I’m thinking of my friend’s six-year-old daughter Clara today. Clara is young and multi-racial. She will also likely never remember a time when a black woman, like herself, was not Vice President of the United States. The thought of that brings tears to my eyes – today more than most days, the ceiling for young girls growing up just got a lot higher.
I am very thankful for today.
As an astrologer, I also stand in awe of the aspects of today. Many astrologers area talking about this – The Sun is at 00 Aquarius conjunct Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius as well as Pluto still sitting back in Capricorn. This entire four planet stellium is square to Mars and Uranus in Taurus whose conjunction goes exact today. As it gets passed by the transitting moon creating another stellium.
And this Taurus stellium is also conjunct to another point in the sky – the lesser-known and lesser understood point of the Black Moon Lilith.
As far along in my astrological journey as I am, I have not done any research or work with the Black Moon Lilith prior to now. I have no idea on where this point falls in my own chart and only a passing understanding of what the point even represents. Simply stated – Black Moon Lilith is the opposite focal point of the moons ellipses around the Earth – that’s great, but I’m no astronomer.
But what does this point represent? Like all astrological points, you can find a lot of secrets in its name. Whether viewed as a goddess, a demoness, the first wife of Adam, or just a mythological figure – one cannot deny Lilith’s allure. Her mythology is deeply steeped in female power, in saying “no” to what holds you down, in the reclaiming. She is connected with the serpent and therefore with kundalini energy.
We have been undergoing a great Un-Doing – an un-raveling of the power structures that no longer serve mankind. Sure, too many are standing against this revolution, but time and progress march forcibly onward. We are greatly supported in this change by Saturn in Aquarius who calls for change for the greater good.
Today I find tears and my eyes because I think that we are supported by the point of Black Moon Lilith, too. Like Uranus, this too is a point of undoing. Of cutting away what no longer serves – of walking away from the garden, perhaps, that is more a trap than a home.
Today the divine feminine steps forward to say “No More”. Never again will you be able to say that we aren’t good enough, that we are too emotional, that the way its always been is the only way.