Happy March a few days late!
March has such a different energy signature from what we’ve been experiencing over the last couple of months – really different than anything we even experienced throughout all of 2020. We’ve finally crossed the threshold into the new…sorta.
The truth is that with everything that has fallen apart, everything that has changed, everything that we know that we will need to change – we all, collectively and individually, are going to need a while to process it all. Pisces season is a pretty good time to do so. This whole month hold a deep invitation to go deep, to really dig into what went wrong, what went right, where we all want to go, who we really are.
It is worth noting that though this kind of work is important (necessary?) – you need to make sure that you have your life preserver with you before you wade into the Piscean waters. This is a month to pack all of your tricks and stay aware – watch out for the undertow. Trust your intuition about when is the right time to submerge and when isn’t.
Depending on your willpower and how influenced you are by the stream of the unconscious, it may be hard to ignore the pull of this energy this month. For the next three weeks, we have the Sun and Venus transitting Pisces in lockstep with one another as they approach their inevitable conjunction known as the Venus Star Point. This happens every 9.5 months and always represents a pivotal point in the Divine Feminine journey. Lessons that began last June might be up for re-evaluation.

When Venus crosses over the Sun in the forward direction as she is now, she transits from the Morning Star to the Evening Star. This doesn’t happen until the 23rd and will happen in the sign of Aries but the gravity of this energetic shift is already deepening. This is a great time to let go of any “feminine” notions that you may be carrying from family, media, or partners that don’t fit who you are.
This energy is being enhanced by our long-term astro weather – the breakdowns of 2020 and the isolation that the pandemic has wrought have created a lot of space for self-exploration. A lot of people have begun to really see themselves – perhaps for the first time in their lives. Now we are getting another opportunity to dig into that and then to become.
There will be a sweet otherworldliness to March – Neptune is also in Pisces and will be adding its energy. The Sun, Moon, Venus, and Neptune will be conjunct each other for the new moon in Pisces on the 13th which is a great day for dreaming of whatever you want most in the world. Just beware to keep some grasp on reality – this much Piscean energy can lead to illusion, mental illness, and disconnection – disassociation even in some cases. If you need to step back, try grounding techniques – go for a walk outside, meditate, or do some focused bodywork like yoga or dancing.
At the end of the month, the Sun and Venus will enter Aries exactly one day apart from each other and the astrological year is born anew with the first day of Spring. That weekend 3/20-21 can be treated like NYE in terms of resolution-making or just as a general reset.
The last full week of March is going to be by far the most intense – the Sun and Venus are going to make conjunctions to our Wounded Healer Chiron which may bring up some old wounds for re-evaluation. The energy will build all week and release on Saturday 3/28 with our Full Moon in Libra. That also is the day that the Venus-Chiron conjunction goes exact. The Divine Feminine is being asked to heal something during this time – give yourself the space to do this.
March is also an “8” numerological month – this reflects the astrology of very high highs and the potential for the lowest lows. This is a month to flow with and allow yourself space to feel into what is going on beneath the surface. Just remember to come up for air and bring yourself back to the present every once in a while.