Energy Update: 9/14 Tumultuous Waters

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Every time I open up my Magic of I planner, I see my astrological notes for the week as well as my divinations.* Next to this week’s I scrawled “Only Love & Forgiveness Can Win Here.”

As I sink in the weight and darkness of this week, I find this message to be personally right on time. There is a lot going on in the cosmos and it’s making us sink ever deeper into what I am calling our Extra Scorpio Season(TM). The energy is deep and pulling us under – it may take a lot to feel like you are keeping your head above water. Pack your life preserver or try to stay out of the undertow – like all things, this too shall pass.

The Setup

Our Sun is finishing up his stint in Virgo as is Mars. Mars enters Libra today (9/14) but the two bodies most concerned with our desires, our goals, our ambitions are now aligned in conjunction. Mercury is slowing down in Libra in preparation for their third retrograde and Venus recently entered Scorpio. Mars entering Libra on 9/14 and Venus square to retrograde Saturn on 9/17 are the big days to watch.

The Nitty Gritty

This week’s energy is full of micro-aggressions and misunderstandings. Our Sun in Virgo opposes retrograde Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday so we may feel like we are walking through life in a fog. The truth may be hard to come by or shifting rapidly during this time. Notably, in the mists, Mars our planet of purpose slides into the indecisive sign of Libra which is…not helping things along.

Traditionally, Mars in its “fall” in Libra which simply means that it is the opposite sign of its Exaltation (native ruling sign). This makes a lot of sense when you think about it – Mars is a very active planet – it is forthcoming and quick on its feet. Libra, ruled by sweet Venus, is always trying to please everybody. It can be very difficult to make a decision if you are weighing everybody’s outcomes equally (Libra is the sign of scales) – in fact, it can often be impossible!

This double whammy will make Tuesday and perhaps even a few days after hazy and hard to contain. You may find your drive completely dried up – especially if you have not been investing in things that give you energy rather than depleting it. Mars is in conjunction with the Sun – so there is energy to be had – but it can be difficult for many to harvest solar energy towards something that you are only so-so about.

On the flip side of this coin – anytime energy is this highly charged, it can be channeled. This is a great alignment for artists, witches, writers, and other people who look beyond the veil in any way. The dark season has come a little early this year, enjoy it while you can.

The caveat to this is that as nebulous as the energy may be this week, as little as we may see (those mists, they really can cloud your eyes) there is a hard wall coming your way as Venus in Scorpio squares off with retrograde Saturn in Aquarius on Friday at the same time that the Sun in Virgo makes a trine with retrograde Pluto in Capricorn.

This is our Unstoppable Force Paradox, again – this time focused on Venus in Scorpio. I highly suggest going back and reading about the pitfalls of Venus in Scorpio because we should expect to see them raise their tentacles right about meow. This is a very subterranean day – watch out for the pit traps of your own mind. Watch out for the ways in which you manipulate your Others. Watch out for the ways in which you are manipulated.

Saturn is a hard “No” right now. Honor that. Know your boundaries this week. Do less. The water energy is high and unstable – practice good water safety whether that means remembering to take your brain meds, hydrating, avoiding that conflict relationship, or keeping an eye on your addictions.

The way out of this is through our Sun in Virgo energy – organize a drawer, do some yoga, eat a healthy meal full of root vegetables – do something to pull yourself back to dry land and out of the swamp.

* Ace of Cups, Five of Swords r., Sowilo, Soulmates (from the Spirit Cats oracle), Grief (from the Urban Crow Oracle), and Bearberry/Strength from the Hedge Witch Oracle

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