taurus will also square off with the Sun and Saturn so egos may be front and center. By Friday 2/11, Mercury will be meeting up with Pluto at 27° Capricorn for their third and final pass as part of the retrograde cycle – stay aware and try to make better decisions than you did last time. Name that hole and walk around it instead of falling into it (again).

The weekend of 2/12-2/13 may be contentious – Venus and Mars are closely conjunct in Capricorn and the moon in Cancer will make an opposition to them both right before Valentine’s Day. This is a weekend to remember that relationships require give and take: where have you given too much? Where have you given too little? Where have you taken too much? Where have you taken too little? With Venus having recently exited her retrograde cycle and still in her post-retrograde shadow, there may be deep lessons here around boundaries, especially in long-term Capricornian relationships like marriage. Where Cancer is too loose and diffuse – Capricorn is too rigid – a middle ground must be found between these two extremes.

On Monday 1/14, Mercury re-enters Aquarius for the second time this year. The line between our earth Mercury and our Air Mercury retrogrades that will be happening all through 2022 is about coming back down from lofty out-in-space thinking and grounding these ideals into reality. This is our first cosmic opportunity to put this into practice. Where can you take your biggest deals and ideas and ground them? What are your next big steps? This is a great day to consider these questions and make a plan.

On Tuesday 1/15, the Leo moon highlights the energy of our waning Saturn-Uranus square again, this time by T-square. We are still shifting and rearranging our realities to meet the new world – pay attention to what you are ready to get rid of. The cosmic right time for release comes quickly on its tail with a full moon at 27° Leo on Wednesday 1/16 which is accentuated by our Venus-Mars conjunction in Capricorn going exact at 16°. Again, think about the push of Mars and the pull of Venus – or the push of Uranus and the pull of Saturn. Bend where you can or break where you can’t. The month-long sextile between Jupiter in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus that goes exact the next day is aiding us here – if we think expansively (Jupiter) about how we need to change (Uranus), we might just find a way that suits everybody involved (Aquarius).

On Thursday 1/18, our Sun enters Pisces and things start to get a lot more watery. Try to make your big emotional decisions earlier in the month because things are gonna get soggy. And indeed, the moon in relationship-focused Libra will square off with Venus and Mars in Capricorn over the weekend so relationships may still need some work. We don’t get much breathing room emotions-wise at this point in the month because the moon in Scorpio will form another t-square to Saturn and Uranus on Tuesday 2/22. Something still may need to give if you haven’t let it go yet.

The rest of February looks pretty foggy, too – both Venus and Mars make sextiles with Neptune in Pisces on 2/24 and 2/23 respectively which may provide some…solace to aching hearts but may just create illusion and despair for others. Look for what solid ground you can find during this time. Mercury is heavily in play as well: on Thursday 2/24, they will square off with Uranus, sextile Chiron, and exit their shadow all within one day. This is a big cosmic lesson coming up for release – let it release. Holding onto things right now is very ill-advised.

We will end the month with the moon in Capricorn conjunction Venus, Mars, and Capricorn as it transits through. Though we haven’t quite reached the true dark of the moon leading up to our new moon in Pisces early in March, it might as well be. The karma wrought by the Venus retrograde cycle combined with the mass amounts of energy released by our everything in Capricorn from 2020 to now is all coming due. It might be best to just make like a Capricorn and handle that shit.

The Details

2/01 – New moon at 12° Aquarius, Moon conjunct Saturn
2/02 – Moon conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius
2/03 – Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces, Mercury stations direct at 24° Capricorn
2/04 – Sun conjunct Saturn 15° Aquarius, Mars in Capricorn sextile Jupiter in Pisces
2/05 – Moon in Aries square Venus and Mars in Capricorn
2/06 – Mars in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries, Moon in Aries square Mercury in Capricorn
2/07 – Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus
2/08 – Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus
2/11 – Mercury conjunct Pluto 27° Capricorn
2/12 – Moon in Cancer opposed Venus and Mars in Capricorn
2/14 – Mercury enters Aquarius, Moon in Cancer opposed Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn
2/15 – Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus and opposed Saturn in Capricorn
2/16 – Full moon 27° Leo, Venus conjunct Mars 16° Capricorn
2/17 – Jupiter in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus
2/18 – Sun enters Pisces
2/20 – Moon in Libra square Venus and Mars in Capricorn
2/23 – Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces
2/24 – Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces, Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus, Mercury exits their shadow at 10° Aquarius, Mercury sextile Chiron in Aries
2/27 – Moon conjunct Venus, Mars, and Pluto in Capricorn

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