I’m not a Celtic witch but I visit St. Brigid’s Cemetery on the regular and the sun shines there brighter than anywhere else in town. Even when the rest of my walk is beautifully gray and dreary, at St. Brigid’s the sun shines in my eyes. It is welcome during these dark winter months.
This ritual is designed to pack a 1-2 punch. You create something during the full moon in Leo (ruled, of course, by the Sun) and use it on the solar holiday the following week. Ultimately, make this your own – what works in your craft is right for you. But consider keeping the solar associations of the correspondences that you use in this ritual to keep it in line with my idea.
Since I view Brigid’s day (and Brigid in general) to hold a very cleansing vibe, I am going to make a salt scrub during the Leo full moon, charge it in the sunlight and the energy of the full moon, and then use it in a water ritual on Brigid’s Day. Basic Salt Scrub:
- 1.5 cups Epsom or sea salt
- 2 rosemary sprigs, finely chopped
- 2-3 drops lemon essential oil (optional)
- 3 tables coconut oil or honey
- 2 tbs. lemon zest
You could charge this salt in the full moon energy, in the Sun to increase the solar significance, or light a candle near it. Consider calling on any solar deities that you have a working relationship with – they will all be very accessible during this time. As one of the seven planetary powers, you can call directly on the Sun if you so wish.
If you aren’t into baths, you could make yourself a solar tea (I love using hibiscus as a solar ally for tea making), infuse your own gin (juniper berry is another excellent solar ally), or mix yourself a solar oil…the ideas are endless.