Yesterday we entered Scorpio season – Happy birthday Scorpios who are some of my favorite people on this earth!
Scorpio season always drags us down into the deep trenches of our psyche – as the fixed water sign, Scorpio can be seen as a deep glacial lake. That pool is endless and you might regret getting your feet wet if you aren’t a good swimmer. Also, beware of the many-tentacled beast lurking beneath the surface.
The deep truth is that beast is simply your shadow self but if you are not prepared it will drown you without thinking twice. Scorpio season ushers in the time of darkness here in the Northern hemisphere and can bring with it all of the standard SAD symptoms – remember to take care of yourself and get out your full-spectrum lights or start taking those vitamin D pills if you need to.
This generalized Scorpio energy is going to be further accentuated this year by two major astrological influences which I have been talking about all year. We are really going to have to be in it this month – I am not saying this to scare you, but to make sure you approach this energy with open eyes. You cannot keep yourself out of the hole that you cannot see. This is a month to pack your patience and your awareness.
The first energy is our ongoing square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. This is our force paradox and every time this year that we’ve entered the energy of a fixed sign, it has been re-activated. So we saw this come to a head during Aquarius season, then Taurus season, then Leo season, and now we round out our energy by finally encountering through the shadow-seeking sign of Scorpio.
This is, I suspect, a good thing though you may have to get dragged through the mud for a bit before you can see the light at the end of this tunnel. Something has been really stuck all year – something that needs to move or change. Finally, we get the chance to dig deep and really start to explore why we are so blocked up around this particular topic. This is a year that is really centered around letting go of the past to move forward but as we navigate multiple fixed T-squares all month, we may be really focused on holding on.
Both the Sun, Mercury, and Mars will be in Scorpio during this time which means that they will each activate the T-square in that order. We need to face whatever is holding us back through the light of our egos (the Sun), then we may be forced to do something about it (Mars), and then we will likely need to spend a hot minute thinking through our action (or inappropriate inaction as the case may be). Stay aware of what is coming up for you through this time – it may have far-reaching consequences.
The Saturn-Uranus square goes exact for the 3rd and final time on Christmas Eve so expect the tensions around this to continue to rise from here on out.
The second heavy impact on Scorpio season is that we enter eclipse season with an eclipsed full moon in Taurus on 11/19 – this is your major caution day of the month. Mars is lighting up that above-mentioned fixed T-square, tensions will be dangerously high, and everything is in place for some serious accidents/blowups. This is breakup/breakdown weather – definitely watch out for your mental health especially mood disturbances and emotional dysregulation. And – for the love of all of the gods – don’t pick that fight.
Eclipse season has a way of opening AND closing doors – what happens during eclipse season (in this case for the two weeks between the eclipsed full moon in Taurus and the eclipsed new moon in Sagittarius) is happening for a reason. Pay attention. Allow anything that tries to leave your life during this time to go – even if the fixed energy is screaming “hold on”. Likewise, look to what is coming into your life with curiosity. ESPECIALLY if it enters your life on the days of the eclipse.
How Scorpio season “feels” for you is likely going to depend a lot on how comfortable you are with deep emotional exploration. If you aren’t a good swimmer, stay out of the water – the undertow will be strong AF. And should you get caught in it remember not to fight it, that’s what drags you under. Eventually, you will be left go – perhaps deeper into the waters than you wanted to be – but only then can you swim back to shore.
Standard water warnings apply: put on your life jacket first before you try to help others and remember that a drowning person will pull you under to save themselves. Watch out for emotional dysregulation and other maladaptive defense mechanisms. Watch out for emotional manipulations in general. Beware of abusing your vices as Scorpio rules the taboo and the things that we don’t talk about.
The anecdote to Scorpio’s energy comes from Taurus, Scorpio’s astrological opposite. If the watery energy is too much, grounding exercises can do a lot to bring you back to earth. Also, slow practiced movement activities like yoga or breathwork. Carrying or wearing crystals like smokey quartz, black tourmaline, red jasper, and moss/tree agate can help a lot to ground you if that’s your thing.
We are almost there – the finish line is in sight. We only have two more bends (and a couple more steep hills to scale) before this energy will *finally* start to dissolve at the ending of the year.