On Change & Frozen Things: A Winter Walk in the New England Woods

posted in: Green Witchcraft, In the Woods | 0

What even is time? 

I have spent this week deep in contemplation.  I have laughed and I have cried.  I have raged against what seems like the futility of it all. 

Or maybe it is just January?  The ennui is real and seems inescapable.

Instead, I choose to give my emotions to the forest.

In the forest, no one can hear you scream.   Some would find that chilling but I am a witch.  In the forest I can scream to my heart’s content.   The trees can absorb it like they do my carbon dioxide.

In the forest, oak is my friend.   As is the tiny mushroom that I almost step on, nestled between the fallen leaves.

I know that this is only the beginning.  The Winter has yet to deepen – our feet fall through the ice as we step across the half-frozen streams.   

I don’t know who I’ll be when the ice finally thaws. For the first time in a really long while, I’m okay with that.

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