Happy August!
August is a 4 Universal month (8 (August) + 5 (2021) = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4) in a 5 universal year. With both Venus and Mars currently transiting Virgo, the energy is strong this month to get organized and/or get yourself back on track for your 2021 goals.
The setup: Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus are still square to one another and will be through December and into 2022. Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Aquarius, and Neptune in Pisces are lined up ~30 degrees apart from each other. We have four plants plus an asteroid retrograde throughout August: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron. This signifies a more “yin” energy signature that is out of alignment with the forceful fire energy of Leo season.
The TL:DR: As the Sun and Mercury transit Leo, they are going to relight up our fixed t-square involving Saturn and Uranus early in the month. You may be able to break through the big blocks in your life during this time but only if you can step away from your ego. This month is full of mixed messages and misunderstandings – we are all trying to figure out our new lives right now, give yourself and your others a metric fuckton of space. The work you put into your life is what you will get back out of it – go slow and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Expecting expedited results is a recipe for disaster.
There’s a lot going on in the cosmos this month – there’s rarely a day that is aspect-free and they are, for the most part, challenging. This has to do with our lineup of outer planets – see the details for more information.
The Nitty Gritty:
As we enter August, our Sun-Mercury conjunction is lighting up our long-term square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. This is our unstoppable force (Uranus) meets immovable object (Saturn) energy. Something has got to give to make way for the After. Much of how August plays out for you will likely be dictated by how you have been working with and processing this long-term aspect.
If 2020’s motto was “Change Before You Have To”, this Saturn-Uranus square is the “Have To”. Uranus is the lightning on the Tower card – the change that is unavoidable. All you can control is how you react to the change.
Yeah, that’s probably a terrifying concept. I get it. But I also firmly believe that when you stand aware in the middle of the maelstrom, that’s where the true magic happens. In the moment of liminality, anything is possible.
August is the maelstrom. This shouldn’t really come as a surprise but I guess that some people have their heads really far inside the sands. The storm never ended, we just got a brief reprieve. I hope that you all took good advantage of it – I know that I did.
For the rest of the month, all of our personal planets will be making complicated aspects to our outer planets – this is because of the angles. It’s definitely echoing the roller coaster vibe of 2021’s “5” energy – you’ll see that continue next month as September is a 5 month in a 5 year.
Expect epic highs and abysmal lows. Probably to have your stomach drop out from under you at least once. There’s a lot going on, try to harness Mars in Virgo’s ability to roll with it and worry about figuring out the details later. Mars in Virgo is very in line with August’s 4 energy: make a list but keep it open-ended, show up and do the work. Amanda of Wise Skies Advice called this month “Focus Pocus” and I’m in agreement there – what you focus on grows.
There’s a lot of magic to be found in August, but you need to keep your focus. If you get wrapped up in your emotions, or worse, the rising collective fear, it will be easy to lose your way. Don’t feed the monster. This is especially true for empaths and other highly sensitive persons.
Dates to Pay Attention To
- 8/1: Sun conjunct Mercury in Leo, Mercury opposed Saturn – thoughts will be very close to the surface and potentially heavy. Watch out for the stories you tell yourself, especially about Saturnian topics: government, contracts, money, marriage – this will be in effect all through the first week of August and through the new moon
- 8/2: Sun opposed Saturn, Moon square Mars – this is likely to be a frustrating day. Where do you need to slow down? Where have you been pushing in a direction that is only resistance?
- 8/3: Venus trine Uranus, Moon square Venus – the anecdote to this malaise is to try something new
- 8/6: Sun square Uranus – watch out. Lie low. Stay away with explosives – observe that physically as well as metaphorically. Where is your ego getting in the way of what you need?
- 8/8: New Moon at 16 Leo conjunct Mercury – Depending on how comfortable you are with Mercury energy, this moon may feel enlightening or anxiety-making. Practice good self-care – soothe your system with calming crystals or nervine tea if you need to.
- 8/9: Venus opposed Neptune retrograde: that lie may come due today – watch out for dishonesty, especially with yourself
- 8/10: Mercury opposed Jupiter retrograde: What is your inner truth? What do you believe? Does it align with what you know now? What needs to be re-evaluated? Again, how you perceive this will likely have a lot to do with your relationship with Mercury.
- 8/11: Mercury enters Virgo, Venus trine Pluto retrograde – Mercury is at home in Virgo – expect communication to become more orderly and precise over the next three weeks. The Divine Feminine may be experiencing a rebirth at this time.
- 8/14: Moon in Scorpio square Saturn retrograde in Aquarius – this lights up that Saturn-Uranus square…again. Watch out, friction is likely to be high.
- 8/16: Venus enters Libra, Moon square Mercury, Moon square Mars – Venus is at home in the sign of Libra, expect some of our focus to be on our relationships (of all kinds) during this transit. The energy of the day will likely be volatile and moody. Both your words and your actions may be misunderstood at this time – exercise caution.
- 8/17 Sun in Leo trine Moon in Sag, Moon square Neptune retrograde – a lovely fire trine but watch out for illusions – all that glitters may not be gold
- 8/18: Mercury conjunct Mars in Virgo – work for it. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Slow and steady wins this race.
- 8/19: Sun opposed Jupiter retrograde, Uranus retrograde at 14 Taurus, Moon conjunct Pluto – The energy is likely to feel at once larger than life and impossibly deep. Whether you enjoy this will have a lot to do with your personality and comfort levels. It’s always wise to go slow when a major planet like Uranus retrograde but Sun opposed Jupiter may not let us do that.
- 8/20: Mercury trine Uranus, Moon trine Venus, Moon conjunct Saturn – you might get flashes of insight at this time but it is unlikely that you will be able to implement them just yet. Hold tight. This day also lights up our Saturn-Uranus square – stay aware and cautious. Avoid arguments.
- 8/22: Full Moon at 29 Aquarius, Mars trine Uranus, Sun enters Virgo – this is wildcard energy, engage with care. This again activates our Saturn-Uranus square – stay aware and stay cautious.
- 8/23: Venus trine Saturn retrograde, Moon opposed Mars, Moon conjunct Neptune retrograde– emotions, especially around close relationships, are likely close to the surface. You may not have all of the information or may be lying to yourself.
- 8/24: Mercury opposed Neptune retrograde: another big reveal – watch the news, listen carefully to what the people in your life are saying
- 8/25: Moon in Aries opposed Venus in Libra – moooooody. Remember great things happen when you stop being a moody cow. Give your others a break.
- 8/26: Mercury trine Pluto retrograde, Venus in Libra opposed Chiron retrograde in Aries – the new message is one of independence and accountability, do you hear it yet? What part of you needs to be reborn to get you on track?
- 8/27: Moon conjunct Uranus, Moon square Saturn: the moon activates our square again today – same old – be cautious – this is happening 4x every month right now, it’s not “new news” just something to stay aware of
- 8/29: Mercury enters Libra: this isn’t a great placement for Mercury. The idea of giving two sides equal air time without account for its truthfulness is a failing of Mercury in Libra thinking. Watch out for overthinking and analysis paralysis.