I am still deep in the watery depths of Pisces season and haven’t come up for air much over the past couple of weeks. Each day, even when cold (we’re still seeing occasional 30° days here in Southern New England), I’ve been grounding myself by venturing out to check out the progress of the reclaimed garden.
My garden is a Thing this year, she already has a very distinct personality. When we broke ground in her last year she was as spicy as the thorns on the black locust tree growing within her boundaries. I don’t know who had tended her in the past but she was well pleased to discover that a witch was here to help and nurture her.

This is how she greeted the world this spring. A tall middle finger to anyone who might want to come and mess with us is how I see it. And that’s a part of witch gardening, amiright? Our plants protect us in ways that are almost beyond comprehension.

That said, she’s only getting started. Last year I installed a pretty intense guardian in my garden area – a metal Venus fly trap statue that I immediately named Audrey 3. As my partner pointed out, she’s propagating, too! This gal is definitely Audrey 4 and I can’t wait to find out what she is going to be!
(The partner & I did two different plantings of bulbs in the fall, one of them after dark on Christmas day because the ground had thawed, and neither of us remembers what we put where – it’s a spring bulb choose-your-own-adventure out there right now).

Things really are coming along (despite the cold weather). This haze is lifting a bit every day. Perhaps my first Snow Drop will open to welcome the snow they are predicting that we will have over the next two days…
Today, I count my bulbs. Each day there are more – tiny treasures waiting to be discovered.
It is enough.