I’ve written in the past about how and why one should pay attention to the Mercury retrograde cycle, so I won’t go over that again. Instead, I want to highlight this particular Mercury retrograde cycle which has already begun (if you want to count Mercury entering their pre-retrograde shadow on 12/29) or, more officially, begins when Mercury actively retrogrades at 10° Aquarius on 1/14.
A bit of an overview for those kids in the back: Mercury retrograde happens when Mercury appears to move backward through the horoscope wheel – this is, of course, an illusion of our placement in our solar system but it does have a very real effect on our world, how we communicate, travel, technology, and the many other parts of our lives that Mercury rules. All retrogrades happen in three steps: first, the planet enters the retrograde zone (the degrees in which it will retrograde) in forward motion, this is known as the pre-shadow. Then, the planet stations retrograde and moves backward over these same degrees – this is the actually retrograde phase that most people talk about. Finally, the planet stations direct once more and must move over these points in the chart a third and final time – this is known as the post-retrograde shadow.
Thus, all retrograde cycles give us a sense of reliving events. They are a cosmic chance to really dig into the areas of life indicated by the retrograde through planet, sign, house, and aspects. This can show up in a lot of different ways. Often, retrogrades bring situations back up for review – this may be the famous “return of the ex” where you get the chance to look at your past partner with a fresh set of eyes, or it could bring up emotions or situations that you have been avoiding. When you are in avoidance mode or living your life with your head stuck in the sand, retrogrades can be problematic but if instead, you are actively working to refine your life, retrogrades can be the deep time needed to work your way through and enact real and lasting change in your life. The choice, as they say, is up to you.
The Nitty Gritty
This Mercury retrograde sets the tone for the four times it will retrograde during 2022. Each will move backward from an air sign into an earth sign. This shows that 2022 will be, to some degree, about the refinement and grounding of our thoughts/communications/travel plans. We may be ahead of ourselves in some way – unmoored in our thinking processes – these series of retrogrades are going to show us where our thoughts are too flighty and bring them back down to earth. I think that it is useful, in this context, to consider the two Mercury signs: the air sign ruled by Mercury is Gemini and the earth sign ruled by Mercury is Virgo. Both are endlessly trying and exploring new things but Gemini sometimes explores just to explore whereas Virgo is endlessly working towards refinement.
As such, we can infer that in some ways we will be forced to refine the parts of our lives brought up through the Mercury retrograde cycles of 2022.
All year the focus of these retrogrades is going to be in the last degrees of the earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) and the first degrees of the air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) – this is a year to pay especially close attention to the Mercury retrograde cycles if you have personal planets that fall in these ranges.
This first retrograde of 2022 will happen from 10° Aquarius backward to 24° Capricorn. Another way of saying that (since cross sign transits can be hard to track) is that the highlight is on 00-10° Aquarius and 24-29° Capricorn. Mercury makes two significant aspects during their journey: they will conjunct Pluto in Capricorn and sextile Chiron in Aries. Additionally, this Mercury retrograde cannot be considered without acknowledging the ongoing Venus retrograde (also in Capricorn) which is making the other half of the butterfly pattern around Pluto in Capricorn.
Let’s start with Mercury, Venus, and Pluto. When two of our most personal planets (Mercury and Venus) conjunct our planet of death and transformation, you know that shit is about to get real. This happens on average once a year (all of our fast-moving planets make a conjunction to all of the slower-moving planets every year) but this year, due to our retrograde cycles, this is happening thrice. Venus makes an exact conjunction with Pluto while direct on 12/11, while retrograde on 12/25, and again while direct on 3/03. Mercury makes an exact conjunct with Pluto while direct on 12/30, while retrograde on 1/28, and again while direct on 2/11. These are the touchstone days but they are representative of a greater metamorphosis, an unfolding of the new world and how we are going to have to learn to live in alignment with it.
As you plan your life (these retrogrades are in Capricorn, after all) around these retrograde cycles, it is worth paying especially close attention to 25-26° Capricorn where Pluto is sitting throughout these transits. This is the friction point – Venus stations retrograde back and away from this degree while Mercury is stationing retrograde and moving back towards this degree. There will be aspects of both of these retrograde cycles that appear beyond our control but we still have to live with them and find a way to integrate them into ourselves through our own Mercury and Venus placements.
Pay attention to what in your life is begging to be changed. Now is the time. You may not be able to enact changes quickly while both Mercury and Venus are retrograde – but you can certainly work on yourself, your mindset, and your emotions – all of the pieces that need to fall into place for when the time is right. This is the time to reconsider, to rework, to reorganize, and to redo. Retrogrades are always a cosmic reminder that it’s not too late to make the right decision or correct your path.
Additionally, we have our Wounded Healer Chiron in Aries in play. Chiron is a pressure point, and old wound that opens easily, the pain from an old injury that never quite goes away. His introduction shows that this Mercury retrograde journey may be painful at times but also, that if we do the work, there is a great reward. Chiron is always a sign that the way out is through the pain. There may be a long-standing grievance that needs addressing, once and for all. Mercury retrograde in sextile Chiron says: it’s okay if you didn’t get it right before – get it right now.
Watch for Mars to enter Capricorn on 1/24 – that’s the time to start putting your plans into motion. Things may still take a few solid steps forward before you reach momentum but trust the process.
Though intense, I truly see these two retrogrades as an incredibly fortuitous beginning to 2022. We have had a lot (astrologically and otherwise) on our plate for the last two years and there isn’t a one of us who doesn’t need so time to sit down alone and have a good think about it. What have your learned? What has come up? What needs to change? Where can you be softer? Where do you need to be harder? How are your boundaries?
If you really dig in and take this time to get yourself sorted, the days beyond may offer great rewards.
The Details
12/29 – Mercury enters their shadow at 24° Capricorn
01/02 – Mercury enters Aquarius
01/03 – Moon conjunct Mercury in Aquarius, 01°
01/09 – Mercury in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries, 08°
01/11 – Moon in Taurus square Mercury in Aquarius, 09°
01/14 – Mercury stations retrograde at 10° Aquarius
01/23 – Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde 03° Aquarius
01/24 – Mars enters Capricorn
01/25 – Mercury retrograde enters Capricorn
01/28 – Mercury retrograde conjunct Pluto at 26° Capricorn
01/30 – Moon conjunct Mercury retrograde 26° Capricorn
02/03 – Mercury stations direct at 24° Capricorn
02/06 – Moon in Aries square Mercury in Capricorn, 24°
02/11 – Mercury conjunct Pluto 27° Capricorn
02/14 – Moon in Cancer opposes Mercury in Capricorn 29°
02/15 – Mercury enters Aquarius
02/21 – Moon in Scorpio square Mercury in Aquarius 04°
02/24 – Mercury in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries 08°, Mercury exits post shadow at 10° Aquarius