Last night I was reading about the phenomena that is the shower orange. It is (somewhat surprisingly) exactly what you might imagine it to be – you bring an orange with you when you go to take a shower. For a second I was puzzled but I was quickly won over by the very idea of the sharp tang of citrus oils aerosolizing all around me as in the spray of a hot shower. I put it on my list of things to do as winter wanes ever closer to the end of citrus season.
I’m obsessed. Citrus is my big cheat to my mostly localvore life (see also: coffee). I allow myself the indulgence the most during our long New England winters when we are so in need of that tiny hit of sunshine that citrus can provide. Lemon, lime, pink grapefruit, and clementine are long-time personal favorites but I could write a sonnet about the mandarin I ate for breakfast at my brother’s place in Lisbon.

As a kitchen witch, I strive to find as many ways to incorporate citrus into my magic as I do to eat it. Whether I’m using lemons to cleanse or oranges to brighten and bring happiness, they are a staple of my magic both in the kitchen and outside of it. I wanted to write today about two of the ways that I use citrus in edible magic. I will start with something very simple – simple syrup!
Simple Syrup
In its most basic form, simple syrup is made by combining equal parts of water and sugar through a low heat method. From there, you have many ways of adding some magic. You can make teas or tisanes. For this version, instead of using water – I use citrus juice. Any kind will do – just match the type of citrus to your intention and get to juicing. For a working like this, I suggest juicing the citrus yourself (this allows you to really connect with the energies of the fruit) but if you’re pressed for time, any Naked (no sugar added) juice will do.
Note: we are basically making a home made Sour Mix but it is so much better than what you can buy
You will need: 1 cup citrus and 1 cup sugar of your choice1 (optional: 1 tsp zest)
Instructions: Combine in a small pot and heat on low, stirring constantly until the liquid is no longer opaque. You can double boil if you want but if you are stirring constantly, this isn’t necessary. I like to focus on my intention as I stir (clockwise if I’m using the syrup to bring something in, counterclockwise if I’m using it to clear something out). When you can see through your mixture, it is done. Put it into a storage container and let it sit out until it’s cooled.
Simple Syrup is meant to be used fairly quickly, it will store in the fridge for a week or two. If you’re looking for something with more shelf life, consider making it a complex sugar by added two times the amount of sugar for liquid. That will also make a thicker constancy which is good for adding to the top of baked goods.
How do I use simple syrup? I drink it. This can be added to tea spells or cocktails as you see fit. I’ve been using mine in a lovely as-yet-unnamed cocktail with an eastern white pine-infused vodka that I’ll be writing about sometime in the near future.

Citrus Curd
Citrus curd takes a lot more work than a simple syrup but I find the act of having to actively whisk an item on the stove to be very witchy! It really allows me to tap into my intention and focus on it as I stir and stir (and stir!) My version of Citrus Curd is a traditional one that calls for eggs but you can find vegan ones on the internet if that’s your thing.
Like with a simple syrup, you should choose your citrus based on your intention. In general though you can use a mix of lemon, lime, orange, and grapefruit for any intention related to mood elevation (that vitamin C will cure what ails you), cleansing, and even banishing. Here we use the zest and the juice so try for organic fruits whose peels will be safer to consume.
You will need: 1 cup citrus juice, 1/3 cup sugar, 5 tbs butter (cubed), 2 eggs, 3 egg yokes, 2-4 tsp citrus zest2
Instructions: Combine ingredients in a thick bottomed pan (or double boil), heat over low to medium heat, whisking constantly. Remove from heat when thickened, and strain if desired. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for 1-2 weeks.
Citrus curd is so versatile. It can be used on top of pancakes or thumbprint cookies. It can be added to ice cream, yogurt, or cottage cheese. It can always be made into the traditional but oh-so-reward Key Lime or Lemon Meringue pies. Consider what you are combining it with to increase the weight of intention. For instance, if you’re banishing something, combine with blackberries for protection.

In any case, I hope that I’ve inspired you to eat more magical citrus in your life! There are so many other ways that I intend to play around with continuing to grow this practice – making my own citrus sugars and salts, for example. I’ll get back to you, eventually, with the results. – Minx
1 I used white sugar for this purpose because I was looking for purity in the flavor of the citrus but you can use honey, brown sugar, or agave if they align better with your intention
2 Zest adds a unique flavor and bitterness that some people find objectionable. I’m personally not a fan of orange zest and won’t use it but love the zest of other citruses, zest to taste