November is a 7 Universal month [11 (November) + 5 (2021) =16 = 1+6 = 7] in a 5 universal year. The 7 energy supports inner wisdom, truth seekers, and all who wish to pursue the mysteries in life – a fitting accompaniment to Scorpio and Sagittarius season and our last eclipse cycle on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. After a year of endless stand-stills as Saturn in Aquarius squared off with Uranus in Taurus, we are starting to dig deep into the reasons that we have been shut down and cut off from where we need to be in our lives. The answers are there but still hidden below the surface. This is a month to dig deep and really explore yourself, your life, and your motivations.
The Setup
As we move into the ever-deepening shadows of Scorpio season, the Sun and Mars are in the sign of Scorpio, Mercury is about the exit their post retrograde shadow at the end of Libra, and Venus is in the freedom-loving sign of Sagittarius. By month’s end, the Sun and Mercury will be in Sagittarius; additionally, Venus will have entered Capricorn in the shadow of her next retrograde which starts during December. Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto will remain direct in Aquarius and Capricorn respectively, and Uranus remains retrograde in Taurus while Neptune remains retrograde in Pisces.
All eyes will be on our fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. Our ongoing square between Saturn and Uranus is growing tighter daily for one final conjunction that will be exact on 12/24. This is our Irresistible Force Paradox – if Uranus is the unstoppable force that wrecks our lives (like the Tower card in the tarot) to force change, Saturn is the immovable object in his way. Something has to give. Something things have to break before we can move forward. This is unavoidable.
The Nitty Gritty
There is no sugar coating this: the energy of November is going to be intense and likely quite provoking to those who are not living in alignment with their true selves. As our Sun, Mercury, and Mars transverse the sign of Scorpio this month, each will make a hard square to Saturn in Aquarius and opposition to Uranus in Taurus. These are our big Caution Days of the month: 11/2, 11/4, 11/10, 11/13, and 11/17. It is worth noting that both our new moon in Scorpio on 11/04 and lunar eclipse in Taurus on 11/19 will occur while these energies are highlighted – approach both lunar events with extra caution.
We’ve been sitting in the energy of this Saturn-Uranus square for most of a year and some complacency may have set it. We may feel like this sense of inertia is going to last forever. We’ve likely been still for so long that we’ve failed to notice the tension building slowly and methodically (Taurus is the turtle that wins the race, one step at a time). Where have the termors been growing in your own life? Where is the steam building below the surface? These are the signals you need to be extra mindful of all month (and through December as well) because you might want to step out of the way when this energy finally blows its top. And it will blow its top – like a slingshot held taut for too long, this energy is going to exert extreme force as it releases.
With Saturn in Aquarius feeding and delaying the forces of Uranus in Taurus, the initial blast of this may appear violently destructive. Expect metaphorical volcanic eruptions around stagnant issues in your own life – especially those that fall under the purview of the fixed signs (wherever Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius fall in your personal natal charts). This will manifest differently for each of us based upon our own charts and the charts of our Others but we will also see it manifest outwardly in the world at large. An event this big does not go unnoticed. For some, major earthquakes might shift around your priorities. For others, lava might make your common stomping grounds uninhabitable. Beware the pyroclastic flows that incinerate anything in their paths. Others may find it hard to breathe as they choke on volcanic gasses and still others may have to deal with a tsunami of unactualized emotions. Yes, it’s a metaphor and should be taken with a grain of salt but we are reaching the main event that we’ve been working towards for a full year. There will be casualties despite all of our best efforts.
As we enter eclipse season on 11/19, these “disasters” will take on a fated edge. If you are holding on to something past its time – something that was meant to be a “now” thing instead of a “forever” thing – you may find it swept away in the deluge. Trust that what is leaving your life is meant to go to make space for something better. Though destructive – volcanos are a source of great fertility and renewal to the land…eventually. There may be some debris to clean up before you can get there.
We ARE getting somewhere this month but it made be hard to see the forest for the trees (perhaps because the aforementioned pyroclastic flows knocked all the trees down, but I digress). Your best bet is to go with the flow; all of the Scorpionic energy might make you want to fight the currents but that will only drag your underwater. Beware the Scorpio bad habits of obsession and rumination over things that cannot be changed that are outside of yourself – this is a month to dig deep and change the things within yourself that will propel you forward towards your goals. Instead, tap into the Scorpio’s high vibe energy of the Eagle and sore high above the petty grievances of your life. Or, if you’re ready to stand in the fire, tap into the Scorpionic connection to the mythological Phoenix and burn it all to the ground to start anew.
As Scorpio season winds down, we will experience a very late lunar eclipse a mere two days before the Sun enters Sagittarius on 11/21 and makes an immediate conjunct to our South Node. This shows that there is something from our past that we need to let go of to move forward. If you’ve found yourself in a state of decision paralysis around an important choice in your life, something important may come to light around this time that will make your choices clear. DO NOT IGNORE THIS INFORMATION. There are no bigger lies in life than those that we tell ourselves. You cannot evolve past that which you run from. This is a month in which facing yourself is of utmost importance all throughout but especially as the month winds to a close and we sit in the in-between of eclipse season.
As mentioned above, this is the last of the eclipses on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis before the nodes shift to Taurus-Scorpio at the beginning of the new year. This is the end of the cycle of fate coming to a close – use it to your advantage so that fate works for you rather than against you. Somewhere you know in your heart of hearts what is meant to stay in your life and what needs to go. Scorpio is a sign that is not known from running from fear or those parts of life that are unpleasant – use this energy to enter your own personal dark side cave. What are you holding onto out of fear rather than love? Where have you stifled the sparks of creativity within yourself to stay in a place of comfort rather than growth? What in your life have you outgrown? What can you let go of to make space for what you are becoming?
Only you can answer these questions for yourself, just as only your Others can answer these questions for themselves. There is deep magic in that, magic that will light your way through this dark season.
The Aspects
11/1 – Mercury in Libra trine Jupiter in Aquarius – 11/1 (111) is a magic number and with this quick transit, you are all set to have a magical day
11/2 – Mercury exits its post shadow, Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn – here we round out the last of the trials and tribulations of this Mercury retrograde cycle, something has to give so that you can move forward with what you have learned. Let it go.
11/4 – Sun in Scorpio opposed to retrograde Uranus in Taurus, new moon at 12 Scorpio – Lay low and stay home if you are able. Stay aware of what breaks down today and work to reassemble it in a way that suits the future rather than the past
11/5 – Mercury enters Scorpio, Venus enters Capricorn – two planets switching signs in the same day is big news, expect a change of pace and mood for the rest of Scorpio season (and beyond). Mercury in Scorpio may be preoccupied with uncovering secrets so watch out for those lies. Venus will be in Capricorn for a very long time as she enters her own retrograde cycle.
11/6 – Mercury in Scorpio sextile Venus in Capricorn – a sweet day among the sour, talk things out today if you need to
11/10 – Mercury conjunct Mars at 7 Scorpio, Mercury square Saturn, Mars square Saturn, Venus sextile Mars – We need to think about what we have done and the consequences of our actions. With Saturn so activated, this has a fated feel. Karma may come due today.
11/12 – Sun in Scorpio trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces – a day better spent daydreaming than doing
11/13 – Mercury in Scorpio opposed retrograde Uranus in Taurus – Mercury and Uranus are both involved in communication and truth. Expect a big reveal at this time and trust the unfolding and what it is telling you.
11/15 – Sun in Scorpio square Jupiter in Aquarius – where are you getting ahead of yourself? Where are you pushing yourself too hard? As the planet of expansion goes up against our egos – we may be made aware of our mistakes. Learn from them.
11/16 – Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn
11/17 – Venus enters her shadow, Mars in Scorpio opposed retrograde Uranus in Taurus – this is perhaps the most dangerous day of the month. Pack your patience and be very careful with machinery and other accident-prone areas in your life during this time.
11/18 – Mercury in Scorpio trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces – fuzzy, don’t expect to get much done
11/19 – Venus in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus, eclipsed full moon at 27 Taurus – this is our other biggest danger day of the month. Mars is still opposed to Uranus which counters Venus’ trine – watch out especially for relationship conflicts around this date which could prove fatal. This is break up and breakdown weather, plan accordingly.
11/20 – Mercury in Scorpio square Jupiter in Aquarius – Where have you been saying too much? There is a power in silence. Use it.
11/21 – Sun enters Sagittarius – the mood will lighten as our Sun enters the sign of the Archer. We are not out of the woods though – Sag season sees our solar eclipse and Venus retrograde, so stay away.
11/24 – Mercury enters Sagittarius – We’ve spent the month delving into the shadows of our own psyches and now is the time to come up for air. Conflicts around fairness may come to the surface during this time. Truths may be revealed
11/29 – Sun conjunct Mercury 10 Sagittarius, Mars in Scorpio trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces – Thoughts may be ego-driven and clouded, watch out for falsehoods and the ways you lie to yourself.
11/30 – Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn sextile retrograde Neptune in Pisces – a sweet day to end a hard month.