Happy April, dear friends! April is a “9” Numerological month (Month 4 + 5 year = 9) – 9 energy is associated with the end of a cycle. Things are coming to a state of completion. This is strongly mirrored in this month’s astrology and, of course, in the transits we are experiencing throughout all of 2021.
This “9” energy is naturally in misalignment with the “1” energy of Aries. Aries is the first sign in the zodiac – Aries is the eternal “Number 1”. Aries is notorious for being a good starter and but a poor closer (at best). The push/pull of start/finish is further accentuated by the current placement of Mars (the planetary ruler of Aries).
Mercury joins the Sun and Venus in Aries on the 3rd which further increases the energy of “go, go, GO!” that is a natural aspect of Aries season. It will be hard to act on this energy though since Mars is in Gemini, a sign that traditionally has zero go. Gemini, like the Dude, wants to abide. Gemini would rather that somebody else did the difficult task or made the challenging decision. This is further activated when Mars enters Cancer on Friday the 23rd – Mars energy is very out of touch with the Cancerian impulse to protect and hold.
No matter how much we might like it to be, April isn’t going to be a good month for forward momentum. This is going to piss a lot of people off in a time when many already have frayed nerves. If you haven’t seen had to deal with an Aries whose path has been thwarted – consider yourself a lucky person. And this month, we are all going to sit in this energy. Expect to encounter tension and impatience in yourself and others – this is your cosmic reminder to step back and disengage rather than pick that fight that you can’t win.
That of course assumes that you have enough distance and self-awareness to see the fight and recognize that you can’t win. This is a month to draw on those abilities or try to cultivate them if they are not something you already possess. The anecdote to this energy is to stay in your own lane and focus on yourself. Look at what steps you can take within yourself to forward that goal that outwardly seems thwarted or slowed at this time.
This is where the “9”/Completion energy of this particular April comes into play. We may find as we try to enact change this month that the thing holding us back may be something within ourselves that we’ve continued to hold on to. The Sun, Mercury, and Venus all make tense squares to Pluto in Capricorn – we experienced a number of squares between Aries and Capricorn last year – things activated during 2020 may be up for review. When Aries and Capricorn butt heads, there can be little room for compromise. There may be some breakups or breakdowns this month. Trust that even if it hurts, it’s for the highest good.
I feel strongly that it is these things that are up for completion this month. On the theory of “change before you have to”, we’re well past the “before” and deep into the “have to” now. Change is hard but always better served if you take the wheel and guide it.
It’s worth noting that our three fast-moving “planets” (Sun, Merc, and Venus) each make a square to Pluto AND then conjunct Uranus one right after another. This is big change mojo. It is the inevitability of the event horizon. That may sound scary but I want to be clear – when there is an event horizon, you can’t see beyond it. When you don’t know what is going to happen next – ANYTHING BECOMES POSSIBLE. There is a lot of magic in that.
I by no means mean to apply that April will be all doom and gloom because it certainly will not. There’s a lot of support during the month to get this internal work done – to rework yourself so that when the time is right, you can “go” with impunity. This is a good month to unplug and step away from the writhing masses – people are going to get really triggered so the best thing that you can do to stay out of reactivity is to disengage. Focus on what you want, use this Aries energy to create a mind map or detailed plan of how you are going to get there.
This month supports projects that can take time rather than deadlines. It supports keeping a little something-something for yourself, a nice little secret that you don’t tell the world. A passion project. This month supports taking up that hobby that you always wanted to do but never seemed to get around to.
The world is becoming something new (it always is but this time it’s very in the spotlight) but we need to give it the space to breathe. Watch out for judgment of other people’s journeys – you never know what is going on that you don’t know about. It’s going to be a good month to not compare your chapter 1 to somebody else’s chapter 10. It’s a month to become conscious of how you are telling your story.
The big dates to look out for are:
4/3 – Mercury enters Aries
4/7 – Venus sextile Mars (brown chicken brown cow)
4/11 – New moon in Aries with Venus square Pluto
4/14 – Venus enters Taurus
4/15 – Sun sextile Jupiter – lucky days
4/17 – Mercury square Pluto
4/18 – Sun conjunct Mercury
4/19 – The Sun and Mercury enter Taurus
4/22 – Venus conjunct Uranus
4/25 – Mercury conjunct Venus square Saturn
4/26 – Full Moon in Scorpio
4/27 – Pluto retrograde
4/30 – Sun conjunct Uranus
The squares to Pluto and the Conjunctions to Uranus are the big “Watch Out” days of the month. It may extra important to lie low and avoid conflicts on those days. Especially online when Uranus is in play.