June is a “2” month (6+5=11, 1+1=2) – if 1 is the individual, 2 is a couple. Expect relationships, partnerships, and coupledoms in the widest definitions to be in the spotlight all month. Though this can be nice (it might be a good month for a private candlelit romantic dinner or that important conversation), the astrological transits of June come with a big warning sign.
The setup: Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde. We are also midpoint through eclipse season which culminates with a solar eclipse in Gemini on Thursday 6/10.
The heavy-hitting energy of the month is our ongoing square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus which goes exact Sunday 6/13. This is the unstoppable force meets immovable object energy and it will be in effect all month long. Long-term grievances will be very close to the surface – expect tempers to be high and patience to be low. Stay sweet with your others or your candlelight dinner could become a house fire.
Mars is still in Cancer until 6/11 so watch that emotional overflow – be wary of projecting your emotions onto others or trying to make them feel how you feel. This will be especially true when Mars in Cancer opposes recent retrograded Pluto in Capricorn – this energy is already in effect and will likely be felt through most of next week.
The opposition between Cancer and Capricorn will play a vital role in the energy of June as Venus in Cancer will also oppose Pluto as a bookend to this energy on Wednesday, 6/23. The oppositional axis between Cancer and Capricorn is concerned with family, tradition, and the way that it has always been. Retrograded Pluto wants to destroy what no longer serves us. I sense push-pull energy (perhaps similar to the tidal energy of Cancer) – the 2 coupledom plus Venus in Cancer may want to pull us in and bring us closer to our loved ones but Pluto in Capricorn is going to be working under the surface to shift, change, and rearrange.
Watch out for relationship undertow – one person being so stuck in the past that it’s keeping all members from moving forward.
Remember, Venus was conjunct Mercury when they stationed retrograde last weekend. As such, she will be taking some of that retrograde energy of revising, rethinking, reconsidering with her forward as she traverses the sign of Cancer all month. The way that it has always been (represented by Cancer) is not good enough anymore. This may feel really hard – though Cancer and Capricorn are both Cardinal signs, they can get really stuck in the “tradition” (Cancer) or the “fine print” (Capricorn).
If you’ve ever seen a Cancer or Capricorn completely mired in a go-nowhere relationship, you’ll know what I mean. Some people know when to give up. Cancer and Capricorn are not those people. There’s an echo of that Saturn-Uranus fixed square energy in that, too.
A big flex this month is going to be to let your “others” be exactly who they need to be. Right now. In this very moment. Not who they promised they would be. Not who you thought that they were. Not who they were yesterday. Mercury is retrograde in Gemini for most of the month so communication may not be forthcoming and while Venus and Mars are in Cancer, emotions may be off the charts. Some realignment will be necessary. Give your others the space to know what they need.
It may leave you feeling high and dry if you tend to use others for emotional regulation. With the fireworks of Mars opposed Pluto this week and the eclipse plus Saturn-Uranus square NEXT week – you probably would do better taking some alone time right now to figure your own shit out. Unless you really need to, try sitting on it until at least 6/20 when the Sun enters Cancer.
The last week of the month has some potential for sweetness but does carry with it Mercury’s station direct and that Venus-Pluto opposition. July, thankfully, has a lighter mood – we could use a break.
Important Dates:
6/2 – Venus enters Cancer
6/3 – Sun in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius, Venus in Cancer trine Jupiter in Pisces – treat yo self to something nice
6/5 – Mercury retrograde square Neptune (watch out for lies/reveals, repeats on 7/6) and Mars opposed Pluto – CAUTION lie low this weekend and watch for accidents/fights
6/10 – solar eclipse at 19 Gemini – emo city
6/11 – Mars enters Leo, Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury – again, a big reveal
6/13 – Saturn square Uranus, Sun square Neptune – CAUTION – lie low this weekend, too. Think before you react.
6/18 – Venus goes out of bounds in Cancer – things get weird, emotionally. Expect the unexpected – will be in effect for the rest of the month
6/20 – the Sun enters Cancer (The Summer Solstice)
6/21 – Venus trine Neptune – a pleasant water trine, spend time with those you love but watch out for lies/manipulations
6/22 – Mercury stations direction at 16 Gemini, rejoice!
6/23 – Venus opposed Pluto – CAUTION – rocky relationships/fights
6/24 – Full moon at 04 Capricorn
6/25 – Neptune stations retrograde at 23 Pisces
6/27 – Venus enters Leo
6/30 – Mars opposes Saturn