Energy Update: July 2021

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July starts out with a bang as our ongoing t-square between Mars in Leo, Saturn in Aquarius, and Uranus in Taurus goes exact on 7/1 and 7/3. The Saturn-Uranus square is the energy we will have to deal with all year but Mars in Leo is adding a bit of lighter fluid to an already strong inferno. The first few days of July may be one of the biggest chances to budge the stuck energy of our Unstoppable Force (Uranus in Taurus) meets Immovable Object (Saturn in Aquarius) but proceed with EXTREME caution and carry a fire extinguisher.

If you can’t handle the flames, get out of the fire might be advice easily said than followed during this time.

Watch out for fireworks – both literally and figuratively.

2021 is a year where everything is on the chopping block – we are constantly being encouraged (bullied even, perhaps) to pair down, to get rid of anything and everything that no longer serves us. July is no different.

In July, things may get a bit more personal. July is a “3” universal month (5 (2+0+2+1) + 7 (July) = 12 = 1+2 = 3) – 3 represents connection and creativity. The three rules where we get together – how we connect – it represents learning and expansion. And indeed, all of our planets are dancing with one another all month long.

All of our personal planets are clustered together in Gemini, Cancer, and Leo – Mercury is the farthest behind because he went retrograde in Gemini, the Sun is making its way through Cancer, and Venus and Mars are about to conjunct in Leo before Venus overtakes her slower-moving brother.

On the other hand, our interpersonal and outer planets are all clustered from Capricorn to Taurus – Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn in Aquarius, Jupiter in Pisces (for like…one more minute before it retrogrades back into Aquarius), Chiron in Aries, and finally Uranus in Taurus. As our inner planets travel from Gemini, through Cancer, and onto Leo they are each making aspects to these outer planets one after the other.

Each new sign a personal planet enters into interacts with these outer giants differently – when in Cancer you’re more likely to bring your emotions to the table while in Leo you’re more likely to bring your ego. This is just the basics of transits and aspects in astrology that I’m explaining to you here but I’m doing so for a reason.

This is happening on a really fast scale. Mars speeds things up – Mars in Leo puts a slow-burning fire underneath everything that it touches. With Mars out ahead of Venus, the Sun, and Mercury he has the opportunity to really blaze a trail. Bide your time until the new moon on 7/9 before starting something new though – better to hunker down and let the Mars t-square ease up a bit before plowing forward.

Venus is not far behind her brother and relationship issues will be close to the surface through all of the beginning of July as Venus reactivates that t-square with Saturn and Uranus. It will be best to show a lot of patience to your others until Venus and Mars conjunct on 7/13 – they may be going through their own shit that has nothing to do with you.

Mercury makes one final square to Neptune in Pisces before finally leaving his retrograde shadow on 7/7 and exiting Gemini for Cancer on 7/11. Here they join in the Sun’s mission to square Chiron in Aries and oppose Pluto in Capricorn as they make their way together through Cancer. Collective pain might be very close to the surface – remember to ward or protect yourself from it if you are an HSP.

The week of 7/12-7/15 is the friendliest cozy timing of the month but watch out for that weekend as the Sun opposed Pluto on 7/17. Venus enters Virgo on 7/21. the Sun enters Leo on 7/22, and we have a full moon at 01 degrees Aquarius on 7/23 – take what you have learned over the month and really, truly consider what you can let go of to become the better you.

The end of the month is all about refinement. With Venus and Mars now in Virgo, you’ll start to see the need to draw some lines in the sand. To really work through the kinks, make an honest assessment of the value of things. Mars opposes Jupiter on 7/29 – make sure that you are not looking at the world through rose-colored glasses – all that glitters is not gold.

The Sun and Mercury conjunct on 8/1 on the same day as they form an opposition to Saturn in Aquarius – this is going to be a big power day. Plan ahead.

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