Starting later today and going all the way through to the new moon on Thursday afternoon, our moon will have joined the other five planets (for the purposes of astrology we refer to the sun and moon as planets) in Aquarius completing and accentuating our long-term stellium. This is a LOT of Aquarian energy – a stellium is any time three or more planets conjoin in a sign let alone six! – and the entire stellium is creating a square to either Mars, Uranus, or both depending on the degree.
If you’re in a very forward-thinking mindset (looking towards the future, dreaming of better days, wanting more for the collective, etc.) this energy might feel really good but this energy is like Goo Gone to anything that no longer serves us so if you’re feeling stuck, or resistant to some change in your life that needs to happen, this energy might be really challenging or triggering.
The Aquarian energy is really expansive – it wants us to think big, to consider how our actions affect others (even the collective at large), and to consider where in your life you are not allowing for freedom – freedom to think differently, act differently, be different and unique. Aquarian energy is extremely eccentric as you’ve likely seen from the Aquarian types in your life. There is likely someone in your life who you are not allowing the freedom to BE – is that someone you?
This energy has been building since Jupiter and Saturn came together in exact conjunction on December 21st in 00 degrees Aquarius. If you’re feeling really stuck right now and you don’t know why, consider revisiting what was happening in your life in December. Perhaps there was something that came due – a past problem that came up for reevaluation, or something that you were supposed to lovingly let go and move on from. With 2020 being an oh-so-Capricorn year and the 21st being the first day of Capricorn season, we might not have been able to let go – even if it was in our best interests.
Especially right now, when our lives seem so small, it can feel like what is in our lives is all we will ever have. It’s amazing how often we as humans hold on to things that make us really fucking unhappy. All of these planets in Aquarius demand differently – they say that the way it’s always been is not good enough. They scream from the rooftops that tradition doesn’t mean anything if it’s not progressive – if it doesn’t serve everyone. This is being reflected in our outer worlds in politics right now but it’s also being reflected in our personal lives as well.
If the theme of last year was “Change before you have to” we are fast approaching the “Have To” point of no return. The increasing square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus goes exact for the first time on the 17th. This is deep transformational energy that will ebb and wane four times over the course of this year. The final conjunction doesn’t happen until the 24th of December. What was broken loose must find a new home – to quote Ian Malcolm “Life…uh…Finds a Way.”
If you are “in it” know that you are right on time. Change is inevitable – it is the only constant. Remember that the more that you lean into what is changing in your life, the more you can steer those changes. If you allow the change to work for you rather than to you, you may find great rewards on the other side.